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1、专业年级机械工程及其自动化2011级指导教师职称单位辅导教师职 称完成日期2015年06月 摘 要机械工业是一个国家的重要产业,机械工业的发展无时不刻都在影响着国家经济的发展,人类的进步离不开机械工业的发展。在全球经济发展的大环境下,中国各个行业被其他国家的先进技术影响的同时,越来越多的外国企业和品牌传播到中国已经成为现实。在新的市场需求的推动下,对玻璃瓶质量检测机进行改良和优化是当务之急。有大型玻璃瓶质量检测机设备企业对设备的安全指标的有着一定生产的严格要求。在生产设备的企业,充分考虑到在设备运行中可能出现的问题,从而减少噪声污染引起的振动或不当操作设备的现象等。国内玻璃瓶质量检测机设备的研


3、璃瓶质量检测机总的指导思想,从而得出了该玻璃瓶质量检测机的优点是高效,经济,并且检验质量高,运行平稳的结论。关键词:机械工业;玻璃瓶质量检测机;检测;结论AbstractThe environment of global economic development, China industries affected by other countries advanced technology at the same time, foreign enterprises and brand spread to more and more Chinese has become an opportun

4、ity. Cap pressing machine in industry through a variety of ways have been working with the relevant technology, and constantly improve their own strength and core competitiveness, and narrow the gap with developed countries. In the new market demand, update the sleeve pressing machine is a pressing

5、matter of the moment. The production of pipe pressing machine equipment manufacturing enterprises to fully tap the potential of the market, vigorously develop the sleeves of large low cost pressing special machinery and equipment, plays a positive role in the evolution of automatic assembly, the ass

6、embly of mechanical equipment. There is a large pipe equipment on equipment safety index has strict requirements of production. In the production equipment of enterprises, give full consideration to the possible problems in the operation of the equipment, so as to reduce the noise pollution caused b

7、y vibration or improper operation of equipment phenomenon.R & D and manufacturing of domestic pipe pressing equipment with global appeal, economic, security and stability of the theme consistent. Increase and production pipe pressing equipment of new energy saving, efficient sleeve pressing machine

8、is the trend of development of the industry, but also to meet the needs of the development of domestic infrastructure construction.Sleeve pressing plane is closely related with the development of society and the progress and the level of science and technology. With the development of science and te

9、chnology, interdisciplinary mutual infiltration, mutual exchanges between the various industry, extensive use of new structure, new materials, new technology, the sleeve pressing machine is large, efficient, reliable, energy saving, Recently, the use of machinery industry, bearing and shaft sleeve s

10、haft were investigated, found that the shaft, bearings and bushings in the machinery industry is one of the key parts. Come very naturally in the assembly of the installation is also very simple. In the installation if the use of artificial pressure with not only the labor intensity is too large and

11、 the size of each other is not easy to ensure the shaft, bearing and shaft sleeve, so the design of a special press be imperative. Graduation project this time is a tube axial compressive loading machine. This paper introduces the theoretical calculation to design sleeve pressing machine structure,

12、working principle and main parts of the strength check and the advantages of the sleeve, pressing machine is efficient, economical, and high safety, stable operation. The overall plan is the relative position of two axle sleeve on the plane, the motor reducer to provide power through belt drives the

13、 screw rod to rotate, and drives the head movement, a nut, a rotary motion of the linear motion of press. Block type safety clutch overload protection with teeth, pressure distribution in the corresponding position of the pipe after drilling through the drilling template.Key word: pneumatic manipula

14、tor; cylinder; pneumatic loop; Fout degrees of freedom.摘要 1Abstract 2 1.1 课题的来源与研究的目的和意义 5 1.2 本课题研究的内容 6 2.2 玻璃瓶质量检测机的检测原理 9 2.3 机械传动部分的设计计算 10 2.3.1夹瓶机构中电机的选型计算 11 2.3.2同步带轮传动的设计计算 11 2.3.3轴承的选型计算 12 2.3.4机架强度的计算 13 3.2传动轴强度的校核计算 18 4.1检测输送线的三维建模 18 4.2夹瓶装置的三维建模 18 4.3滚筒的三维建模 20 4.4玻璃瓶质量检测机的三维建模 2

15、2第五章 三维软件设计总结 23第一章绪论1.1课题的来源与研究的目的和意义由于机械工程的知识总量已经远远超越个人掌握所有,一些专业知识是必不可少的。但是过度的专业知识分割,使视野狭隘,可以多多参加技术交流,和参加科研项目,缩小范围,提升新技术的进步和整个块的技术,提高外部条件变化的适应能力。封闭的专业知识的太狭隘,考虑的问题太特殊,在工作中协调困难,不利于自我提高。因此,自上世纪第二十年代末,出现了一体化的趋势。人们越来越重视基础理论,拓宽领域,对专业合并的分化。机械工程可以增加产量,提高劳动生产率,提高生产的经济效益为目标,并研制和发展新的机械产品。在未来,新产品的开发,降低资源消耗,清洁的可再生能源,成本的控制,减少或消除环境污染作为一个超级经济目标和任务。机器能完成人的手和脚,耳朵和眼睛等等器官完全不能直接完成的任务。现代机械工程机械和机械设备创造出更多、更精美的越来越复杂,很多幻想成为过去的现实。人类现在能成为天空的上游和宇宙,潜入海洋,数十亿光年的密切观察,细胞和分子。电子计算机硬件和软件,人类的新兴科学已经开始加强,并部分代替人脑科学,这是人工智能。这一新的发展已经显示出巨大的作用,但在未来几年还将继续创造出不可思议的奇迹。人类智慧的增长并没有减少手的效果,而是要求越来越精致,手工制作,更复杂的工作,从而促

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