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1、12.concentrate on 专心13.concentrate ones mind on 专心于类似的短语:4个14.fix ones mind upon15.focus on16.put ones heart into17.focus ones mind onsurprise常用短语 surprise 惊讶地 ones surprise 使某人惊讶的是 surprise at/to do/that 对某事感到惊讶表示“穿衣”的动作或状态的词和短语1表示动作的有:20.pull on21.put on22.dress23.dress sb2表示状态的有:2

2、 dressed in27.have on常见表“喜欢”的短语和单词 keen fond of32.take delight introuble的常用短语:33.have much trouble / no trouble (in) doing 在有/没有困难34.take great trouble to do 不辞辛劳做某事35.put sb to the trouble of doing 为难某人做某事36.make trouble 捣乱 in (great) trouble 惹

3、麻烦;处在困境中 sb out of trouble 帮某人摆脱困境end的常用短语:e to an end 结束40.put an end to 结束41.on end 竖起, 连续 the end 终于;最后43.end up (by) doing 以结束44.make both ends meet 收支相抵表示“导致”、“由引起”的短语:1.导致:3个45.cause sth (to do)46.result in47.lead to2.由引起 caused by49.result from50.grow out of51.lie in表“全力以赴”的

4、短语:6个 / try ones best53.spare no efforts to do54. great pains to do55ut to what somebody can (do) to do57. do all somebody can (do) to dodirection常用短语 (the ) direction of 朝方向59. under the direction of 在的指导下60. low the directions 照说明去做far常用短语:61. far from (being) 离要求相差很远62.far from

5、 +(a place) 距离某地很远63. so far 到目前为止; 那么远distance常用短语64. in the distance 在远处65.From/at a distance 从远处66.Keep sb. at a distance 与某人保持一定距离 is no distance at all 不远use常用短语:68.used to do 过去曾经、常做 used to doing 习惯于做某事 used to do 被用来做71.make good/ full use of 充分利用e into use 开始使用 is no use

6、 doing sth. 干某事没有用“出了什么事”的几种不同表达:74.Whats wrong with?75.Whats the matter with?76.Whats the trouble with?77.What happened (to sb) ?“众所周知”常用表达法:5个78.It is known to all that 主语从句,that不能省79.As is known to all 定语从句,置于句首80.We all know (that) 后接宾语从句81.Everyone knows (that) 后接宾语从句82., which is known to all

7、非限定从句,置于句末表“同意某人意见”的常用短语:83.agree with sb /what sb said84.agree to sth85.approve (of) favour of agreeable to for sth“不同意”:89.disagree with sb/ what sb said90.object to sth91.disapprove (of) against sthsign的常用短语:93.sign ones name 签名94.sign to sb (not) to do sth. 示意

8、某人(不)做某事95.signs of 的迹象would rather 与 prefer 的区别1宁愿做而不做:96.would rather do A than do B97.prefer A to B98.prefer to do A rather than do B2.would rather 主语 + 过去式,表示“宁愿”Eg.I would rather you came tomorrow than today.3.should prefer sb to do sth/ should prefer 主语 + 过去式,表示“比较喜欢”eg.I should prefer you not

9、 to go there aloneor:I should prefer that you did not go there alonetrap常用短语 caught in a trap 落入圈套 led into a trap 中圈套98.set a trap to do sth 设圈套 trapped in sth 被所围困grow常用短语 the grow of 在成长中101.grow up 长大; 成长102.grow rich on 变富103.grow into 长成104.grow out of 由引起/滋生出make常用短语105.b

10、e made up of =consist of 由组成106.make up for 弥补 made from/ of 由造成108.make up 编造;组成;化妆 made into 制成110.make fun of 取笑; 嘲弄111.make a living 谋生supply, provide, offer 的区别:1表示“向某人提供某物” / provide sb with / provide sth for sth to sb115.offer sb sth2表示“主动提出做某

11、事”116.offer to do sth3.表示“倘使”、“假如”:117.provided / providing that118.on condition that119.only if4.表示“满足需要”:2个120.Supply/meet a needsupply的常用短语 short supply 缺乏,不足122.medical/military supply 医疗/军用品 of 许多lack的常用短语 lacking in sth 在不足125.for/by/from/through lack of 由于不足,缺乏126.hav

12、e no lack of 不缺damage的常用短语 damage/harm to 对有害128.cause damage to 对造成损害129.ask for damage 要求赔偿die of 与die from 的区别die of 表示“死于病”或冻死、气死,或死于过度悲伤。Eg.die of cancer/grief/hunger/anger/colddie from表示死于外伤、事故、劳累过度。Eg.die from polluted air/overwork/sword thrustdie常用短语130.die for ones country 为国捐躯131.die

13、 down 熄灭、平息132.die off 绝种、枯死133.die away 消逝、静下来134.die a heroic death 英勇牺牲threaten常用短语135.threaten sb with sth 用威胁某人136.threaten to do 威胁做137.under the threat of 在的威胁下speed常用短语138.speed up 加速 the speed of 以的速度140.with great speed 迅速aim常用短语141.take aim at 瞄准142.reach an aim 达到目的143.aim at 瞄准、针对permit与allow 的区别表“允许做某事”或“允许某人做某事”用法基本相同。144.permit/allow doing sth145.permit/allow

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