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1、1 answer: 2 answer:a-5;b-6;c-7;d-1;e-2;f-3;g-4;h-10;i-9;j-8国际经济学练习题参考答案PART 1 the gains from trade, the pattern of trade, protectionism2 comparative advantage; economics of scale 3 the opportunity cost4 aLC/aLWaLC*/aLW*, aLC/aLW Pc/PwaLC*/aLW*, 5 (L/aLC)/(L*/aLW*), (1/aLC)(Pc/Pw)1/aLW6 ,7 resources

2、cant move immediately or costlessly form one industry to another,Industries differ in the factors of production they demand8 relative abundance ;relative intensity 9 stolper-sammelson effect 10 Rybczynski effect 11 H-O proposition (I think the answer is stolper-sammelsom effect ,in the chapter4 2.2)

3、 12 Factor price equalization proposition13 both countries produce both goods technologies are the same There are barriers to trade: natural barriers and artificial barriers.14 Leontief paradox15 standard trade models16 production possibilities preferences;17 immiserizing growth (贫困化增长)18 immiserizi

4、ng growth 19 economic growth is strongly export-biased; the growing country is large enough to affect the world price; RS and RD must be very steep20 Metzle paradox21 economies of scale ; variety of products22 specialized supplies ;labor market pooling ;knowledge spillovers(知识溢出) 23 history and acci

5、dent 24(对应39) economics of scale interact with comparative advantage24 25 countries are similar in their relative factor supplies, scale economies and product differentiations are important26 the infant industry argument 27 terms of trade gain, efficiency loss28 trade politics29 political success; n

6、ational welfare 30 the term of trade argument for a tariff;the domestic market failure argument 31 Specific rule (对症规则)32 First domestic market failure should be corrected by domestic policies aimed directly at the problems sources; Second economists cannot diagnose market failure well enough to pre

7、scribe policy. 33 The problem of collective action 34 TRIPS , TRIMS (这两个协议与知识产权有关)35 most favored nation; national treatment36 customs union37 trade creation; trade diversion 38 promoting industrialization ; Coping with the problem of the dual economy39 the infant industry argument ; market failure

8、justification for infant industry protection 40 The imperfect capital markets justification;The appropriability argument.PART T=True F=False1- 5 T F T T F 6- 10 T F F F T11-15 T T T T F 16-20 T F T T F21-25 T T T F T 26-30 F T T F T31-35 T T F T T 36-40 T F T T F41-45 T T F T F 46-50 T T T T F51-55

9、F T T F T 56-60 F T F T T61-65 T T T T T 66-70 F F T T T71-75 T F F T T 76-79 T T F F F is more litter than the T and F at 2,5,7,8,9,15,17,20,24,26,29,33,37,43,45,50,51,54,56,58,66,67,72,73,78,79.If have on enough time to understand ,just learn by heart.PART choose the ONLY one collect answer in eac

10、h question(这部分加入了我的笔记,有些是老师讲解的内容,有些只是个人的理解)1. An important insight of international trade theory is that when countries exchange goods and services one with the other itA. is always beneficial to both countries.B. is usually beneficial to both countries.(通常会让两个国家都得利)C. is typically beneficial only t

11、o the low wage trade partner country .D. is typically harmful to the technologically lagging country.E. tends to create unemployment in both countries.Answer: B2. If there are large disparities(工资差异大) in wage levels between countries, thenA. trade is likely to be harmful to both countries.B. trade i

12、s likely to be harmful to the country with the high wages.C. trade is likely to be harmful to the country with the low wages.D. trade is likely to be harmful to neither country. (贸易几乎不会让任一国家受损) E. trade is likely to have no effect on either country. D3. Cost-benefit analysis of international trade (

13、成本收益分析)A. is basically useless.B. is empirically intractable.C. focuses attention on conflicts of interest within countries.D. focuses attention on conflicts of interests between countries.E. None of the above. C4. A primary reason why nations conduct international trade is because of differences in

14、A. historical perspective.B. location.C. resource availabilities.(资源有效性)D. tastes.E. incomes.5. Arguments for free trade are sometimes disregarded by the political process becauseA. economists tend to favor highly protected domestic markets.B. economists have a universally accepted decisive power over the political decision mechanism.C. maximizing consumer welfare may not be a chief priority for politicians.(扩大消费者福利不是最主要的)D. the gains of trade are of paramount concern to typical consumers.6. Proponents of free trade claim all of the following as adva

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