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1、2、 互动探索【教学建议】此环节设计时间在15分钟。本次课为复习课,我们可以通过较为轻松的氛围开始,建议互动探索部分选用一些热身游戏进行。本次课进行猜谜游戏。老师准备三个谜语,谜语是和本学期学的天气相关的。老师描述,学生抢答,答对一个计一分,最后得分最高的学生,可以获得老师提前准备的小礼物(最好是吃的,若出现均分,可以分着吃)。大家猜猜我是谁?keys:wind;cloud;snow词汇复习【知识梳理1】单词听写_Keys:computer电脑; Maths 数学; Chinese中国人; violin 小提琴;music音乐;restaurant 餐馆; telephone 电话; toil

2、et 厕所; smoke 吸烟; grass 草地; sign 标志; snowy 下雪的; degree 程度、等; windy起风的; cloud云【教学建议】抽出15-20个重点词汇进行听写。【例题精讲】例1.根据所提供的图片和句意结合给出的首字母填词1).- Do you like h_ PE classes? - Yes, we do.2).- What can you see? - A c_.3).Its t_ for Art classes. Please give me a brush.4). - What is your favourite subject? - Its M_

3、.5). - Is this a notebook? - No, its a C_ book.6). - Can you play the v_? - Yes, I like m_.having, computer, time, Maths, Chinese, violin, music【巩固练习】1.1). - Look, the fork and the knife. Shall we go to the r_ now? - Great2). - What can you see? - I can see two old t_.3). Look at the sign on the wal

4、l. Its a t_. 4). - Dont s_ in the library. - Im sorry.5). - What shouldnt I do? - You shouldnt walk on the g_.6). - What does this s_ mean? - We cant swim. Keys: restaurant, telephone, toilet, smoke, grass, sign2.1). Look, its a s_ day today. The wind blows strongly.2). - Whats the boy doing? - Hes

5、m_ a snowman.3).- Whats the temperature? - Its thirty d_.4).- Do you like the w_ days? - No, I dont.5).- Are there any white c_ in the sky? - Yes. 6).- Can you see the building clearly? - No, its a f_ day. cupboard/ wardrobe, bookshelf, bed, mirror, lamb, cushion, sofa音标(Phonetic)复习【知识梳1】元音&辅音主要元音音标

6、 /ei/ /ai/ / / /e/ / / /a/主要辅音音标 /m/ /n/ / /j/ /h/ /w/ /l/ /r/ / /例1.写出下列画线字母组合的读音。1./ / today great play2./ / meat teacher see3./ / head bread weather 4./ / farmersistersupper5./ / book look cook 6./ / short fourhorse7./ / farm park arm 8./ / herebeerear 1./ei/ 2./i:/ 3./e/ 4./ 5./ 6./:/ 7. /:/ 8./

7、例2.选出下列画线部分发音不同的单词1.( )cake face make cat 2.( )me leg bed set3.( )nut duck ruler cut 4.( )clock hot sock nose5.( )head dead deaf sea 3.ruler 4.nose 5.seaI. Read and judge. (判断划线部分发音是否相同,相同用T表示,不同用F表示)( ) 1. sing English ( ) 2. third these( ) 2. noise poor( ) 4. here cheer( ) 5. hair wear(

8、 ) 6. baby light( ) 7. rain paint ( ) 8. fly tiger( ) 9. home no ( ) 10. loud cloud T F F T T F T T T TII. Read and choose. (选出划线部分发音不同的单词)( ) 1. A. shadow B. sugarC. shelfD. cheap( ) 2. A. whatB. whenC. whereD. who( ) 3. A. hunterB. hourC. haveD. help( ) 4. A. withB. motherC. threeD. those( ) 5. A.

9、 bathB. thirtyC. teethD. father( ) 6. A. milkB. mouse C. roomD. night( ) 7. A. singB. bankC. findD. hungry( ) 8. A. yesB. yellowC. youD. toy( ) 9. A. monthB. mouthC. thinkD. they( ) 10. A. nameB. inC. findD. ring( ) 11. A. countryB. cousinC. outD. touch( ) 12. A. ice-creamB. breadC. weatherD. breakf

10、ast( ) 13. A. MarsB. wasC. wantD. pop( ) 14. A. thinkB. thisC. toothD.third( ) 15. A. mindB. childC. outsideD. quiet 1-5:DDBCD 6-10:DCDDD 11-15:CAABD语法(Grammar)复习【教学建议】让学生参与回顾,最后老师进行总结补充【知识梳理1】关键句型1. What did you have for breakfast? -I had2. Its time for Chinese class. Its time to go to school.3. Wh

11、at does this sign mean? -It means we mustnt swim.4. Whats the weather like today? -Its rainy/cloudy/sunny/foggy/snowy/stormy/ windy.5. Shall we go to see a film this afternoon? -Ok./ Sure. 类似结构有:What about/How about doing/Lets do/Why not do/Why dont you do6.-Which museum do you want to visit?-I want

12、 to visit7. -Why?-Because I want to see8.-What did you see there?-I saw9.These robots can perform Beijing Opera.10.Look! Those robots are very useful. They can help firefighters put out fires.例1. My mother saw some people playing football when she passed by the field.(对划线部分提问) did your mother _when she passed by the field?What see例2. -我们一起去踢足球吧? -好呀 -Shall we go to play football? OK.例3.Its time for the English class.(同义句转换) Keys:Its

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