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1、 1. To find the meaning under the surface of the words 2. To write a short story after readingTime: 4 periodsTeaching procedures:1. the Introduction of the textbook as well as the teaching aims2. the elements of fiction/short storyFiction: the word fiction is a rather general term that can be define

2、d as narrative told in prose. Therefore, fiction refers to different types of writing such as folktale, myth, legend, etc., but it is most often associated with the novel and the short story.Short story: the short story is necessarily limited in length and scope. Key words of short story: a single i

3、ncident; a single character or a few characters; compact; creative and imaginative3. Exercises and analysis: 1) Opinions of Understanding:(1) What was probably untrue of Mary?A. She missed the days of the past. B. She still loved Bill. C. She worked to keep a family of three children. D. She was sat

4、isfied with her life and job in New York.(2) Which of the following adjectives can probably best describe Bills attitude? A. Emotional. B. Indifferent. C. Puzzled. D. Hopeful.(3) Mary didnt say anything when she got on the bus. Why? A. She had nothing more to say. B. She was disappointed in Bill. C.

5、 She was too emotional. D. She knew the situation was hopeless.(4) The last sentence of the story “she had forgotten to tell him that her youngest boy was named Bill, too” shows that _. A. Mary knew she would meet Bill again some day. B. “Bill” is a very common name. C. Mary had been thinking about

6、Bill and still loved him. D. Mary was proud of her youngest son.(5) The title of the short story “Early Autumn” may suggest to the reader that _.A. the bitterness of an emotional long winter was ahead B. it was still the bright time of ones life, like early Autumn C. both Mary and Bill were now midd

7、le-aged people D. the love between them was not as “hot” as summer days2) Questions for Discussion (Suggested answers for reference):(1) Can you pick out words and sentences to show that Mary and Bill were now different in their attitudes toward each other?1) Mary: she saw him for the first time in

8、years. (line 5) Bill: At first he did not recognize her (line 8) 2) Mary: Unconsciously, she lifted her face as though wanting a kiss (line 11) but he held out his hand. (line 12)3) Mary: “I live in New York now,” she said. (eagerly telling him her address) (line 14)Bill: “Oh” smiling politely, then

9、 a little frown came quickly between his eyes. (having no interested in her living place now.) (lines 15-16)4) Mary: “Married yet?” (concerning keenly about his marital status) (line 21) “Sure. Two kids.” (being satisfied with his present situation and showing pride in mentioning his family.) (line

10、22) 5) Bill: “And your husband?” he asked her. (not noticing her subtle emotional change.) (line 27)Mary: “We have three children. I work in the bursars office at Columbia” (avoiding mentioning her husband in her reply). (line 28)6) Bill: “Youre looking very ” (he wanted to say old) “ well,” he said

11、. (not being sensitive to her condition.) (line 29) She understood. (being very sensitive to her own condition.) (line 30)7) Mary: “We live on Central Park West,” she said. “Come and see us sometime.” (offering a direct invitation.) (line 33) “Sure,” he replied. “You and your husband must have dinne

12、r with my family some night. Any night. Lucille and Id love to have you.” (giving a polite indirect rejection.) (lines 34-35) 8) Mary: “Theres my bus,” she said. (line 42) He held out his hand, “Good-by.” (ready to part with Mary.) (line 43) “When ” she wanted to say (not ready to part with Bill) (l

13、ine 44)(2) Several times the author describes the scene on Washington Square: the dusk, the chilly weather, the falling leaves, the passing people. Does he only want to tell us where and when the story takes place? What other effects do such descriptions achieve?(The description of the setting gives

14、 the reader a feeling of sadness and depression. It was getting dark and getting cold with leaves falling. The bright daytime was over and the unpleasant darkness was ahead, and the warm and comfortable summer and early autumn days were being replaced by the cold and long winter. The setting echoes

15、and reinforces Marys feelings of regret and yearning and implies the emotional crisis that she might have to face.) 3) Explanation and Interpretation:(Explain the implied meaning of the following sentences, and point out their significance in the context of the story.)1) Impulsively, she had married a man she thought she loved. (Notice the two key words: “impulsively” and “thought.” This has direc

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