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五年级上册英语教案Unit3 Time 表格式共4课时外研剑桥版Word格式.docx

1、内 容 修改栏教 学 目 标 知 识 能 力 掌握时间的问答|,特别是to和past的用法|; 在实践中就时间问题能用英语熟练应答。和学生们一起制作表盘|, 一起从实际中练习和学习。过 程 方 法 复习旧知|,引出新知|,游戏练习|,情境应用。情 感 态 度 价值观 时间就是生命|,时间就是金钱|,我们应该珍惜时间。教学重点 Past和to的用法 教学难点 To的熟练运用 教学、教具(课件)准备 CAI|,a clock 教 学 流 程 教学环节教 师 活 动 预设学生活动 Step1. Warming-up Number puzzle Step2. Revision Show some cl

2、ocks 1) T: Whats the time?2) T:(复习整点和半点的问答) 3) T: I get up at six oclock. When do you get up?4) Ask the pupils to ask and answer in pairs. Step3. Presentation 1) The teacher shows a clock model and sticks it on the Bb. Show different time|, then ask|, “ What time is it?” 2)Sum up “分钟数+past+点钟数 ” “60

3、-分钟数+to + 点钟数+1” 3)Show more time|, ask the pupils to say freely. Step4. Practice 1) Ask the pupils to ask and answer in pairs. 2)Show the time in English in paper. Ask|, “What time do you?3) Show the time by arms. Step5. Production Show the time table. Say about “My day”. Homework Write about “My d

4、ay”. Know the number and try to say it. S: Its . S1: I get up at S2: I get up at Work in pairs. Read and learn. Say with the teacher. Answer quickly about the time. Ask the questions and finish the time table. Sum up the table: I get up at |,I go to school at Work in groups. 数字复习为时间表示法的讲解奠定了基础。在此处可以

5、渗透复习半点和一刻钟的另一个表示词。日常生活对话的介入使时间表示法的学习鲜活起来。“To”的讲解可以和它本身的含义结合起来“去、到”|,半小时以后差几分到下一点。板 书 设 计 一刻钟:a quarter past . 半小时:half past . 半小时以内:分+past+时 半小时以外:差几分+to+下一个时刻 to (一个表盘|,平均分成两种颜色)past 反 思 本节课主要是复习时间的表达方法|,了解to和past的具体用法|,在前面的教学中已经有过接触|,在表盘出示不同时间逐渐熟练表达后|,大部分孩子基本能掌握to 和past 的用法。但是有几个学困生仍然需要老师的帮助和更多的训练

6、。在情感方面我又及时地对学生进行了渗透教育|,让学生懂得时间就是生命|,时间就是金钱。我们应该珍惜时间|,合理安排自己的学习时间和生活时间。(五)年级(上)册(英语)学科集体备课个案2019.10.3Unit3Part2/3/4听说第2课时2019.10.29项 目 容目标知 识能 力1.继续巩固时间表达|,熟练问答Whats the time?/ What time is it? Its 2.熟用句子I at School starts / ends at 接上节课的日常生活表述来继续巩固时间表示法的学习。第三人称的使用要给孩子们强调。过 程方 法通过听时间排序号复习时间表达|,小组问答巩固

7、时间表达|,free talk回顾一天的活动|,听音连线活动与时间|,补全句子巩固所学。情 感态 度价值观培养学生热爱生活|,合理安排作息时间。教学重点Whats the time?I at 教学难点时间表达 教学、教具(课件)准备tape recorder|, a clock|, daily life pictures. 教 学 流 程教 师 活 动预 设 学 生 活 动Step1 Warming up 1) Greetings. 2) Show clocks and watches in Part4|, ask|, “Whats the time?” Then ask the pupils

8、 to listen and number. 3) Free talk. I get up at six oclock. When do you get up / have breakfast / have class / do sport / go hone / do homework / go to bed?Step2 Presentation 1) CAI show daily life pictures of Tom|, say|, “This is Toms daily life. Look! What is he doing in Picture? Yes|, lets liste

9、n when Tom do the things.” 2)Listen and match with the pupils. 3)Ask|, “When does Tom get up / have breakfast / go to school? When do classes begin?” to check the answers. 4)Say|, “If youre Tom|, say about your day.” Make a model like this:I get up at half past six. I have breakfast at seven. I go t

10、o school at half past seven. Classes begin at eight oclock. Tell: “Classes begin” can also say “School starts” The time we go home can say “School ends” Read more. Step3 Practice 1) Say a chant:I get up at 6:00. I have breakfast at 7:00. I go to school at 8|;00. I have lunch at 12:00. School starts

11、at 8:00. I do sport at16:00. School ends at 17:00. I do homework at 18:00. I go to bed at 21:00. 2)Make a survey about their days. 3)Ask to write their days down. Step4 Consolidation Show more Exx. Ask and answer about the time with partners. Greetings. Answer freely and number. Answer actively:I at

12、 Answer like this:Tom is getting up / having breakfast / going to school. Classes are beginning. Listen and match. Answer and correct. Say in pairs. Listen and read more. Say together. Write their days by themselves|, finish Part3. Do Exx. 复习热身课堂。一日生活的动词短语要读会背会。由“when”引导的特殊疑问句中助动词“do、dose”的使用|,其与主语的搭配关系要给学生们多练习讲清楚。时间表示法多使用半点以后的以加强新知的巩固。板书设计1、-Whats the time? / What time is it?-Its past / to 2、-When do you get up / go to bed?- I get up / go to bed at3、-When does school start / end?- School starts / ends at反思本课为三单元第二课时|,主要回顾熟练时间表达|,进而简单谈论一天的学习生活的时间安排|,既回顾了一天的活

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