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1、Mrs. Bennets Representativenessin Pride and PrejudiceContentsAbstract. IKey Words.I摘要. 关键词. Introduction.1. The Character of Mrs. Bennet in the Novel.3A. Mean Understanding.4 B. Little Information.5 C. Uncertain Temper.6.The Representativeness of Mrs. Bennets Images.8A. The Image as a Woman.9B. The

2、Image as a Wife.10C. The Image as a Mother.10. How Does the Character Take Shape? .12A. Her Character Is Decided by Her Education.13B. Her Character Is Shaped by Her Living Environment.14C. Her Character Is Related to the Social Background.14Conclusion.16Acknowledgements.17Bibliography.18AbstractThe

3、 theme of Pride and Prejudice is marriage and love. This essay is based on the analysis of a minor character in this novel and extends the topic to the real life. The characters in this novel are completely mixed with reality, obeying the social rules; the plots of the story are depicted. This paper

4、 makes research on the representativeness of a minor character. Firstly, this paper probes into the minor characterMrs. Bennets characters. Secondly, this paper analyzes which aspects the representativeness embodies. Lastly, it will reveal the reasons that the character takes shape. Although she is

5、a minor character, it has realistic meaning. She is typical and represents a kind of people in real life. The living environment and social background of these people decide their destiny and their choice in life. Their life roles have been designed from the day when they were born. This paper exami

6、nes Austens social background, and discovers the social environment. These have much effect on the forming of the characters in the novel. In that time, wealth is the decisive factor of marriage to the female. They understand the marriage as the chance of raising social status and ameliorating econo

7、my. The fortune and social status are the relative conditions that decide the person to marry. They try to save themselves in the way of marriage. Key WordsCharacters; representativeness; image摘要傲慢与偏见这部小说的主题是婚姻与爱情,本文即是从这点出发,立足于小说中的一个小人物而延展到现实生活。小说当中的人物全然融入社会现实,依循社会规则,谱出故事情节。本文研究了一个次要人物的代表性,先是探讨了这个次要

8、人物班内特太太的性格特征,分析了她的代表性体现在哪些方面,以及这个小说人物形成的原因。她是一个小说人物,但她具有现实社会意义,她具有典型性,是现实生活中一类人的代表。这类人的生活环境、社会背景决定了他们的命运,决定了他们的人生抉择,人生的角色也从他们出生那天就已为他们设计好了。本文检视奥斯汀的社会背景,探索社会环境,对小说人物性格形成的影响。在那个年代物质环境为塑造女性婚姻意识的决定因素,他们明白婚姻关系是阶级提升与经济改善的机会,财力与社会地位为决定结婚对象的相关条件。他们因此试图通过婚姻这条唯一的出路来改善。关键词性格特点;代表性;形象IntroductionThe American li

9、terature and art critic Edmond Wilson thinks that in the recent 100 years, there were some interestrevolutions; the change of the taste of literaturealmost influenced all writers reputation, except Shakespeareand Jane Austen. It is surprised that Jane is so famous and admirable by so many people all

10、 the time. She is a great writer, especially a female writer. So far as Jane Austen is concerned, there are so many things to say about her and her works. Here are just some talks about Pride and Prejudice.It is believed that many people know the world famous work Pride and Prejudice, one of the wor

11、ld famous femalewriters, Jane Austens work, which is her masterpiece. Pride and Prejudice is viewed as the first of the world ten leading fictions by the English fiction field. In Jane Austens all life, she wrote six novels, namely Sense and Sensibility (1795), Pride and Prejudice (1796), Emma (1814

12、), NorthangerAbbey (1798), and Persuasion (1816), which were published in 1811,1813,1815 and in December 1817 respectively. We may say that Pride and Prejudice is her most famous novel, in which the writer expresses her viewpoint on the relationship between love and marriage, that is: it is wrong to

13、 get married for fortune, money and status, while it is also foolish to be married without considering these factors. The writer embodies the girls from the middle- and upper- classes in country area with different attitudes towards love and marriage, through the description of the five Bennet girls different choices. In this novel, it describes four couples marri

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