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1、You are _. We went on a 10-day trip to Paris.Afunny Bright Ccool Dclose3Some students are so that they often make mistakes in their homework.Acareful Bcareless Ccarelessly Dsuccessful4-The pen looks nice. Who bought it for you?-Its a birthday present from my mother. I like it very much and it writes

2、 very .Acompletely Bproperly Crapidly Dsmoothly5Why didnt Sally play the violin at the concert last night? She said that her hand hurt, but that was only a(n) _. I saw her play tennis just now.Amatter Bexcuse Cresult Dexpression6If a person is _, he or she is funny and often makes others laugh.Arela

3、xed Bpatient Chumorous7Mom, I need to eat something sweet after dinner.Well, _ is a good choice.Alemon Bbeef Cmilk Dice-cream8The stars _small because they are very far away from us.Aturn Bbecome Care Dlook9 There is a_ over the bench saying Wet Paint. Dont sit on it.Afact BmessageCtalk Dsign10He ga

4、ve himself a new name to hide his _ when he went to carry out the secret task.Aemotion Btalent Cidentity Dtreasure11Have you gone to the park _?Yes. I have.Aalready Byet Csoon Dtomorrow12- Burning rubbish in the open air will surely much pollution.- Yes. The government should take action to stop it.

5、Aproduce Bprotect Cprevent Dprovide13Mike the book for two weeks. He will return it next week.Akept Bhas keptCborrowed Dhas borrowed14(题文)There is lots of trash around our school, and it smells_.Agood Bbad Cwell Dbadly15Tom used to be afraid of speaking in front of many people. Now hes become much_

6、.Amore generous Bmore honestCshier Dmore confident16Youd better give up taking that kind of medicine. It may be to your health.Aharmful Bsimilar Cimportant Dfriendly17She likes music and often goes to _.Azoos Bholidays Cconcerts Dparks18Would you _ if I ask you a question, sir?No, never. Whats it, p

7、lease?Amind Blike Clove Ddislike19To get more_,call 12345, please.Amilks BinformationCdictionaries Dthings20If you cant go there tomorrow, I _ go there, _.Awont, too Bwont, either Cdont, too Ddont, either21-Do you know how to get to the 12th floor?-_ the button and the lift will go up to that floor

8、with you.APull BPush CCatch DHold22Sixty per cent of the cranes live in _ parts of the world.Athe other Bother Cothers Dthe others23Mr. Green likes sports. He likes playing basketball, going swimming.Aalso Band Cas well Das well as24_ I live in a safe community, I still feel a little worried when I

9、go out at night.AAlthough BSince CUntil25Will you go to the party? Yes, _ I am free.Abut Bor Cso Dif26After a fire in the wetland, the government made laws to _ people having barbecues or picnics in the wetlands.Aprovide Bprevent Cprotect Dprepare27Can I take a message?Yes, please. Can you ask him t

10、o _me back this evening?Aspeak Bsay Ctell Dcall28Pizza is delicious.Agood Bsweet Cfine Dwell29How long may I your dictionary? For one week. But you mustnt it to the others.Alend; borrow Bborrow; lendCkeep; lend Dhave; borrow30_ eats meat. It doesnt eat grass.AThe zebra BThe tiger CThe kangaroo DThe

11、panda31James took the magazines off the little table to make _ for the television.Aarea Bposition Cfield Droom32On the weekend,the _ is a great place to exercise.Youre right.Apark Blibrary Ckitchen Dshop33I made a special card for my father _ Fathers Day this year.Ain Bat Con Dto34Therell be a _ at

12、our school this Saturday. Do you know that?Of course. Im in the school team.Amatch Blesson Cparty Dmovie35(题文)This _ has the most comfortable seats, so people like to see movies here.Atheater Brestaurant Cradio station Dclothes store36 Let s play basketball. That sounds . I want to play computer gam

13、es.Agood Binteresting Cboring Drelaxing37My fathers father is my _.Amother Bfather Cgrandfather Dgrandmother38What are you going to do this evening, Jim?Im not sure. I_Ill listen to the new CD my uncle gave me.Atrust Bsuppose Cbelieve Dsay39 -_ have you stayed in this hotel?-Not long, just _ this Monday.AHow soon; from BHow long; sinceCHow many days; for DHow often; on40Dont spend too much time watching Douyin videos. It is a waste of time.

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