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1、专业基础(笔试英语口试综合素质育明考研考博辅导中心张老师解析:1、北京师范大学汉语国际教育硕士专业考研的报录比平均在 6:1左右(竞争较激烈2、笔试以汉语基础与应用、文学文化分析、综合写作能力为主。3、复试满分250分,其中专业基础(笔试50分,英语口试50分,综合面试150 分。4、总成绩=初试成绩*66.7%+复试成绩*33.3%。5、初试公共课拉开的分差较小,两门专业课拉开的分差非常大。要进入复试就必须在两门专业课中取得较高的分数。专业课的复习备考中 信息”和方向”匕单纯的时间投入和努力程度更重要。&同等学历的考生需要加试2门本科阶段的主干课程。育明教育针对北京师范大学汉语国际教育硕士考

2、研开设的辅导课程有:专业课课程班 复试保过班 高端协议班。每年专业课课程班的平均通过率都在80%以上。根植育明学校从2006年开始积累的深厚高校资源,整合利用历届育明优秀学员的成功经验与高分资料,为每一位学员构建考研成功的基础保障。(北师大汉语国际教育硕士考研资料获取、课程咨询育明教育张老师叩叩二六、七八、五三七二、北京师范大学汉语国际教育硕士考研复试分数线七七(育明考博辅导中心年份政治英语汉语基础汉语国际教育基础总分2014年50分50分90分90分350分2015年50分50分90分90分350分2016年55分50分90分90分360分-.一八、七八、五三七三、北京师范大学汉语国际教育硕

3、士考研专业课参考书(育明考博辅导中心专业书名作者出版社汉语基础现代汉语增订 3版上下2002徐通锵、叶蜚声高等教育出版社现代汉语重订本(95版胡裕树上海教育出版社现代汉语词汇(增订本符淮青 北京大学出版社现代汉语语法研究教程陆俭明北京大学出版社古代汉语校订重排版王力吉常宏中华书局语言学纲要 2010年版叶蜚声徐通锵北京大学出版社汉语国际教育基础对外汉语教学引论 2007刘珣北京师范大学出版社中国文化要略2003程裕帧外语教学与研究出版社跨文化交际学概论胡文仲外 语教学与研究出版社外国文化史孟昭毅曾艳兵北京大学出版社心理学青少年不可不知的1001文化常识(外国卷李文勇中国对外翻译出版社对外汉语教

4、育学引论刘珣北京师范大学出版社对外汉语教育心理学徐子亮华东师范大学对外汉语教育心理学张灵芝厦门 大学1、参考书是理论知识建立所需的载体,如何从参考书抓取核心书目,从核心书目 中遴选出重点章节常考的考点,如何高效的研读参考书、建立参考书框架,如何灵活 运用参考书中的知识内容来答题,是考生复习的第一阶段最需完成的任务。2、专业知识的来源也不能局限于对参考书的研读,整个的备考当中考生还需要 阅读大量的paper读哪一些、怎么去读、读完之后应该怎么做,这些也会直接影响到 考生的分数。(北师大汉语国际教育硕士考研资料获取、课程咨询育明教育张老师叩叩 :二六、七八、五三七四、2016年全国硕士研究生考试英

5、语一真题Secti on I Use of En glishDirections:Read the followi ng text.Choose the best word(sfor each nu mbered bla nk and markA,B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET.(10 poi ntsIn Cambodia the choice of a spo use is a complex one for the young malet may invo Ive not only his parents and his frie nds,1those of t

6、he young wome n,but also a matchmaker.A young man can2a likely spo use on his own and them ask his parentsto3the marriage n egotiatio ns.or the young mans parents may make the choice of aspo use,gi ving the child little to say in the selectio n. 4,a girl may veto the spo use her parents have chose n

7、.5 a spo use has bee n selected,each family inv estigates the other to make sure its child is marry in g6a good family.The traditi onal weddi ng is a long and colorful affair.Formerly it lasted three days7 by the1980s it more com monly lasted a day and a half.Buddhist p riests offer a shortserm on a

8、nd8p rayers of bless ing.P arts of the cerem ony invo Ive ritual hair cutt in g,9cott on a circle of happ ily married and res pected coup les to bless the11.Newlyweds traditi on ally move in with the wife s parents and may12with them up to a year,13they can build a flew house n earby.Divorce is lega

9、l and easy to14,but not com mon .Divorced persons are15with some disa ppro val.Each spo use reta in s16 property he or she17 into the marriage,a nd join-y acquired property is18equally.Divorced persons may remarry,but a gen der p rejudice19up.The divorced male doesn t have a waiting period before he

10、 can remarry20the woman must wait the mon ths.1.Aby way ofBas well asCo n behalf ofDwith regard to2.Aada pt toB provide forCco mp ete withDdecide on3.AcloseBre newCarra ngeD postpone4.Aln theoryBAbove allCIn timeDFor exam pie5.AAlthoughBLestCAfterDU nl ess6.Ai ntoBwithi n CfromDthrough7.As in eBorCb

11、utDso8.AtestBco pyCreciteDcreate9.Afoldi ngB pilin gCwra ppin gDty ing10.Alight in gB passi ngChidi ngDservi ng11.Ameet in gBassociatio n Ccollectio nDu nion12.AgrowB partCdealDlive13.AwhereasBu ntilCforDif14.Aobtai nBfollowCchalle ngeDavoid15.AisolatedB p ersuadedCviewedDex posed16.AwhereverBhoweve

12、rCwhe neverDwhatever17.Acha ngedBbroughtCsha pedD p ushed18.AdividedBi nvestedCdo natedDwithdraw n19.AclearsBwarmsCshowsDbreaks2O.AwhileBso whatCo nceDin thatSecti on II Read ing Comp rehe nsionPart ARead the followi ng four texts.A nswer the questio ns below each text by choos ingA,B, C or D.Mark y

13、our an swers on the ANSWER SHEET.(4 Op oi ntsText1Fran ce,which p rides itself as the global inno vator of fashi on ,has decided its fashi on in dustry has lost an absolute right to defi ne p hysical beauty for woma n.l ts lawmakers gave p relimi nary appro val last week to a law that would make it

14、a crime to emp loy ultrathin models on run ways.The p arliame nt also agreed to ban websites that” in cite excessive thinn ess” byp romoti ng extreme diet ing.s a start.A nd the ban onSuch measures have a couple of up lift ing motives.They suggest beauty should not be defi ned by looks that end up withi mpinging on health.That ultra-thi n models seems to go bey ond p rotect ing models from starri ng themselves to health-as some

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