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本文(旅游产业集聚对经济增长的空间溢出效应研究以湖北省为例文档格式.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!



2、北省旅游产业集聚下一步提升发展的可行性对策建议。关键词:旅游业;产业集聚;空间溢出效应ABSTRACTIn January 2018, Hubei Province issued the opinions of the Hubei Provincial peoples Government on the Reform and Development of Tourism Industry. In order to implement the opinions of the State Council on promoting the Reform and Development of Tour

3、ism (Guofa (2014) 31), To give full play to the positive role of tourism in expanding domestic demand, stabilizing growth, increasing employment, reducing poverty, and benefiting the peoples health, and building tourism into a strategic pillar industry in Hubei Province, and firmly establishing the

4、concept of big tourism and large industry in combination with the reality of our province. In accordance with the requirements of grand planning and propaganda, vigorously promote the globalization, modernization, internationalization and informatization of tourism, and speed up the construction of

5、projects The establishment and brand cultivation, formulation and implementation of industry policies conducive to sustainable and healthy development of tourism, Hubei Province tourism told the development.At present, the impact of tourism on economic growth has become a hot topic. However, for a l

6、ong time, the research on the impact of tourism industry agglomeration on regional economic growth still can not get rid of the traditional ignored spatial factors of the panel data model framework. Some studies have taken spatial factors into account, using geographical distance matrix or economic

7、distance matrix, but ignoring the multiplier effect of tourism industry, as well as the matching degree and robustness of the model. The focus of the study is on the spatial correlation of explained variables (such as per capita GNP, etc.), rather than on explanatory variables (such as tourism indus

8、try agglomeration, policy factors, tourism resources, capital) The spatial spillover effect of manpower, government input and so on is brought into the model, so it is difficult to obtain the accurate estimation value of the model parameters, and there is no intersecting term with the tourism indust

9、ry agglomeration. The results can not accurately reflect the dependence of economic growth on the spatial effect of tourism industry agglomeration. In view of the literature research which is highly related to the research subject, this paper uses the theory of industrial agglomeration and the theor

10、y of economic growth to construct the spatial weight matrix by using geographical distance, and at the same time, introduces the term of intersection to discuss the spatial spillover effect of tourism industry agglomeration. Finally, the author puts forward the feasible countermeasures and suggestio

11、ns for the further promotion and development of tourism industry agglomeration in Hubei Province.Keywords: tourism; Industrial agglomeration; Spatial spillover effect1绪论1.1选题背景及意义1.1.1选题背景湖北,简称“鄂”,中华人民共和国省级行政区,省会武汉,因位于长江中游、洞庭湖以北,故名湖北。地处中国中部,东邻安徽,西连重庆,西北与陕西接壤,南接江西、湖南,北与河南毗邻,介于东经10821421160750、北纬29015



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