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1、重点单词:several, raise, kindness, mess, develop, fairness短语:come up with , put off, help sb. out, work on句型:(1) I love animals and I was excited about the idea of having a dog. (2) And anyway, I think doing chores is not so difficult. 难点单词、短语的灵活运用一、单词领读raisev.募集;征集severalpron.几个;数个;一些messn.杂乱;不整洁kindne

2、ss 仁慈;善良develop 发展;壮大fairness公正性;公平合理性二、重点单词【单词复习】1. several pron. 几个;用来修饰可数名词的复数形式,相当于a few。several pron. 几个(人或物),可作主语或宾语。My brother bought several books for me. = My brother bought a few books for me.我哥哥给我买了几本书。Several of us decided to walk home. (主语) 我们中的几个人决定步行回家。Do you have stamps? 你有邮票吗?Yes, I

3、 have several. (宾语) 是的,我有几张。根据汉语意思完成句子我邀请了几个朋友参加我的生日聚会。I invited _ _ my friends to my birthday party.答案:several of思路分析:“几个朋友”可以表示为:several friends;但friends在句中已出现,故可表达为:several of my friends,此时several作代词。2. raise v. 募集;可构成短语raise money for 意为“为筹款”。raise v. 举起;抬起raise n.(工资、薪金的)提升raise v. 种植;饲养Theyre

4、raising money for the poor boy. 他们正在为那个可怜的男孩筹集资金。Raise your right hand when you understand. 当你听懂了就举起你的右手。Please raise your voice. I cant hear you. 请提高你的声音。我听不到你。Uncle Wang raised ten cows last year. 王叔叔去年养了十头奶牛。Why are you _ money?To help that homeless girl.A. raise B. raising C. raises D. raisedB根据

5、助动词are可知后接动词的-ing形式,故选B项。句意为“你们为什么筹集资金? 为了帮助那个无家可归的女孩”。3. kindness n. 仁慈;培训kind adj. 仁慈的;善良的be kind to sb. 意为“对某人友好”; be kind of sb. 某人是友好的。kind n. 种类 a kind of 一种;all kinds of 各种各样的。kind of (非正式)稍微;有点儿,多放在形容词前表示其程度。The old woman is full of kindness and she always gets ready to help others.这位老妇人充满仁慈

6、,并且她总是准备帮助他人。She is kind to me. 她对我很友好。Its kind of him to help me. 他来帮助我真是太好了。I feel kind of hungry. 我感觉有点饿。Because of your _, the villagers are all _ you.A. kind; kind to B. kindness; kind toC. kindness; kind of D. kind; kind ofyour是形容词性物主代词,后接名词;表示“对某人友好”用be kind to sb.。句意为“因为你的善良,村民们都对你很友好”。4. me

7、ss n. 杂乱;常构成短语:be in a mess 乱七八糟;get into a mess 陷入困境;遇到麻烦messy adj. 杂乱的;不整洁的The kitchen was in a mess. 厨房里乱七八糟。He got into a mess. Lets help him. 他遇到了麻烦。我们帮帮他吧。His shirts are always messy. 他的衬衫总是很不整洁。Your room is _. Please tidy it.A. in mess B. at mess C. in a mess D. at a messC根据“请把它弄整洁”可知“你的房间乱七八

8、糟”。be in a mess 是固定短语,故选C项。5. develop v. 发展;develop into 发展成development n. 发展developed 发达的;developing 发展中的The small village developed into one of the most famous scenic spots. 这个小村庄发展成了最著名的景点之一。The development in my hometown is surprising. 我家乡的发展很令人惊讶。China is a developing country, but America is a

9、developed country.中国是一个发展中国家,但美国是一个发达国家。My brother developed _ an excellent soldier one year ago. A. to B. in C. into D. ondevelop into 意为“发展成”。句意为“我弟弟一年前就发展成为一名优秀的士兵了”。6. fairness n. 公正性;fair adj. 合理的;适当的unfair adj. 不合理的;不公平的Our teacher is known for her fairness in grading students. 我们的老师以给学生评分公正著称

10、。It is fair to do the same job. 做相同的工作是公平的。Its unfair for me to stand here. 对我来说站在这儿是不公平的。From this movie we can know _ is very important. A. fair B. unfair C. fairness D. unfairness根据空白处所填内容作主语可知用名词;故排除A, B两项;C项意为“公正性”;D项意为“不公正性”;根据句意“从这部电影我们可以知道公平是很重要的。”可知C项合适。【即学即练】. 单项选择1. This book is _ boring.

11、A. a kind of B. kinds of C. kind of D. a kind2. The boy has _ friends here in Beijing.A. much B. a little C. several D. little3. They like _ money on weekends for the poor children in their area.A. save B. raise C. saving D. raising. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空1. With the _ (develop) of the winter dates, our to

12、wn is becoming more and more famous.2. In our city, we need the _ (fair).3. She is a careless girl. Her desk is _ (mess). 1-3 CCD 1. 句意为“这本书有点无聊”,boring是形容词,而a kind of, kinds of后要加名词,表示种类;a kind本身错误。kind of意为“有几分;有点”,可修饰形容词。2. friends是可数名词,故排除A, B, D三项。句意为“在北京这里,这个男孩有几个朋友”。3. like后可接动词的-ing形式或to do形

13、式,故排除A, B两项;根据句意“他们喜欢周末为他们地区的贫困孩子筹集资金”,故选D项。. 1. development 2. fairness 3. messy 三、重点短语【短语复习】1. come up with提出;想出(主意、回答)后面常接idea, plan, answer, solution, advice等名词。 The girl is coming up with an idea. 这个女孩正在想办法。come up with 追上;赶上,相当于 catch up with。If you dont work hard, well come/catch up with you. 如果你不努力学习,我们就会赶上你。How did Lisa _ this solution?I have no idea. Lets ask her.A. put up B. make up C. come up with D. get upA项意为“搭建;举起”; B项意为“组织;编造”; C项意为“提出;想出”;D项意为“起床”。在这四个短语中,能与this solution“这个方法”相配的只有come up with。句意为“丽萨是怎样想出这个方法的?我不知道,我们问问她。”2.

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