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人教版英语初三知识点总结单元 7文档格式.docx

1、3. 教学重点难点:. 三 引导的定语从句;本模块中的一些重点短语where的用法;由关系副词would like 四 重点词和短语. 想要 1. would like 去度假 2. go on vacation 徒步穿过热带雨林 3. trek through the jungle 穿过公园 go / walk through the park 徒步旅行go trekking 【即学即用】 the street. They walked the city. The river runs Be careful when you the busy street. 轻松,从容 4. take it

2、 easy 希望 5. hope to do 从句hope + that (将来)有一天6. some day (过去)一天/(将来)有一天one day 考虑做某事 7. consider doing sth 把视为 consider sb. to be sth. 认为 consider sb as 【即学即用】 my hotel, I will come and leave my new address in a few days. Im considering B. changed A. to change D. changing C. change a great help to st

3、udents of English. This book is considered A. to be D. was C. is B. being 8. the capital of sp 省会/ 的首都 欧洲最有活力的城市之一9. one of the liveliest cities in Europe 世界上最著名的教堂之一 one of the most famous churches in the world 第 页1 奇妙的景色 10. fantastic sights 通常 11. in general 一个高消费的地方12. quite an expensive place 为

4、某人翻译事情 13. translate things for sb 除非 14. unless 【即学即用】 除非天气很冷,我爸爸通常开着窗户睡觉。 its very cold. the window open My father usually sleeps (改为同义句)The party wont begin if Mary doesnt come. The party wont begin . Mary 15. take a trip = have a trip 去郊游 16. provide sth for sb 提供给 = provide sb with sth 户外活动 17.

5、 outdoor activities 给我一些旅游景点的好提议 18. give me some suggestions for vacation spots 19. be away 离开 出去半小时 20. go out for half an hour 接电话 21. answer the phone 捎个信儿 22. take messages 回电 23. call sb back 得到一些信息 24. get some information 25. find out 弄明白 旅行指南 26. vacation packages 去亲近大自然的旅行 27. go on a natu

6、re tour 举行一次大型的亲近鲸的旅游28. have a great whale watch tour 取决于 29. depend on 30. advertisement for vacations 假日广告 横渡太平洋 31. sail across the Pacific 梦想做某事 32. dream about things = dream of doing sth 希望与梦想 33. hopes and dreams 34. different answers to the question 问题的几种不同的回答 尽快地35. as soon as possible=as

7、soon as you can 以便 36. so that 继续做某事 37. continue doing = go on doing 根据调查 38. according to the survey 选择最流行的工作 39. the most popular choice of job 各种梦想 40. all kinds of dreams 愿意做某事 41. be willing to do 实现梦想 42. achieve ones dreams 坚持 43. hold on 实现 44. come true 2第 页 重点、难点、考点及疑点注释. 五 我希望有一天能去看尼亚加拉大

8、瀑布。1. I hope to see Niagara Falls some day. )Section A, 2a(我希望有一天能去夏威夷。I hope to visit Hawaii one day. 不定式”+ 从句,但不能接“宾语that 用作动词时,后面接不定式或hope 。例如: 我们希望再次见到你。We hope to see you again. = We hope we can see you again. 希望你能帮我学数学。I hope you can help me with my math. 的区别:wish与hope相关链接: ,宾语用不定式。均可表示“想,希望”w

9、ish与hope我希望去参观长城。I hope (wish) to visit the Great Wall. ,不定式作宾语补足)want或= would like(,其意相当于“想要,希望”不定式”+后接“宾语wish 无此用法。hope语,而他父母希望他当医生而他却想当His parents wish him to become a doctor while he hopes to be a teacher. 老师。 hope 加wish从句表示“希望”或可以实现的愿望;而that加hope从句,但that都可以跟wish 和 ,因此从句用虚拟语气。,通常指某种强烈而又难以实现的“愿望”

10、从句表示“愿望”that 我希望你能很快好起来。I hope youll be better soon. 但愿我能像鸟一样飞。I wish I could fly like a bird. 不能这样用。hope,而”宾补(形容词或名词)+,后面接“宾语可以表示良好的“祝愿”wish 我祝你幸福。I wish you happy. ;表示希望某I dont hope so,不可用I hope not在简单句中,如要表示希望某事不会发生时,应说无此用法。wish。而I hope so事会发生时,说 ,有“总有some day既可以指过去某一天,也可以指将来某一天。表示将来某一天还可用one day

11、 一天”之意。 One day, he walked out of the house with a small bag and never came back. 一天,他带了个小提包走出家门,再也没有回来。 总有一天你会因此事而致歉的。Youll be sorry for this one day. 我相信总有一天我们会再见面的。We will meet again some day, I believe. 【即学即用】 I hope school. a good job in a foreign company after I graduate D. finding; at A. to f

12、ind; from C. to find; at B. finding; from everyone good luck in the coming new year. I C. suppose D. wish A. hope B. want I were a butterfly now. I A. hope D. guess C. think B. wish . I hope I can be an engineer C. the other day B. each day A. every day D. some day last year I dropped in and found h

13、er badly ill. C. That day B. One day A. A day D. The day 型形容词v-ed型形容词和2. v-ing-ing某些动词的后面加上那么大家对它的用法熟悉吗?在英语中,型形容词,v-ing本单元出现了大量 页3第 ,可以变成形容词。-ed或 型形容词具有主动或进行的含义,是人或物本身所具有的品质。常见的词有:v-ing令人兴奋的excitingexcite 令人惊奇的surprising surprise 有趣的interesting interest 令人讨厌的boring bore 感人的moving move 发展中的developing

14、 develop 鼓舞人心的inspiring inspire 型形容词具有被动或已完成的含义,是由于受到某种影响而产生的结果。v-ed 感到厌恶的bored bore 感到惊奇的surprisedsurpriseexcite 感兴趣的interestedinterest 感到兴奋的excited 发达的developed develop 受感动的moved move 受到鼓舞的inspiredinspire 高兴的pleased please Section A, (下一次假期为什么不考虑去巴黎呢?3. For your next vacation, why not consider vis

15、iting Paris? )3a动词原形相当于(1)Why not+,常用来向别人提建动词原形,表示“为什么不?”you+Why dont 议。 为什么不努力学习?Why not study hard? 怎么不向那个警察寻求帮助呢?Why dont you ask the policeman for help? 知识链接 表示建议的句型还有: 我们去做,好吗?Shall we do sth? 咱们去做吧! do sth! Lets 你最好Youd better do sth. 怎么样? What / How about doing ? 形式。-ing,后面接动词时,应用动词的think about,相当于表示“考虑,细想”(2)consider I first considered writing to him, but then decided to see him. 我开始想写信给他,但后来决定去见他。 )Section A, 3b难道天气不应该是很热的吗?( 4. Isnt it supposed to be very

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