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1、D.suggestion画线部分读*,其他选项的画线部分读*。A.exhibitionB.honorC.horrorD.honest画线部分读h,其他选项的画线部分不发音。A.measureB.assureC.literatureD.yogurtA.newB.fewC.sewD.due画线部分读*,其他选项的画线部分读*.二、 Vocabulary and Structure(总题数:15,分数:15.00)1.-I saw Mary in the library yesterday.-You _ her, she is still in hospital.(分数:1.00)A.mustnt

2、have seenB.could not seeC.cant have seenD.must not see情态动词must作为推测时,不能用于否定式,它的否定式是cant,故排除选项 A、D。虽然问句用了过去式,但回答时强调的是结果,故选择完成式。2.She _ into tears when she heard from the hospital that her father died.A.burstB.wentC.fellD.explodedburst into tears表示“突然哭起来”,属于固定用法。3.What a lovely day, _?A.doesnt itB.isnt

3、 itC.hasnD.won感叹句的反意疑问句要用be的一般现在式。若是对人的感叹,主语用人称代词;若是对事物的感叹,主语用it。疑问部分一律用否定式。4.How much would you _ for repairing my radio?A.chargeB.costC.payD.spendcharge表示“索价;要支付”。5.The film was worth seeing. I regretted _ be missingB.having have missed“regret+动名词”表示“对过去做过的一件事的后悔”;“regr

4、et+不定式”表示“对尚未做或正在做的事情感到遗憾”。6.This car costs _ the other much much more much much asasas表示“与一样”,as与as之间用形容词或副词的原级。7.They stand _.A.under the the sunC.over the sunD.against the sununder the sun意为“天下;究竟”;in the Sun意为“在阳光下”;against the sun意为“朝着逆时针方向”。8.She had cha

5、nged so much that I could hardly _ her.A.differB.find outC.explainD.recognize本句句意是:她变化如此大,我几乎认不出她了。9.If we _ sooner, we might have got there.A.startedB.had startedC.would have startedD.start这是一个表示与过去事实相反的假设。这种虚拟形式一般是:从句谓语是过去完成时(had done),主句谓语是would(should,could,might)+have done。10.She tried hard, _

6、she was unsuccessful.A.thereforeB.butC.orD.unless她努力试了,但没有成功。11.Marys dress cost _ Alices.A.twice moreB.two times more asC.twice as much asD.twice as more表示倍数的词用在比较句中常用的结构是:主语+谓语动词+倍数+as +much /many+(名词)+as+名词或代词。12.He talks as if he _ everything.A.knowsB.was knownC.will knowD.knew句中含有一个由as if引起的方式状

7、语从句,这种从句有时要求用虚拟语气。本句是与现在事实相反的假设,因此谓语用过去式。13.I didnt know the answer, _.A.neither he didB.neither did heC.neither he knewD.he didnt neitherneither引导的省略句需倒装,倒装句在时态上应与前面句子保持一致。14.I prefer this game _ that one.A.thanB.more thanC.rather thanD.topreferto表示“比起更喜欢”。15.Let me give you _.A.advicesB.some advic

8、 adviceD.the adviceadvice是不可数名词。三、 Cloze(总题数:30.00)November 7, 2000 is a very special day in the United States. Voters all across the nation are (21) representatives in local and national races. Some people think that theyre voting for the president of our country too. Theyre not! Again, theyre

9、 voting for (22) . These representatives are called electors. They are part of a system called the Electoral College.In most states the electors are chosen on a winner take all basis. That makes it (23) for one candidate to win (24) electors while getting less popular votes nationally than his (25)

10、.The (26) will meet in their respective states and vote for president and vice-president on December 18, 2000. The Constitution does not (27) the electors to vote for the candidates that they are pledged to, but they almost always do. (28) January 6, 2001, just two weeks before the (29) president an

11、d vice-president take office, the votes will be counted in Congress.If no one gets a majority (more than half) of the electoral votes, at least 270 out of 538, the (30) will be chosen by Congress. The House of Representatives will choose (one vote per state) the president and the senate will choose

12、the vice-president. Its not likely, but we could (31) end up with a president from one party and a vice-president from (32) .In an extremely close election, all (33) of strange outcomes are possible. Will the (34) that most voters prefer be the next (35) ? And when will we even know?A.phoningB.askin

13、gC.wishingD.electing这篇涉及到美国的选举程序。2000年11月7日是美国的特别的日子。这一天全国的选民都在选举代表。这一日也叫总统大选日。A.presidentB.someoneC.candidatesD.representatives有些人以为他们也在选举自己的总统。事实上他们选举的不是总统。再重申一下,他们选举的是代表。而这些被选出来的代表叫选举人。他们是选举团的成员。A.possibleB.impossibleC.goodD.bad在大多数的州采取的是赢者全拿制度。这就可能使某个总统候选人在全国性选举时得票数比对手少的情况下仍能获得大多数选举人的票数。A.leastB.a fewC.littleD.the most见上一条。A.enemyB.election

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