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1、 bus stop 中间停靠的站A. bored a.无聊的D. amuse vt.取悦 amusing a.让人发笑的 amused a. 被逗乐的2012.5A. thanks to / owing to / due to / by virtue of / on account of / as a result of /by reason of / in that + 句子 由于,因为 B. in case of = in the event of 以防万一in the case of 关于,至于C. as well as 和,也,又D. except / with the excepti

2、on of / exclusive of (不包括的)除了,比如:除了张三,其它人都考过了。(张三没有过,被排除在外)besides / in addition (包括的)除了, 比如:除了金银铜,还有很多金属。(金银铜也是金属,包括在内)apart / aside from (皆可的)除了except for (表示美中不足的)除了2012.6C. vary / range from to 从。到。变化The price of oil varies/ranges from 75 dollars a barrel to 110 dollars a barrel. range vi.(强调在范围

3、内)变化vary v.变化various a.各种各样的variety n.多样性 * a variety of = various variable a.可变的variation n.变异,差异2012.7on a diet = lose ones weight 减肥2012.10make up ones mind to do sth = determine to do sth 下决心做某事resolute determination 坚定的决心A. hesitate v.犹豫 hesitation n.犹豫without hesitation ad.毫不犹豫地B. without doub

4、t ad.毫无疑问地D. without exception ad.毫无例外地,一律2012.13A. dull a.不清楚的,枯燥乏味的B. annual adj. 每年的 annual salary n.年薪C. relaxing a.令人放松的2012.16be willing to 愿意做。 be unwilling/reluctant to 不情愿做。for rent 待租 for sale 待售 A. abandon vt.抛弃(舍不得)desert vt.抛弃,遗弃(不顾道义)B. Park v.停车自动档汽车档位设置(这个对考试不重要,生活常识而已):P parking 停车档

5、R reversing 倒车档N neutral 空档D driving 行驶档S Sport 运动/竞速档L Limit 限制档M Manual 手自一体变速箱中的手动模式C. used a.二手的 = second hand D. broken a.坏了的,中止的2012.17A. whats more / in addition / furthermore / moreover / additionally 此外B. that is / that is to say 也就是说/ in other words 换句话说 in the same way 同样地C. on the contra

6、ry = in contrast 相反地D. as soon as / hardly 。 when / no sooner . than / the moment (instant) / on doing sth 一。就。 2012.18A. break out 爆发 (战争,疾病,火灾等不受欢迎的事情)B. burst into tears/laughter 突然大哭/笑C. hold back 束缚,抑制D. give off = emit vt.发出,放出(光热气声)2012.20Only+状语的倒装结构carry out 实施,执行 2012.22A. display vt.&n. 显

7、示,展览B. journey n.旅行(总称)Journey to the West 西游记voyage n.水上旅行(远)flight n.空中旅行excursion n.短途旅行expedition n.考察,探险D. adventure n.冒险take / at the risk of 冒险2012.24B. theoretically ad.理论上地theory n.理论in theory ad.理论上in practice ad.实际上C. generally ad. 一般地,通常地D. actually ad.实际上地* I am in the middle of somethi

8、ng. 我正在有事。2012.25considerate a.体贴的,周到的B. see sb off 送 meet sb 接C. see through 看穿,看透; 帮。度过难关 carry throughD. see out送出去 set out 出发2012.26B. under control 在掌控中out of control 失控out of order 出故障= break down C. under discussion 在讨论中D. under pressure 处在压力之下2012.29B. impression + of 印象comment + on / about

9、评价,评论Whats your comment on the latest movie called 1942?C. recover vi.恢复健康(体力,能力等) recovery n.restore vt.使恢复D. make a living 谋生P1. 动词词组详解:Q1 A. come up with 提出,提供= put forward 提出 = submit vt.提交,呈递* The panels report was submitted to the committee. 专家组报告已提交至委员会。B. put up with 忍受,容忍* I can not put up

10、with his annoying habits. 我受不了他这烦人的坏习惯。be fed up with 厌烦* Im totally fed up with this old laptop. 我烦死这个破本本了。keep up with / catch up with / keep pace with 跟上,赶上* I need to study hard to keep up with my classmates. 我要好好学,不掉队。fill up with 用装满* to fill up this tank with engine oil. 把这个油箱装满机油。end up with

11、 以。结束* I always end up my dinner with a bowl of soup. 我吃饭最后总是喝碗汤。C. turn to 转向;求助;翻到。页* She often turns to the reference book for guidance. 她经常参考那本书。* Please turn to the next page. 请翻到下一页。D. stick to 坚持 * stick to a post坚守岗位 * stick to the original plan 坚持原计划* stick to ones words 遵守诺言 = keep ones pr

12、omise = keep to ones wordQ2 A. turn down 调低,拒绝 * If you are hot you can turn the heater down. 如果你觉得热, 你可以把暖气拧小。* We have turned down four applicants already. 我们已拒绝了四位申请者。B. deal with 与交易, 和做买卖;处理; 对待* We have dealt with that firm for many years. 我们与那家公司有多年的生意往来。* There are many difficulties to be de

13、alt with when starting a new business. 开展一项新业务时, 有许多困难需要解决。* Deal with a man as he deals with you. 以其人之道, 还治其人之身。C. take after 长得像; 性格类似于; 效仿 * She takes after her mother. 她长得像她母亲。* Mary takes after her father in being introverted. 玛丽性格内向, 像她父亲。* Hed got a way of his own and I tend to take after him

14、. 他有自己的一套方式, 我想效仿他。D. come across 穿过, 越过;偶然发现, 偶然遇见* Be careful when you come across the street. 过马路要小心。* I came across him in the street yesterday. 昨天我在街上无意中碰到了他。Q3 A. put off 延期;关掉;脱去(衣、帽等) put over = carry over = postpone vt. 推迟 后接n.或Ving.* They decided to put the meeting off until after Christmas. 他

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