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1、suggested answers. Choose the one that you think is the best answer. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet by drawing witha pencil a short bar acrossthecorrespondingletterinthebrackets. 1. We should _ our human and material resources if we are to succeedinthejoint venture. A.pourB. plungeC.poolD.pick

2、 2._Ilike thecolorofthehat,Idonot likeitsshape. A.WhileB. IfC.WhenD.Because 3. At the gathering, he talked _ about the matter, dampening everyone?sspirits. A.indetail B.witheaseC.onendD.ina confusingway 4.Inorderto beagoodscientist,_. A.mathematicsisvitalB.onemustmaster mathematics C.mathematics is

3、important to understand to understand mathematics 5. All flights _ because of the heavy storm, we decided to take thetrain. A.havingcanceled B.beingcanceled C.havingbeen canceledD.canceled 6. This singer is always very _ to the reaction of the audiencewhenshe givesaperformance. A.sentimentalB.

4、sensibleC.positiveD.sensitive 7. _ the size and nature of a business, its main goal is to earn aprofit. A.Whatever B.WhicheverC.WhereasD.Because 8. They were just about to give up the question, _ suddenly they foundtheanswer. A.asB.while C.whenD.themoment 9. His _ and experience make him an excellen

5、t person for this job. A.complacencyB.compensationC.cooperation D.capability 10. In the bitter cold, the explorers managed to _despite the shortageoffood. A.liveB. surviveC.bearD.endure Part Two Reading Comprehension In this part there are four passages followed by questions or unfinished statements

6、, each with four suggested answers. Choose the one that you thinkis the best answer. Mark youranswer on the Answer Sheet by drawing with a pencil a short bar across the corresponding letterinthebrackets. Questions11-15 arebased on the followingpassage: In the old days, divers used to go down into th

7、e sea looking for ships that had sunk, because they hoped to find gold and jewels. Now divers still search for valuable things in sunken ships, but they also try to bring to the surface the ships themselves, or parts of them. The value of different kinds of metals has increased greatly over the last

8、 twenty or thirty years and even though a ship has been under theseafor manyyears,itmaybeworthagreat deal. One famous sunken ship is the “Lusitania”, which sank off the southern coast of Ireland in 1915 with a loss ofnearly, 1,500 lives. It has four hugepropellers made of an expensive metal.Today ea

9、ch of those propellers is worth $ 300,000 or more. The ship lying on the sea-bed has been brought by a man called John Light. He paid about $ 1,200,000 for the whole ship. He hopes to bring up those propellers and sell them.He alsohopes tosellother partsof theship,when he has broughtthemto thesurfac

10、e,forabout$600,000. 11.Diverstoday trytobringtothesurface_. A.goldandjewels B.partsofships C.wholeships D.alloftheabove 12.Divertry tobringupmetalsbecause_. A.theyhavebeen intheseaforalongtime B.goldandjewels arenotvaluablethings C.somekinds ofmetalsareworthalotofmoney D.itiseasy tobringupmetals 13.

11、Theword“surface”inthepassagemeans the_. A.marketB.air C.topofaliquidD.sea 14.John Lighthopes thathe maybeable tosell alltheparts of the “Lusitania” forabout_. A.$12,000B. $300,000C.$1,200,000D.$1,800,000 15.JohnLight boughtthe“Lusitania”_. A.before1915 B.beforeitsank C.afteritsank D.aftertheyhadbrou

12、ghtup thepropellers Questions16-20 arebased on the followingpassage: No antibiotics have been proved to be 100% effective in treating SARS so far.The onlyeffective waytoget ridof itisby ourselves. It likes a prolonged battle between the viruses and our immune response. In fact, viruses couldn?t kill

13、 all the immune cells in a health individual. The stronger the immune function you have, the less the viral injury you get. Therefore, the degree of sickness after infection and the rate of recovery mainly depend on how strong your immunefunction is. You cannot avoid the infection unless you avoid f

14、rom those infected individuals/area. But, you can try your best to boost up your immunefunction byseveralregimes.Makesure youare“extremely healthy” at least during this critical period. Stronger immune function could keep the viral damage minimal even you were so unluckily being infected. Also, stro

15、nger immune function delays the onset of any detrimentaleffects from the viral infection. Scientists are now working on tracking the treatment fixing all sorts of flaws in DNA and so make sure you are still surviving until an effective treatmentoccurs. 16. According to theauthor, what is the effective wayto get rid of SAR

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