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1、 农业推广硕士 研究领域 农业科技组织与服务 研究方向答辩日期 二一六年五月 The research of Ginkgo industry development in Pizhou cityByChen JinpingSupervisor:Professor Tian SuyanA DissertationSubmitted toNanjing Agricultural UniversityIn Partial Fulfillment of the RequirementsFor the Masters Degree of Agricultural ExtensionOct.2016原 创

2、 性 声 明本人重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果。除文中已经注明引用的容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品成果。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本人完全意识到本声明的法律结果由本人承担。学位论文作者(需亲笔)签名: 年 月 日学位论文使用授权书本学位论文作者完全了解学校有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,同意学校保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和电子版,允许论文被查阅和借阅。本人授权农业大学可以将本学位论文的全部或部分容编入有关数据库进行检索,可以采用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存和汇编学位论

3、文。,在年解密后适用本授权书。本学位论文属于不。 (请在以上方框打“”)导师(需亲笔)签名:中文摘要邳州市栽培银杏历史悠久,邳州市银杏各项生产指标在国甚至国际已处于行业领先位置,银杏产业发展霸主地位已经形成。为了充分发挥当地银杏资源优势、构筑产业发展新格局、加快银杏产业综合开发、推动全市经济建设快速发展、增加民收入、提高邳州在全国的知名度。本研究旨在正确剖析银杏主产区-邳州银杏产业发展的研究,找出当地银杏产业的优势与制约因素,并提出科学性、前瞻性的发展思路,拿出有针对性、可操作性的对策与建议。本文研究方法采用了理论结合实际案例、全局性与地域性结合对比分析、银杏产业发展外因分析等论证方法。得出邳


5、州市银杏产业国际竞争力两个方面。论文对邳州市银杏产业发展模式的有效运行有针对性地提出了相关对策措施,即通过基地建设、科技投入、龙头企业建设、技术支持和国际市场调研来确保走出去战略的顺利实施,通过塑造有吸引力的投资环境,吸引高质量的外国直接投资和引进所需的知识。关键词:邳州市;银杏产业;发展研究;发展思路;对策建议ABSTRACTThe ginkgo cultivation has a long history of pizhou city, which production index in domestic and even international has been in the ind

6、ustry leading position. the ginkgo industry development dominance has been formed of pizhou city. In order to give full play to local gingko resources advantages, to construct new pattern of industrial development, to accelerate the development of ginkgo industry comprehensive, promoting the citys e

7、conomic construction and rapid development and increasing the income of the people, improve if popularity throughout the country. This study aims to analyze the ginkgo producing right . so we should analyze the good points and the bad ones of Pizhou ginkgo industry correctly .We should put forward t

8、he scientific ways .practical suggestions. In this paper, the research method adopted theory combined with the actual cases, as well as the combination of global and regional comparative analysis, ginkgo industry development inside and outside the reasoning methods for analysis, etc e to pizhou gink

9、go industry development has the diversity of base construction, industrial upgrading in a timely manner, abundant land and labor resources, rich in tourism resources, such as advantages, but also has low value-added products, enterprise scale, brand awareness is not strong, not enough publicity, etc

10、. Under the influence of the external environment, development of pizhou city ginkgo industry is faced with opportunity and challenge, opportunity lies in the comprehensive benefit of ginkgo biloba prospect, the challenge is to must deepen the product in the processing, increase investment in scienc

11、e and technology, broaden the sales channels, etc. Therefore should strengthen the government management, science and technology management, in order to maximize the ginkgo industry.The development of pizhou city ginkgo industry depends on taking scientific pattern.On the basis of the research, this

12、 paper puts forward the future pizhou city ginkgo industry increase government management, science and technology management mode, namely government-led, science and technology leading model, after embodied in optimizing management, actively go out and ginkgo city products, vigorously develop the in

13、ternational market and effective to improve pizhou ginkgo industry international competitiveness.Papers on the effective operation of pizhou city ginkgo industry development model puts forward the relevant countermeasures, namely through the base construction, investment in science and technology, l

14、eading enterprise construction, technical support and the international market research to ensure the smooth implementation of go out strategy, by creating an attractive investment environment, attract high quality foreign direct investment and the introduction of the knowledge required.KEY WORDS:Pi

15、zhou city; Ginkgo industry; development research; development ideas; Countermeasures and Suggestions绪 论一、选题的依据与意义很早以前,人们便开始栽种银杏,它发源于中国,品质很高,全身上下都很有价值,它同时具有充当木材、经营果实、充当木材、制作药材、等很多用途,集观赏价值、生态价值、科研价值、经济价值于一体。银杏对气候环境并不挑剔,中国很多地方都有种植。以前,我们往往只看到了银杏在种植和木材方面的价值。在60年代中期的时候,当德国医药科学家发现银杏叶片其实可以治愈心脑血管疾病、高血压等病症以后,人们才开始重视银杏的种植和价值。当前,银杏的叶子、花粉和外种皮也开始作为药品和保健品的成分,银杏结的果(白果)也是我国的传统出口产品,其占比达到世界总产量的90%。银杏树应无病虫害侵扰,能够调节空气、优化生态,因此其生态防护和园林观赏价值也日益受到人们的重视。我国自古以来便是银杏之乡,随着城市经济持续推进,国更多的人投入到栽种银杏的活动中,产量持续攀升,对其开发更加如火如荼,经营效益逐渐

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