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1、 警察在最后一刻出现了。4. best seller War and peace was a famous best seller. 畅销品战争与和平是一本著名的畅销品5. duck soup Believe it or not, going abroad frequently is duck 易如反掌的事 soup to me. 信不信由你,经常出国是一件很容易的事情 ones wordsShe said that no one could beat her at tennis, but she 承认错误,收回前言 had to eat her words after losing

2、 several games.她说网球谁也打不赢她,但是她输了好几场以后,就不得不收回前言。7. black and blue My uncle came out of the fight black and blue. 遍体鳞伤 我叔叔打完架后遍体鳞伤8. free hand The director gave me a free hand to see to it. 放手处理的权利 导演委托我全权处理此事。9. cold fish Dont depend on him. He is a cold fish. 冷酷无情的人 别想指望他,他是个冷酷无情的人。10. hot air Dont p

3、ay any attention to him. What he told us was 空话大话 a lot of hot air不要理会他,他对我们说的都是空话大会。11. black sheep Tom is the black sheep of his family 害群之马,败家子 Tom 是个败家子12. eat ones head off Its hard to fee them up , for they always 食量惊人 eat their heads off. 养他们可不容易,因为他们食量惊人。13. have a bite Im hungry. Shall we h

4、ave a bite in the restaurant?吃点东西我肚子饿了,我们去餐馆吃点东西吧?14.dead to the worldI found him lying under the tree, dead to the world.熟睡,不闻不问我发现他躺在树上,睡的很香。15.bring down the house The girls performance brought down the house. 博得满场喝彩或热烈鼓掌那个女孩的表演博得了满场喝彩。16.busybodyShut up, you busybody. 忙人,好管闲事的人闭嘴,你这个好管闲事的人17.bad

5、 sailor Please take this medicine with you in case you are 晕船的人a bad sailor. 请带上这些药品免的你晕船。18.long run The play had a long run on Broadway before being 长期made into a movie.这个剧本在拍成电影之前曾经在百老汇长期上演。19.the man in the street No wonder the man in the street can not afford 普通人such expensive furniture. 难怪普通人买

6、不起这昂贵的家具。20.girl of the old schoolShes a girl of the old school, very hard to deal with. 保守,内向的女孩 她是个内向的女孩子,很难打交道。21.mud in your eyeEach time he raised his cup he would say,“well, 祝你好运heres mud in your eye.” 每次他端起酒杯她都会说,祝你好运。22.push and goTo his great surprise, these young people are full of 干劲,进取心p

7、ush and go . 使他大为吃惊的是这些年轻人干劲冲天23.pull ones legI doubted that he was pulling my leg. 取笑,愚弄我怀疑他是在愚弄我。24.pull up ones socks/pull If hes hoping to get this position, he will have to ones sock uppull his socks up. 鼓足干劲,加倍努力如果他希望得到这个职务,他就应该加倍努力。25. have a ball “Do you enjoy yourself?” “Sure,Im having 尽情作乐

8、a ball.” 玩的开心吗,当然,我玩的开心极了。26. clean the house for Sooner or later I will clean the house for him.someone跟某人算帐 迟早我将要和他算帐。27.above board His business dealings were above board. 光明正大的 他的生意往向都是光明正大的。28.on the level This was no fault of mine, on the level. 老实说 老实说,这不是我的错。29.on the rocks As far as I know,

9、 the company is on the rocks. 陷入危机 据我所知,这个公司已经陷入了财政危机。30.much less He cant read English, much less speak it. 更不用说 他看不懂英语更不用说英语了。31.go fly a kite Tom told him to go fly a kite.让某人滚开,别麻烦 Tom叫他走开。32.go and see ones aunt Wait a minute. Ill go and see my aunt. 去卫生间 等一下,我要去上一下厕所。33.go up in the airHe goes

10、 up in the air for no reason at all.发怒,发脾气他常常无缘无故发脾气。34.put ones foot into I beg your pardon. Im always putting my mouth ones mouth foot into my mouth. 说错话,闯祸对不起,王女士,我总是说错话/闯祸。35.chew the ragI am sure that no one is willing to chew the rag.闲聊 我相信没有人在上班时间闲聊了。36.crash the gateTom crashed the gate and ate like a horse.擅自闯入Tom擅自闯入了大门并大吃了一

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