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1、在句中作主语或宾语,作主语不可省略,作宾语可 省略。 eg. The building which stands near the train station is a supermarket. 位于火车站附近的那座大楼是一家超市。(which作主语,不可省略。 The film(which)we saw last night was wonderful. 我们昨天晚上看的那部电影很好看。(which作宾语,可以省略。 基础词汇与短语1. plenty of 大量的。后面跟可数和不可数名词都可以。Plenty of = a lot of = lots of = many + much2. do

2、cumentary 纪录片。thriller 恐怖片action movie 动作片comedy 喜剧片soap opera 肥皂剧cartoon 动画片3. drama n.戏剧,剧本eg.Radio drama has its limitations. 广播剧有其局限性。Play n. 剧本;戏剧The company put on a play about the homeless.这家剧团上演了一出讲述无家可归者的戏。4. shut v.关闭,强调与外界割断联系。 close v. 关上。指的是与打开相反的动作。5. intelligent “聪明的,理解力强的”指当需要用脑理解或解决

3、问题时,具有较强的、有效的使用头脑的能力,侧重于智力的外在表现。clever, bright, smart和cute四者也都有“聪明的”意思,clever指“聪明的,机灵的”。cute指“聪明的,可爱的”。smart指“聪明的,顽皮的”。bright指“聪明的,伶俐的”。区别如下: 1. clever表示“聪明的,机灵的”时,指人或动物的脑子灵活;指事物时,常含有“巧妙的”意思;clever是一个最常用的词。例:People love to see the clever monkey. That is a clever plan. 2. smart与clever同义,但更强调顽皮的一面。You

4、 cant cheat him because he is a smart boy. 3. bright意味“聪明的,思维敏捷的”,它多用来指年轻人或小孩,常用于口语中,此外bright还有“明亮的”意思。She is really a bright little girl. The bright boy is reading English in the bright room. 4. cute有“可爱的”这层意思。The cat Kitty is very cute.二、重难点分析 1. What do you feel like doing today? 你觉得今天要干点什么好呢?解析:

5、 feel likedoing sth. 意思是 “想做”。 (1)I dont feel like walking very much today. 我今天不太想散步。 (2) She really feels like having a talk with him about his study at school. 她的确想和他谈一下他在学校的学习情况。 (3)I dont feel like eating anything now. 我现在什么都不想吃。 (4)Sometimes when I look into the sky, I feel like making a trip s

6、omewhere. 当我看天空时,我很想到某个地方旅行。2. While some people only stick to one kind of movie,. 当有些人在固定的只看一种电影的时候,.stick to (doing) sth. 意思是坚持不懈地做某事。to是介词,而不是动词不定式符号。 eg. Simply find the vegetables and fruit you like and stick to them. 只要找到自己喜欢的蔬菜和水果,坚持食用即可。 Sticking to our homework schedule is very inportant an

7、d necessary for us. 严格遵守家庭作业计划对我们来讲很重要。 Stick to walking to your office every morning , and you will feel much better soon. 坚持每天早上步行去办公室,很快你就会感觉出效果来了。 3. I like to watch different kinds depending on how I feel that day. 按照我当时心情如何,我会选择不同的电影来看。 解析: 5. I am filled with hope again. 我的内心又重新充满了希望.be fille

8、d with . 侧重于动作和里面所装的东西 be full of . 侧重于装满了之后的状态 eg. The basketball is filled with apples by the old man. 篮子被这个老人装满了苹果。(侧重于装的动作,以及所装的是什么东西。 The bottle is full of water. 这个瓶子里盛满了水。(强调的是这个瓶子整体上盛满水的样子。 6. I can just shut off my brain. 我就可以彻底放松心情,什么事情也不去考虑了。 Once in a while, our teacher took us to have a

9、 picnic or go to see a mvie. 我们老师间或带我们去野餐或者看场电影。典型例题分析 1. - What will you feel like _ when we are at the big party? - Nothing but eating. A. to do B. doing C. to be done D. do - 只要你坚持不懈,任何梦想都会成功。你同意我的观点吗? - 根本不同意。三、感悟中考(2014鄂州中考) Where is the School English Speech Contest going to be held tonight? I

10、m not sure. Is it in the hall _ can hold 300 people? A. where B. what C. that D. when四、专项训练基础练习1.根据首字母填空。(1)There are so many d _ in our schools library.(2)Would you mind s _ off the water as we are going to have the machines repaired.(3)How many s _ have you found out in this novel?(4)Do you feel l

11、ike watching t _ or action movies?(5)He was so i _ that he proved to be the only one who won the competition. 2.用关系代词填空:that 、which 、who、 whom . .(1)This is the man _ wants to see you.(2)The student _ answered the question is Zhang Hua.(3)The man _ you went to see has come.(4)The man _I met yesterda

12、y lent me some money.(5)The woman _ you saw is our geography teacher. 3.根据汉语意思完成句子(1)Wed better go to visit him and try to _ _ _(使他振作起来).(2)If you _ _ _ (不坚持)your own choice,you will lose this chance.(3)_ _ _ _(曾经),we enjoyed palying and swimming in the park .(4)You can buy different kinds of houses

13、 _ _ (按照)how much money you have.(5)I remember _ _ (关上了)all the lights before leaving. (3)whom. 题干的意思是,你想见的那个男人已经来了。whom也可以写成who,但是它在定语从句当中用作see的宾语,不可省略。(4)whom. 题干的意思是,我昨天遇见的那个男人借给我一些钱。(5)whom. 题干的意思是,你看见的那个女士是我们的地理老师。 (1)cheer him up.题干的意思是,我们最好去看看他,想法使他振作起来。cheer up遇到人称代词的时候,要将人称代词放到中间,并且要用宾格。(2)dont stick to.题干的意思是,如果你不坚持住你的选择,你就会失去这次机会的。(3)Once in a while.要注意once的第一个字母大写。 (4

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