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1、7. betray sb. to sb. 把某人出卖8. a surprise maths test 一次忽然的数学考试9. be / feel ashamed of .对.感到惭愧10. be proud of/take pride in 以为自豪11. feel like (doing) sth /clause. 想、感觉像 .12. be determined to do / determine to do sth.make up ones mind to do sth. 下定决心去做某事be determined to do sth. 决心做某事determine on 决定deter

2、mine upon 决定determine sb. against sth. 使 某人决定不做某事determine sb. to do sth. 使某人决定做某事13. I admitted that I had made a mistakeI admitted having made a mistake. 我承认我犯了错误。He has been admitted to Beijing University. 他被北京大学录取。14. keep ones secret 保守秘密15. keep ones word / keep ones promise 信守诺言 16. go straig

3、ht to 直奔17. break ones word 食言18. forgive sb. for doing sth. 原谅某人所做的事19. yell at sb. 对着某人大叫20. laugh at / make fun of / play a joke on/ tease sb嘲笑、取笑,跟某人开玩笑、取笑某人21. focus ones attention on 集中精力于22. as a result of / because of/ owing to/ due to/ thanks to 由于;因为23. cant stand (doing) sth. 不能忍受(去做)某事24

4、. apologize to sb. / make an apology to sb. 向某人道歉25. lead to / contribute to / result in/ cause 导致26. turn into a horrible argument 转变成可怕的争论27. feel guilty about.因为.感到内疚28. feel jealous of 嫉妒29. cant help doing sth. 禁不住做某事30. an unforgettable experience 一次难以忘怀的经历 31. have every right to do sth. 完全有权

5、利做某事 32. embarrass sb. in public 当众使某人尴尬33. mean to do= intend to do = plan to do 打算干某事34. mean doing 意味着35. blame sb for sth / blame sth on sb/ 因为某事而责备某人36. sb be to blame for sth 某人因受到责罚37. lie in 在于38. lie with 为.的职责It lies with you to accept or reject the offer. 接受或拒绝那项提议由你决定。39. before long 不久4

6、0. There is no doubt that he will succeed. 无疑他会成功。I have no doubt that. 我不怀疑.41. I doubt whether / if he is right. 我怀疑他是否准确。42. first of all 首先43. stay up late/ stay up at night / stay late into the night 熬夜44. make it 成功1. cheer sb. up 使某人提起精神2. persuade sb to do sth = persuade sb into doing sth. 说

7、服某人做某事try to persuade sb to do sth= advise sb to do= suggest sbs doing试图说服/劝告/建议某人做某事3. speaking of friends Ive met some. 谈到;说到4. rather than 而不是5. join the school badminton team 参加学校羽毛球队6. ever since 自从那以后7. would rather do sth than do sth = prefer to do sth rather than do sth#NAME?8. had better do

8、 sth. 最好做某事9. cant wait to do sth. 等不及去做某事 10. chat on the Internet / chat online 在网上聊天11.discourage sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人去做某事12. spend an absurd amount of time online在网上花费令人难以至信的大量的时间13. offer/give sb. practical advice 给某人提供实用的建议14.a sentence free from mistakes 挣脱(不好的东西)的,无.的15. in advance 提前/事先

9、 16. get through to . 打通.的电话 17. apart from 除了.之外 18. be absorbed in . 聚精会神于.19.three and a half hours later= three hours and a half later三个半小时之后20. in the world = on earth 到底,毕竟21. have / take different attitudes towards . 对.有不同的态度22. It is likely that = sb. be likely to do 很可能做某事23. be based on sh

10、ared activities or interests【二】1. follow our usual schedule 遵循往常的日程2. open the floor for discussion 自由发言 3 in addition to /besides/as well as/apart from 此外4 be full of = be filled with 布满5 have a lasting/ good/ great/ instant/ effect on(upon )对.有持久/好/大/立刻的影响6 grow to / climb to/ rise to/increase to

11、增长至grow by / rise by/ increase by 增长了7 wipe out 扫除;消灭8 give voice to sth=voice 发表9 cut back/ down on 减少10 My suggestion is that sb should do sth.11. be beneficial to.;be good for; do good to; do sb. good; benefit.对。有益12. environmentally friendly way of living 环保的生活方式13. at the same time 同时14. This r

12、oom is twice bigger than that one. 这个房间是那个的三倍大。This room is three times as big as that one.This room is three times the size of that one.15. be concerned about/ for concern oneself about / for 担心16. be concerned with/in 与.有关17. be responsible for (doing) sth 对负责18. see/ consider/ regard/ treat/ thin

13、k of sb as 把.视为19. the people running these factories 经营这些工厂的人们20.the key to success / the key to solving the problem 成功/解决问题的要害21. pay slightly higher prices for 为.付更多的钱22. ask around 四处打听23. be willing to do sth. 乐意干某事24. My money has run out.(无被动) / I have run out of money. 我的钱已经用完了。25 recycled m

14、aterial ( 可回收的材料)26 What if we run out of space? 要是我们没有空间了怎么样?27 What fun it is! How funny! 真有趣!28 do harm to = be harmful to = do damage to 对.有害29. run across= run into = come across 偶遇30. so/as long as.; if only. 只要。31. personally (speaking). 就我个人而言32. cause damage to. 对。造成破坏/损害1 be covered with/in 被.覆盖2 clean up the mess 清理3 customs officers 海关关员4 come over to 靠近5 watch the arrivals closely 仔细地观察到来者6 draw conclusions 得出结论7 natu

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