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1、不定式的基本形式主动形式被动形式一般时To do To be done 完成时to have doneTo have been done进行时To be doing 完成进行时To have been doing to be doing 表示主动、进行to have done 表示主动、完成to have been doing 表示动作从过去持续到现在,刚刚完成或者还在继续to be done 表示被动to have been done 表示动作被动、完成不定式的语法功能 不定式可以做: 主语、宾语、表语; 定语、状语、补语(宾语补足语) 不定式做主语1. 基本用法 例句:To see is

2、to believe.(眼见为实)2.重要用法it做形式主语,to do 做真主语 结构一:it is+形容词+ for sb +to do sthIt is good for us to take part in physical labour.结构二:it is + 表人品的形容词+of +sb+to do 例句:It is kind of you to help me.表示人品的形容词 kind;nice;polite;clever;wise;fool; stupid;thoughtful 不定式作宾语 动词+to do sth1.有些动词后面需要用to do作宾语,这些动词有: aff

3、ord;aim;appear;attempt;bother;care;choose; claim;consent;dare;decline;demand;desire;fear; hesitate;manage;offer;pretend;resolve;seek; swear;strive.+to do sthI hesitate to do everything.2. 动词+疑问词+to do sth 有些动词后面会加“连接词+to do”作宾语 这样的动词有:tell;advise;show;teach; decide;find out;discuss;learn;forget;know

4、; have no idea.My mother will teach me how to cook the dish. 扩展:疑问词+to do sth结构还可以做主、表语The question is how to put the plan into practice.3 如果不定式做宾语并带有补语,那么 用it做形式宾语,将不定式放到补语 后面。They found it impossible to get everything ready in time. 不定式作表语1. 有些词作主语可用不定式做表语表示将来的动作或具体的动作,这些词有: purpose;plan;goal;hope

5、;wish;aim.His purpose is to discover the most faithful friend. 不定式做定语(通常放在被修饰词后面) 下列词语后常接不定式作定语:chance、wish、right、courage、need、promise、time、 problem、opportunity、way、the first、 the second、the last、the only等There will be many difficult problems to deal with. 不定式做状语1. 不定式做目的状语(常用so as to do和 in order t

6、o do的形式)I decided to work hard in order to catch up with the others. 注意:in order to do可以放在句首作状语, 用逗号与主句隔开。不定式做原因状语 在一些形容词做表语时,可接不定式表明产生这种情绪的原因,此类形容词有: Happy ;lucky;glad;sorry;proud;disappointed; angry;surprised;ready;delighted;pleased; easy;difficult;hard.I am sorry to bother you. He is easy to get

7、along with.不定式做结果状语 常见结构太.以至于不能. enough to.:足以. only to.:结果却. to或 to: 如此.以至于.We hurried to the classroom only to find none there .注意:有些不定式做状语形成了一种固定 结构例如:to tell you the truth to my surprise to be frank to be honest to be start with needless to say(不必说) 动词不定式做宾语补足语1. 有些动词后面可以加to

8、 do 做宾补,这些动词有ask;allow;get;invite;help;want; order;encourage;hate;warn;permit; oblige(迫使) 构成“动词+sb+to do sth”Please allow me to introduce myself.2. 重点:有些动词后面用不带“to”的不定式做宾补,但是这类动词在转换为被动语态时,必须还原“to” 这类动词有:make;let;have;keep;see;hear; watch;notice;feel;observe;leave;get. 例如:I see him enter the room. He

9、 was seen to enter the room. My mother makes me learn English every day. I am made to learn English every day.不带“to”的不定式 有些动词如感官动词、使役动词后面用不带“to”的不定式做宾补,但是这类动词在转换为被动语态时,必须还原“to” make;watch; observe.等 在had better;would rather;would sooner; cant but(只好、不得不) do nothing but.后面用不带“to”的不定式Youd better tell

10、him the truth. expect和but之后,如果前面有do则后面就省略“to”,如果前面没有“do”,则不省“to”There is nothing to do except(but) read book. There is no choice except(but) to read book.真题再现There were many talented actors out there just waiting_. discover be discovered C.discovered D.being discoveredWe were astonished_th

11、e temple still in its original condition. A.finding find C.find be foundI have a lot of readings_before the end of this term. A.completing complete C.completed D.being completed动名词(V-ing/not V-ing) 动名词的基本形式 动名词的语法功能 动名词的复合结构动名词的基本形式动名词的语法功能动名词做: 主语、宾语、表语、定语 动名词做主语1. 基本用法(注意谓语动词要用单数)Le

12、arning new words is very useful to me.2.常用结构 It is no use/no fun/a pleasure.doing sth There is no +doing sth不可能做某事It is no use talking like this. There is no telling what will happen tomorrow. 动名词做宾语1. 动名词做动词的宾语 有些动词后要接doing作宾语,这些动词 有:suggest;finish;avoid;stop;begin;like;t help;mind;enjoy;admit;dela

13、y;deny; consider;escape;practise.I enjoy listening to music. 注意1:有些动词既可以接动名词又可以接 不定式作宾语,但是意义差别很大forget to do sth:忘记做某事forget doing sth:忘记做过某事go on to do sth:接着去做另 一件事go on doing sth:继续做同一件事情stop to do sth:停下来去做另一件事stop doing sth:停止做某事regret to do sth:遗憾的做某事regret doing sth:后悔做过某事remember to do sth:记着去做某事remember doing sth:记着做过某事try to do sth:设法、试图做

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