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1、 I usually take bus. A. the; a B. /; a C. a; a D. the; /4. After Lucy and Lily, Tony is now student to win the game in our class. (09佛山,23) A. the third B. a third C. the second5. Areyougoodatplaying basketballorplaying piano? (08深圳,21)Both A. a; a B. the; the C. the; / D. /; the 6. When you make a

2、mistake, dont always make excuse for yourself. (08佛山,29)A. an B. the C. /7. Do you like a blue bike for your birthday? (07佛山,31)But I prefer green one.A. the B. / C. a 8. He is university student and he comes from island in England. (07广东省,26) an B. an; an D. a; a 巩固练习1. Theres 800-metre-long road b

3、ehind hospital.(09甘肃兰州) an B. a; a C. an; the D. a;2. I really like book you lent me yesterday. (09河北)A. a B. an C. the D. 不填3. Jimmy bought car yesterday, but its used one. (09山东威海) a B. a; an C. a; the D. the;4. What exciting news it is! Is news true? (09山东烟台) the B. an; a C. /; the D. /; a5. I ju

4、st have cup of milk for breakfast. (09四川成都)Thats not enough. the C. a; 不填6. Sandy often takes her dog for walk around the lake after supper. (09江苏南京)7. Why do you like Mary? (09湖南娄底)Because she is honest girl. A. a B. an C. the8. Whos young man with long hair? (09江苏宿迁)Hes a friend of mine.A. a B. th

5、e C. an D. his9. Its not good idea to drive for four hours without break. (09江苏无锡)10. What sweet music! Do you know who wrote it? (09福建漳州)Beethoven, I think.A. / B. a C. an D. the11. How was dinner at Mikes house? (09吉林通化)It was great. Mikes mum is wonderful cook. the B. the; a C. the;12. Jack start

6、ed to work at early age because his family was very poor. (09山东德州)A. a B. an C. the D. /13. Mary has a bad cold. She has to stay in bed. (09湖南长沙)A. a B. / C. the14. There is umbrella near the window. (09福建莆田)A. the B. an C. a15. Will you get there by train? No , Ill take taxi . A. /; the C. /; / D.

7、the;第二章 代词1. Doctor, whats the problem with my son? (09广州,17) Dont worry. It is serious. Its only a cold. A. nothing B. something C. anything D. everything2. We have five kinds of schoolbags. Do you like this one? (09广东省,27) No. Can you show me ? A. another B. each other C. the other D. others3. Whi

8、ch film do you prefer, Harry Potter or The Lord of the Rings? (09佛山,21) . They are really wonderful. A. Neither B. Both C. Either4. Miss Green didnt talk much to other people. There was always a little sad about her. (08广州,20)A. everything B. anything C. nothing D. something5. Thisismynewe-dictionar

9、y Wow! Ilike verymuchIIIaskmumtobuy . (08深圳,22) A. it; oneforme B. it;me C. one; itme D. one;me 6. ThemodelplaneSocuteWhoseit? (08深圳,29)Its Hemadeit A. Jacks; itself B. Jacks; himself C. Jack; himself D. Jack; itself 7. Mum came in with a serious look, and I knew was wrong. (08佛山,22)A. nothing B. an

10、ything C. something8. Can you hear the strange noise from the washing machine? must be wrong with it. (07佛山,27)A. Anything B. Nothing C. Something9. Which do you prefer, bananas or oranges? (07广东省,28) . I enjoy eating apples.A. Both B. Either C. Neither D. All1. Do you have anything important to say

11、 for yourself? (09宁波市) except sorry. A. Something B. Nothing C. Anything D. Everything2. Where is my pen? Have you seen ? (09烟台市)Oh, sorry. I have taken by mistake. yours B. them; his C. it; mine D. them; hers3. Mom and Dad are movie lovers. They have many hobbies in common. (09山西省) A. both B. eithe

12、r C. neither4. The shoes dont fit me. Would you please show me ? (09绵阳市) Sure. Here you are. A. the other one B. the others C. another pair D. another one5. My sister has two skirts. One is yellow, is black. (09北京)A. other B. another C. others D. the other6. Can you come on Monday or Tuesday? (09宁夏)

13、 Im afraid day is possible. A. neither B. either C. some D. any7. Things made by hand are usually more expensive than produced in factories. (09宁夏)A. these B. this C. that D. those8. Millie gave a baby cat yesterday that hurt when it fell from the tree(09苏州)A. me; it B. myself; itself C. me; itself D. myself; it 9. Do you want tea or coffee? (09苏州) ,I really dont mindANone BEither CNeither DAll10. My daughter wants a r

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