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1、24. Ask for请求,询问25. As.as与.一样26. As soon as一.就.27. As usual像平常一样28. As if好像29. As long asxx,只要30. As soon as possible因可能早地,尽快31. As well也,又,同样地32. At home在家33. At school在学校34. At work在工作35. At night在夜里36. At first起初37. At the end of在.结尾,到.尽头38. At the same time同时39. At times有时,偶尔40. At once立刻,马上41.

2、At midnight在半夜42. At the head of在.的前头43. At the moment此刻44. At last终于,最后45. At least至少,起码46. At sea在大海上47. At the age of在.岁时48. At the beginning of起初,开始B开头Be full of 充满.Be good at 在.方面(学得,做得)Be later for 迟到Be able to 能,会Be afraid of 害怕Be amazed at 对.感到惊讶Be busy doing 忙于.Be excited about 对.感到兴奋Be fil

3、led with 用.充满Be made of 由.组成,由.构成(物理变化)Be made in 在.生产或制造Be pleased with 对.感到满意Be proud of 以.而自豪Be used to 用于Be born 出生于Be angry with 对(某人)发脾气Be awake 醒着的Be famous for 因.而有名Be fed up with 厌倦Be interest in 对.感兴趣Be/get lost 迷失(道路)Before long 不久Beg ones pardon 请原谅,对不起Both.and. .和.都.(指两人或物)By air /plane

4、 /sea/ship 乘飞机/船By the way 顺便说,顺便问一下By the time 到.的时候C开头Come in 进来,进入Come on 来吧,跟着来,赶快Come out 出来,开花,发芽Come over 过来,顺便来Catch up with 赶上Come to oneself 苏醒,恢复知觉Come down 下来,落下Come true 实现Come up with 找到,提出Clean up 清除,收拾干净Carry on 坚持下去Cut down 砍倒D开头Do ones homework 做作业Do (some )reading 朗读,阅读s best 尽最大努

5、力,尽力Do well in 在.方面干得好Drop off 放下(某物),下车E开头Each other 互相Either . Or.或者.或者.Enjoy oneself 过得快乐,玩的愉快Even thought 即使Ever sine 从那时起,此后一直F开头Family tree 家谱Family name 姓From .to .从.到.Fall down 倒下,跌倒,从.落下Field top 野外旅游Fall asleep 睡觉,入睡Fall off (从.)掉下Find out 找出,查出First of all 首先,第一G开头Get up 起床Get down 下来,落下G

6、et to 到达Ger married 结婚Get together 相聚Get back 取回Get off 下来,从.下来Get on well with 与.相处融洽Get .back 退还.送回去Give .a hand 给予Give a concert 开音乐会Give name =first name 名字Give birth to 生(孩子)Give up 放弃Go home 回家Go shopping (去)买xxGo to bed 睡觉Go on doing (something)继续做某事Go wrong 走错路Go back 回去Go boating 去划船Go fish

7、ing 去钓鱼Go hiking 去徒步旅行Go skating 去xxGo out 外出,到外面Go over 过一遍,仔细检查Go straight along 沿着.一直往前走Go to school 去上学Go to work 去上班Grow up xx,成长H开头Have a look 看一看Have a seat 坐下,就座Have supper 吃晚餐Have lunch 吃午饭Have breakfast 吃早餐Have a (good ) rest 休息Have sports 进行体育活动Have to 不得不,必须Have a cold (患)感冒Have a cough

8、(患)咳嗽Have a haeadache (患)头痛Hace a good time 过得快乐Have a try 尝试,努力Hand in 交上来Hands up 举起手来Hear from 听说,收到.的来信Here and there 到处,处处Help . With.帮助(某人)做(某事)Help yourself to 自取,随便吃How much 多少How long 多长,多久Hold on (口语)等一等;(打电话时)不挂断Hold a sports meeting 举行运动会Hour after hour 一小时又一小时Hurry up 赶快Had better (do )

9、最好(做)I开头In English 用英语In the day 在白天In a hurry 匆忙地In front of 在.前面In the open air 在户外,在野外In fact 实际上In front 前方,正对面In the end 最后In the future 将来In time 及时In the air 在空中In this way 用这种方法J开头Just now 刚才,不久以前Just then 正在那时K开头Kind of 各种各样A kind of 一种,一类Keep doing something 一直做某事Knock at 敲(门,窗等)Knock on 敲

10、(门,窗等)L开头Later on 后来,稍后Laught at 嘲笑Large numbers of 许多Learn from .向.学习Less than 不到,少于Leave from .向.学习Leave . Behind 把.遗留在(留下)Listen to 听Live on 靠吃.生存,以.为主食Look for 寻找Look out 留神;注意Look over (仔细)检查Look up 向上看;抬头看;查阅Lots of 许许多多的M开头Make friends with 交个朋友Make phone calls 打电话Make money 赚钱Make the bed 整理

11、床铺Make anoise 吵闹Make faces 做鬼脸;做苦脸Make ones way to 往.走去Make room for 给.腾出地方Make a contribution to 贡献,捐赠Make a decision 作出决定Make sure 确保:确认;xxMake up ones mind 下决心More than 多于; .以上;比.更More and more越来越More or less 多少有点;或多或少N开头Neck and neck (竞赛等)并驾齐驱Next to 相邻;靠近Neither .nor .既不.也不.Never mind 没关系No mat

12、ter 不论Not . At all 一点也不Not as/ 与.不一样Not only .but also.不仅.而且.O开头Of course 当然On duty 值日On foot 步行On the left /right side 在左边/右边On time 准时On ones way to 在.途中On watch 值班;守望On display xx;展览On the earth 在地球上On show 展出One day 有一天,某一天Open up 开设;开业;开放P开头Pass on 传递;转移到.Pay for (something)付钱;支付Pick up 拾起,捡起Play the piano 弹钢琴Point at 指示;指向Point to 指向Prefer .to.

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