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1、8.functionvi. 起作用9.variety n多样(性)variousadj.各种各样的10.balance vt.使保持平衡 n平衡balancedadj.平衡的11.contribute vi.贡献;出力contributionn贡献;捐款contributorn捐献者12.concentrate vi./vt.专心于;注意concentrationn集中注意力;专心13.stress vt./n.强调;着重stressfuladj.充满压力的;紧张的14.arrange vt./n.安排arrangementn安排15.normal adj.正常的;正规的normallyadv

2、.正常地;通常地16.breathe vt./vi.呼吸breathn呼吸,气息breathingn呼吸 adj.呼吸的1.To keep healthy, you should keep a balanced (balance) diet.2.The weather varies from day to day; as a result, people wear various clothes. A variety of germs spread in the air, and many people became ill.(vary)3.After a stressful week of

3、work, all the employees were extremely stressed and tired. They complained that few could work efficiently under stress.(stress)4.They have contributed a lot of food and clothing to the refugees (难民) so far and their contributions will certainly help the refugees live through the winter.(contribute)

4、5.Concentration is important for this kind of work, and only by concentrating on it can you get it done well.(concentrate)6.In addition to these arrangements,_I will also arrange for my sister to pick you up at the airport tomorrow. (arrange)7.I like exercising very early in summer. The morning air

5、is so good to_breathe and I often take a few deep breaths.(breath)8.Its normal for the disabled to live normally like our heathy people.(normal)1.“保证”词汇全接触guarantee保证assure 保证ensure 确定,确保make sure 确保;确定2“缺乏,不足”一览lack v/n. 缺少,短缺absence n. 缺乏;缺席shortage n. 缺乏,不足3.后缀able形容词小结available可利用的enjoyable 愉快的a

6、dmirable 令人钦佩的 acceptable 可接受的comfortable 舒适的fashionable 流行的4.盘点后缀ful形容词stressful有压力的useful 有用的wonderful 精彩的hopeful 有希望的thankful 充满感激的cheerful 高兴的二、短语用 得 活(选用左栏短语填空)1.enable_sb.to_do_sth.使某人能做某事2.as_long_as 只要3.stress_the_importance_of_. 强调的重要性4.contribute_to_. 有助于5.be_lacking_in_sth. 某物不足;不够6.cut_o

7、ut_ 剪掉;删掉;放弃7.for_example 例如8.rather_than 而不是9.depend_on_. 取决于10.be_up_to_. 长达11.get_.from_. 从获得12.provide_.for_. 为提供13.different_kinds_of 不同种类的14.instead_of_. 代替15.advise_sb._to_do_sth. 建议某人做某事1.We should try to reform criminals rather_than punish them. 2.When you give a speech, youd better cut_out

8、 unimportant details.3.As_long_as you dont give up, youll succeed one day.4.The achievement of a particular goal makes you feel good and contributes_to your confidence.5.The opportunities available will depend_on your previous work experience and qualifications.6.Because she was_lacking_in training,

9、 she was afraid of making mistakes.7.Now I can walk to work instead_of going by car.1.“”短语集合be lacking in某物不足be engaged in 忙于be experienced in 在某方面有经验be interested in 对感兴趣be successful in 在某方面成功be strict in 对要求严格be absorbed in 专心于;全神贯注于2.“v.on”短语面面观depend on依赖,取决于take on 雇佣;呈现;承担carry on (继续

10、)进行;从事hold on 稍等(不挂断电话)come on 加油;快点儿keep on 继续call on 号召;请求put on 上演;穿上三、句式背 原 句明 句 式学 仿 写1.Its widely believed that extra vitamins provide more energy.人们普遍相信额外的维生素会提供更多能量。It is (widely) believed that . “人们(普遍)相信/认为”。大家认为不止一个人应对这次矿井事故负责。It_is_believed_that_more_than_one_person should be to blame fo

11、r the mine accident.2.But taking more than what the body needs does not make it function better .但如果摄入量超过身体所需,不会使身体更健康more than“超出,很,非常,不仅仅,不只是”。中国日报不仅仅是一种报纸,它还有助于提高我们的英语水平。ChinaDaily is more_than_a_newspaper. It helps to improve our English.3.You have learned about how to care for your teeth and fo

12、r your eyes.你已经了解了如何保护你的牙齿和你的眼睛。“特殊疑问词不定式”结构。这对年轻夫妇一直在考虑怎样帮助儿子养成读书的习惯。The young couple have been thinking about how_to_help their son develop the habit of reading books.第一板块核心单词归纳集释1guarantee v保证;担保n.保证(人/物);担保;保修单经典例句Take this opportunity, and I guarantee you wont regret it.抓住这个机会吧,我保证你不会后悔的。 (1)gu

13、arantee to do sth./that .保证/担保做某事; 确保guarantee sb. against/from 保证某人免受(损 伤或伤害)guarantee sb. sth. 保证某人某事be guaranteed to do sth. 肯定会做某事(2)give sb.a guarantee (that) . 向某人保证under guarantee 在保修期内The car is less than a year old, so it is still under_guarantee.这辆汽车用了还不满一年,因此仍在保修期内。If you yell at him, he

14、is guaranteed to_do (do) the opposite of what you want.如果你对他大喊大叫,他肯定会跟你对着干。Can you give me a guarantee that the work will be finished on time?你能向我保证工作会按时完成吗?2lack v缺乏;不足n.缺乏;缺少的东西高考佳句Jack still cant help being anxious about his job interview.Lack of selfconfidence is his Achilles heel, I am afraid.(2016江苏高考单选)杰克还是禁不住担心他的工作面试。我担心缺乏自信是他的致命弱点。(1)for/through lack of因缺乏(a)

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