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1、13. 26路车 bus No. 26 14. 从拿走 take away from15. 躺在路边 lie on the side of the road 16. 在旁边 next to17. 大声呼救 shout for help 18. 24岁的 Lily 24-year-old Lily19. 下车 get off 20. 拍X光片 get an X-ray21. 去医院 go to the hospital 22. 等下一班车 wait for the next bus23. 令人吃惊的是 to ones surprise 24. 同意做某事 agree to do sth.25.

2、多亏 thanks to 26. 及时 in time27. 惹麻烦 want trouble 28. 考虑 think about29. 马上 right away 30. 陷入困境 get into trouble31. 听起来像 sound like 32. 躺下休息 lie down and rest33. 睡觉 get some sleep 34. 跌倒/倒塌 fall down35. 放到水下冲洗 run it under water 36. 周末 on the weekend 37. 被击中头部 get hit on the head 38. 在体育课上 in P.E. clas

3、s39. 以相同的方式 in the same way 40. 被球击中 get hit by a ball41. 去爬山 go mountain climbing 42. 登山运动员 mountain climber43. 习惯于做某事 be used to doing 44. 冒险 take risks45. 情况危险 in a dangerous situation 46. 用完/耗尽 run out47. 切断/切除 cut off 48. 控制 (be) in control of49. 坚持做某事 keep on doing sth. 50. 中华路 Zhonghua Road51

4、. 呼吸困难 have problems breathing52. 送某人去医院 take sb. to the hospital53. 做出明智的决定 make good decisions54. 踢足球受伤 hurt oneself playing soccer55. 不加思考/想都未想 without thinking twiceUnit TwoIll help to clean up the city parks.1. 清扫城市公园 clean up the city parks 2. 帮助做某事 help (to) do sth.3. 使得振奋起来 cheer sb. up 4. 分

5、发/发放 give/hand out5. 在食物银行 at the food bank 6. 想出/提出 come up with7. 清洁日 Clean-up Day 8. 两周后 two weeks from now9. 推迟制定计划 put off making a plan 10. 张贴告示 put up signs11. 编写通知 make some notices 12. 打电话给 call sb. up13. 计划 a plan for 14. 敬老院 an old peoples home15. 帮忙处理 help out with 16. 给读报 read newspaper

6、s to17. 曾经/过去 used to do 18. 照顾 care for19. 放弃 give up 20. 喜悦的表情 the look of joy21. 四岁时 at the age of four 22. 一周一次 once a week23. 梦想成真 a dream come true 24. 与此同时 at the same time25. 无家可归的人 homeless people 26. 忙于 be busy with27. 至少/起码 at least 28. 暑假 summer vacation29. 用尽 run out of 30. 和相像 take aft

7、er31. 修理 fix up 32. 赠送/捐赠 give away33. 与相似 be similar to 34. 儿童之家 a childrens home35. 动物助手 Animal Helpers 36. 建起/设立 set up37. 接电话 answer the telephone 38. 我的一个朋友 a friend of mine39. 帮助解决难题 help sb. out 40. 对感到兴奋 be excited about.41. 发出命令 give sb. orders 42. 他本人的照片 a photo of him43. 结局很好/奏效 work out

8、fine 44. 家长热线 a call-in center for parents45. 经特殊训练的狗 a special trained dog46. 课外班 an after-school study program47. 讲述过去的经历 tell sb. about the past48. 动物医生/医院 an animal doctor/hospital49. 由于你的热心肠 because of your kindness50. 尝试做一名志愿者 try out for a volunteer51. 课外阅读班 after-school reading program52. 极强

9、的满足感 a strong feeling of satisfaction53. 为期6个月的训练后 after six months of training 54. 给我的生活带来了巨大的变化 make a big difference to my lifeUnit ThreeCould you please clean your room?1. 洗碗 do the dishes 2. 倒垃圾 take out the rubbish3. 叠衣服 fold ones clothes 4. 扫地 sweep the floor5. 整理床铺 make the bed 6. 没问题 No pro

10、blem.7. 出去吃饭 go out for dinner 8. 去看电影 go to the movies9. 在外面呆到很晚 stay out late 10. 搭便车 get a ride11. 购物回来 be back from shopping 12. 放学回家 come home from school13. 想要散步 want a walk 14. 扔掉 throw down15. 电视机前 in front of the TV 16. 遛狗 take the dog for a walk17. 一直 all the time 18. 整天 all day19. 吼叫还击/大声

11、回应 shout back 20. 走开 walk away21. 第二天 the next day 22. 惊奇地问道 ask in surprise23. 弄点喝的 get something to drink 24. 弄湿 get sth. wet25. 激光唱机 CD player 26. 浪费时间 a waste of time27. 依靠 depend on 28. 尽自己本分 do ones part29. 结果 as a result 30. 生病 fall ill31. 邀请参加聚会 invite sb. to a party32. 和朋友闲逛 hang out with my friends33. 培养独立性 develop ones independence34. 进入一个好大学 get into a good university35. 为了取得好成绩 in order to get good gradesUnit FourWhy dont you talk to your parents?1. 足够的睡眠 get enough sleep 2. 允许做 allow sb. to do sth.3. 和打仗 get into /have

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