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1、7. tackle sb. about 就与某人交涉 8. idle about 无所事事 idle away 虚度光阴( ones time) 9. at leisure 空闲时,有空时 10. take precautions against 预防11. be inclined to do = be tempted to do = tend to do 倾向于做,往往做 have a tendency to do 有做的趋势 12. at a stretch = on end = constantly 不停地 stretch ones mind 绞尽脑汁 13. vary from per

2、son to person 因人而异 eg. The effect of the treatment varies from person to person. 疗效因人而异。14. bounce back 卷土重来,(受挫后)很快恢复 15. by / in leaps and bounds 极其迅速地 16. by a narrow margin 勉强地;险胜地 17. at ones disposal 任某人处理,供某人使用 18. deceive sb. into doing 欺骗某人做 19. be crippled by 因受到重创;受到打击 20. make an issue o

3、f 借题发挥,小题大做,做文章 take issue with sb. on sth. 就某事与某人争论 21. pay the penalty / price 付出代价,受到惩罚 22. off ones guard 毫无提防地 one ones guard 提防,警惕 eg. Be on your guard against thieves. 提防小偷。23. lap up = embrace 欣然接受 24. a hail of(applause) 一阵(掌声) hail from 来自(= come from);出生于 25. stem from 源自 文案大全 eg. Their h

4、atred stems from envy. 他们的仇恨源自于嫉妒。26. steer clear of 避开,绕开 eg. You should steer clear of electrical equipment indoors. 你应该避开房内带电设备。27. deny doing 否认做28. arouse ones curiosity about 引起对的好奇 29. know sth. / sb. backward(s) 对很熟悉,倒背如流 30. tremble / shiver with 因而颤抖,发抖 31. in full swing 正在全力进行中 32. lead t

5、he way = set the pace 领先,起带头作用 33. be held in reputation 享有名望 live up to ones reputation 不负众望 with a long standing reputation 久负盛名 have a reputation for 有的名望 34. start from scratch 白手起家,从零开始 35. let things slide 放任自流 36. givethe slip 避开,甩掉 eg. His ex-wife was trying to give him the slip at the party

6、. 派对上,他前妻试图避开他。37. press on with 加紧进行38. at / in a pinch 在紧急关头,必要时刻 39. be inferior to(介) 次于,比差 40. sb. be suspected of 某人被怀疑 suspect sb. of = sb. be sceptical about = sb. be suspicious of 怀疑某人 41. proceed / continue to do / with sth. = continue doing = resume / keep doing 继续做某事 42. strain to do 努力,

7、尽力做 43. string sb. along 欺骗,愚弄某人 string along sb. 跟随某人 44. tone up 使更强壮 45. trade in 做的生意 trade off 卖掉;交换 46. a trace of(truth / dust) 一丝(真理),少许(灰尘) trace back 追溯 47. trail along 无精打采地走 48. in concert = in chorus 齐声地,一致,一齐 49. put the screw on sb. = press sth. on sb. 对施加压力,强迫做 文案大全 50. go with the t

8、ide 顺应潮流,随波逐流 51. be liable / reasonable / accountable for 对负责 be liable to(介) 易于52. in the wind (秘密地)酝酿中,即将发生 53. draw a veil / curtain over 避而不谈,隐瞒 54. screenfrom 掩蔽,遮蔽以防55. hazard ones life 冒着生命危险 56. be justified in doing 有理由做57. on its merits 按是非曲直说,按实质说 58. by virtue of(experience) 凭借(经验),由于 5

9、9. a web of(lies) 一套(谎言) 60. whip up 激起;鞭打 eg. whip up popular resentment against Japan 激起大众的反日情绪 61. post threat to(介) 造成对的威胁 62. and so forth / on 等等(一些) 63. call a spade a spade 直言不讳,有话直说 64. at the cost / price / expense of 以为代价 65. make allowance(s) for 体谅,谅解,宽容 66. go into details 详述,逐一诉说 67.

10、with a view to(介) 为了68. angle for 谋取,猎取(通常为贬义) at an angle of 以角度,从角度 69. on the hook 陷入困境 off the hook 摆脱困境 70. beyond measure 无可估量,极度 eg. They helped me beyond measure. 他们给予了我无可估量的帮助。71. defy description / understanding 难以形容 / 无法理解 72. criticize sb. for 因而批评某人 be critical of 对挑剔,对吹毛求疵 make critici

11、sms on 对提出批评建议 73. propose an object to oneself = make up ones mind to do = set ones mind to do 立志,下定决心做 74. to the core 彻底地,完全地(thoroughly) 75. take stock of 对评估,判断 76. by the same token = similarly = likewise 同样地,出于同样的原因 77. cling to(介) = stick to(介) = keep to(介)坚持(观点、看法) 78. make a bid for(power

12、/ safety) 努力争取 文案大全 79. presence of mind 镇定自若 absence of mind 心不在焉 in ones presence 当着某人的面 80. beyond expectation 意想不到 in expectation of 期望,期待 81. form into gangs 拉帮结派 82. have a hatred for sb. 憎恶某人 have a hatred at sth. 憎恶某事 83. obtain permission from sb. 获得某人的许可 84. bargain about 讨价还价 85. negotiat

13、e for / about 就进行协商 negotiate with sb. 与某人商议,协商 86. be representative / typical / characteristic of 的典型,特点 87. behave towards 对待的表现,举止 88. conduct onself (学会)做人;(行为)表现 89. boost our spirits 鼓舞士气 90. make a nuisance of oneself 使成为讨厌的人 make a fool / spectacle of oneself 使某人出洋相 91. brand sth. on ones mind 将铭记在心 92. bring up the rear 殿后,处在最后的位置 eg. The clowns are going to bring up the rear at the parade. 小丑将在游行中殿后。93. economic recession 经济衰退 94. in bulk 大量,大批 95. heart and soul = head and ears 全心全意,全身心 96. make haste(to do) 加紧,赶快(去做) 97. amount to(介)= be equal

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