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1、sorry about 对感到同情 / 抱歉Im sorry about whats happened.我对发生的事感到抱歉。sure about 对肯定 / 有把握My parents want me to be a doctor, but Im not sure about that.我父母想让我当医生,但对此我还不确定。be worried about对焦虑 / 担心Every time the exam is over, I will be worried about the results.每次考试结束后,我都会担心考试成绩。at 搭配be angry at 对生气He felt a

2、ngry at the injustice of the situation.他对这种不公的现象感到愤愤不平。be surprised at 对感到惊讶I was surprised at how big the plane was.我很吃惊,这架飞机竟然这么大。be good at 对擅长Grandma was good at cooking. 奶奶饭做得好。be bad at 对不擅长He was bad atbasketball.他不擅长篮球。in搭配be interested in 对感兴趣They are very interested in making models.他们对制作模

3、型很感兴趣。be weak in 在方面薄弱He is weak in mathematics, but good at English.他数学差,但英语好。forbe famous for 因而著名Zhejiang is famous for tea and silk.浙江因茶叶和丝绸而闻名。be / get ready for 为做好准备Are you ready for your new school life?你为新的学校生活做好准备了吗?be sorry for 对感到同情 / 抱歉Im sorry for my being late.很抱歉,我来晚了。be good for 对有好

4、处Fresh food is good for you.新鲜食物对你有益。be known for 因而闻名Savannah is well known for its wonderful restaurants.萨瓦纳因其极好的饭馆而闻名。be fit for 适合I think Im fit for the job.我认为我能胜任这项工作。be bad for 对有害Very loud music can be bad for your ears.声音特别大的音乐会对耳朵有害。be short for 为的缩写/ 简称WTO is short for the World Trade Org

5、anization.WTO是the World Trade Organization 的缩写。ofbe afraid of 害怕 / 担心He didnt want to swim in the lake because he was afraid of the water.因为害怕水,他不想在湖里游泳。be careful of 对小心 / 仔细 / 谨慎We should be careful of passing cars and buses to keep safe on the road.为了确保在道路上的安全,我们应注意来往的汽车和公交车。be fond of喜欢Im fond o

6、f English and do well in both speaking and writing.我喜欢英语,口语和写作都很好。be tired of 对感到厌倦Smith is tired of his new job.史密斯厌倦了他的新工作。be sure of 对有把握You are always sure of a warm welcome there.到了那里你肯定会受到热烈欢迎。be ashamed of 为感到羞愧You should be ashamed of yourself for telling such lies.你应该为自己说这些谎话而感到羞耻。be certai

7、n of 对确信 / 有把握They were watching him.He was certain of it.他们在监视他,对此他很确定。be proud of 为感到自豪Im so proud of having a friend like you.有你这样的朋友我很自豪。be full of 充满,富于His life is full of exams and studies on weekdays.他周一到周五的生活充满了考试和学习。be short of 短缺 / 不足More than 400 cities in China are short of water.中国有400多

8、座城市缺水。tobe friendly to 对友好Mr White is an excellent teacher and hes always friendly to us.怀特先生是一位优秀的老师,他对我们总是很友好。be nice to 对友好My elder brother is verynice tome.我哥哥对我很好。be polite to 对有礼貌Be polite to the teacher.对老师要有礼貌。be kind to 对和蔼 / 友好We should always be kind to those in need.我们要善待那些需要帮助的人。be rude

9、 to 对粗鲁Why are you so rude to your mother?你为什么对你的母亲这么没礼貌?be useful to 对有用Trees are greatly useful to man.树木对人类大有益处。withbe angry with 对生气Please dont be angry with me for a small problem.请不要因为一个小问题生我的气。be busy with 忙于Are you busy with your study these days?近来你一直忙于学习吗?be pleased with 对感到满意He is pleased

10、 with both the job and the pay.他对这份工作及薪水都满意。be patient with 对有耐心As a teacher, you should be patient with your students.作为一名老师,你应该对学生有耐心。be careful with 小心/ 仔细You should be more careful with your work.你应该更加仔细地工作。be satisfied with 对感到满意Tom nodded, satisfied with that answer.汤姆点点头,对那个回答很满意。be happy wit

11、h 对感到高兴Mark tells mother that he is very happy about his choice.马克告诉妈妈他对自己的选择很满意。be strict with 对要求严格His parents are strict with him in his study.他的父母在学习上对他严格要求。be friendly with 对友好In school, I respected teachers and was friendly with classmates.在学校里,我尊敬老师,与同学友好相处。一、英语阅读理解专项练习试卷1阅读理解 Many years ago,

12、 I was a very shy girl at my school. I couldnt forget the way I had frozen in front of the class. My hands had shaken so badly that I couldnt read my notes. My voice had become softer even to silence. Mr. Roberts had kindly stopped me, “Masha, I know youre shy, but you worked hard on this project. I

13、f I give you another chance tomorrow, can you find your courage? I had nodded. I had kept my head down, hoping that the school day would end soon. When I got home that day, I could see an inviting light from the kitchen windows. Momma was backing. When Momma backed, I always watched and chatted with

14、 her. She said it was my company that made her baked goods taste so sweet. Momma studied my face as I came into the kitchen. “Whats wrong, Masha?” Tears shone in my eyes. I let the whole story out. Momma was silent for a moment. Then she said, “Let me show you something.”I followed Momma to her bedroom and carefully to

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