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1、 Jenny asked me to go to the supermarket with her to buy all the snacks. Im really looking forward to this party, Stingy, she said. Everyone called me Stingy instead of Debbie because they thought I didnt like to spend money. Actually, it was true. Theres lots of money in the kitty(零星凑起的一笔钱). Lets g

2、o crazy! Going crazy meant buying ehough snacks to feed an army. It came to 19.90,which was a lot of money in 1982. Jenny gave me a guilty( 内疚的) look. ve left-the kitty money in the common room. Can you pay and Ill give you back the money?Sure, I replied, trying to look relaxed. Neither a lender or

3、a borrower be was my motto but I didnt want to look stingy(小气). I gave 20 to the impatient shop assistant. Well, the Party was a great success. So great that I completely forgot about my loan until I was flying to America the next day. I was going to live with my uncles family until I started univer

4、sity. I tried to get in touch with Jenny but her family had moved. My 20 was lost. Until.d heard about a website called Friends Reunited which helped people contact old school friends. My husband helped me log on and find my school. There she was,Jenny Frost.m now married with a beautiful daughter c

5、alled Debbie. Does anyone know how to get in touch with Debbie Stingy Jones? I still owe her 20! We met two months later and the 20 was returned, plus interest(利息)of course. After all, Im a bank manager now, so loans are my business. 1. Why did Jenny spend a lot of mon-ey on the snacks? ( ) A. Debbi

6、e had money. B. There was money.she could use. C. She wanted Debbie to stop being stingy. D. She wanted to be crazy. 2. How did Debbie get her money at last? ( ) A. Her husband found Jenny. B. Jenny had a website on the Internet. C. Debbie met Jenny. D. Debbie put a message on the Friends Reunited w

7、ebsite. 3. Which sentence best describes Debbie Jones? ( )A. She didnt like to spend money at school and often uses computers. B. She sometimes lends money and doesnt like using computers. C. She sometimes lends money and uses,the computer whenever she can. D. She only lends money to friends and doe

8、sn4. We know from the passage that Jenny _ . ( ) A. liked parties at school and felt guilty about borrowing money B. had fun at school but soon forgot about her school friends C. forgot her best friend at school until she saw the Friends Reunited website D. was forgetful about the moneyB Solomon She

9、reshevski was a man with an amazing memory. He was one of the worlds most famous me-monists (记忆能手). Born in Russia in about 1900, he spent much of his life performing memory skills that people found difficult to believe. He could memorize long lists of numbers after reading them through once, and he

10、 could then recite(背诵) them forwards or back-wards. He could also remember the same numbers months later. He could easily remember lists of names, dozens of playing cards or hundreds of cities. Although he had a wonderful memory, he found some normal skills very difficult. For example, he found it d

11、ifficult to learn to read. He also found it diffi-cult to recognize patterns in words or numbers. When presented with a long list of numbers like this : 1234 4231 5678 8765 6789 9876 he could not see that there was a pattern. If he could see or hear a collection of numbers, he could remember it. How

12、ever, this did not mean that he could understand what he was looking at. He could remember long complex mathematical formulas, but could not understand what the numbers meant. Solomon suffered from a condition known as Syn-aesthesia. This meant that all of his senses were con-nected in a special way

13、. In other words, when he heard a particular word he also experienced a unique taste, or saw a unique color. Each word that he heard brought a particular description into his mind. Each word for him was unique, because he remembered it as a taste, a smell, a color or a sound, or all of them together

14、. He was not a clever man except this ability and people found him rather stupid. He found it difficult to,become friends with other people because his mind was so different. In a way, his memory was a curse(祸根). He remembered everything, and that made it difficult for him to understand anything.5.

15、We know from the first paragraph that ( ) A. all of his life, Solomon was kept busy doing mem-ory tricks B. if Solomon read a list of numbers he could immedi-ately remember them C. Solomon could memorize long list of numbers andfound their patterns D. people thought Solomon could remember the most things in the w

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