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ANSI AWS D11 放射线检测之接受标准Word下载.docx

1、在底片上之指示其最大长度与宽度之比大于3倍以上者。二、静态结构及管状结构接受标准:依据AWS D1.1-90 8.15.3及10.17.3节规定静态结构及管状结构銲道RT除了不得有裂痕外,尚须符合下列接受标准:(1) Elongated discontinuities exceeding the maximum size of Figure 8.5.长形瑕疵不得超过图八之允许最大尺寸。(2) Discontinuities closer than the minimum clearance allowance of Figure 8.5.瑕疵之间隔,不得短于图八之允许值。1. Rounded

2、discontinuities greater than a maximum of size of E/3, not to exceed 1/4 in. (6 mm). However, when the thickness is greater than 2 in. (50 mm), the maximum rounded indication may be 3/8 in. (10 mm). The minimum clearance of this type of discontinuity greater than or equal to 3 /32 in. (2 mm) to an a

3、cceptable elongated or rounded discontinuity or to an edge or end of an intersecting weld shall be three times the greatest dimension of the larger of the discontinuities being considered.圆形瑕疵不得超过E/3或6mm取小者,若板厚超过50mm,其圆形瑕疵尺寸10mm以内为合格。若瑕疵大于或等于2mm者,其距另一个可接受的长形或圆形瑕疵间之距离,或距离板边,或距离相交銲道之最小距离必须大于3倍之较大瑕疵尺寸方

4、可接受。2. Isolated discontinuities such as a cluster of rounded indications, having a sum of their greatest dimensions exceeding the maximum size single discontinuity permitted in Figure 8.5. The minimum clearance to another cluster or an elongated or rounded discontinuity or to an edge or end of an in

5、tersecting weld shall be three times the greatest dimension of the larger of the discontinuities being considered.单一群集瑕疵其所有瑕疵尺寸之总和不得超过图八单一瑕疵之允许最大尺寸,其群集间距或距其他圆形,或长形瑕疵,或距板边,或距另一相交銲道之最小距离,必须大于3倍的较大瑕疵尺寸距离。3. The sum of individual discontinuities each having a greater dimension of less than 3/32 in. (2 m

6、m) shall not exceed 2E/3 or 3/8 in. (10 mm), which ever is less, in any linear 1 in. (25 mm) of weld. This requirement is independent of (1), (2), and (3) above.在任何25 mm銲道内,小于2 mm之单一瑕疵尺寸总和不超过2E/3或10 mm,取较小值,此项要求不属于上列(1)(2)(3)项之范围。4. In-line discontinuities, where the sum of the greatest dimensions e

7、xceeds E in any length of 6E. When the length of the weld being examined is less than 6E, the permissible sum of the greatest dimensions shall be proportionally less.在6倍銲道尺寸内,成线排列之瑕疵尺寸之总和不得大于E,若检测长度不足6E时,其容许之瑕疵总和必须按比例递减。注:以上E为銲道尺寸1. 依A值水平向右求B值,即得可容许之最大间断尺寸。2. 依B值垂直向下求C值,即得间断之最小间距尺寸。C-沿着銲道纵轴方向所量测之气孔或

8、熔合型间断(以相邻间断中较大者为主)之边缘到板边缘或到相交之銲道端面的最小间距(mm)( C = 3B = 2E )图八 静态结构及管状结构銲道内有长形间断时,銲道质量要求(摘自AWS D1.1-90 Figure 8.5)三、动态结构接受标准:依据AWS D1.1-90 9.25.2节规定,动态荷重结构之銲道放射线检测,不得有裂痕以外,尚须符合下列接受标准。(1) AWS D1.1-90 welds subject to tensile stress under any condition offloading, the greatest dimension of

9、any porosity or fusion type discontinuity that is 1/16(1.6 mm) or larger in greatest dimension shall not exceed the size. B indicated in Figure 9.7 for the weld size involved. The distance from any porosity or fusion type discontinuity described above to another such discontinuity, to an edge, or to

10、 the toe or root of any intersecting flange-to-web weld shall be not less than the minimum clearance allowed, C, indicated in Figure 9.7, for the size of discontinuity under examination.属于拉应力之銲道,任何气孔或熔合形态瑕疵之最大尺寸为1/16(1.6 mm)或以上时,其瑕疵尺寸必须不能超过(图九)所规定之对应轴所列之尺寸B。其瑕疵与瑕疵间距、或 瑕疵与板边、或瑕疵与翼板接腹板銲道根部间之距离不得小于(图九)

11、中对应之C值。(2) AWS D1.1-90 welds subject to compressive stress only and specifically indicated as such on the design drawings, the greatest dimension of porosity or a fusion type discontinuity that is 1/8(3 mm) or larger in greatest dimension shall not exceed the size, B, nor shall the spac

12、e between adjacent discontinuities be less than the minimum clearance allowed, C, indicated by Figure 9.8 for the size of discontinuity under examination.仅承受压应力的銲道,任何气孔或熔合形态瑕疵之最大尺寸为1/8(3 mm)或以上时,其瑕疵尺寸必须不能超过(图十)所规定之对应轴所列之尺寸B。相邻瑕疵间距离不得小于(图十)中相对应之C值。(3) AWS D1.1-90 of the requireme

13、nts of and, discontinuities having a greatest dimension of less than 1/16 (1.6 mm) shall be unacceptable if the sum of their greatest dimensions exceeds 3/8(10 mm) in any linear inch of weld.虽然瑕疵最大尺寸小于1/16(1.6 mm),但不管图九及图十之规定如何,若在銲道任何一吋范围内其最大尺寸总和超过3/8(10 mm)者视为不可接受。(4) AWS D1.1-90

14、 limitations given by Figures 9.7 and 9.8 for 1-1/2(38 mm) weld size shall apply to all weld size greater than 1-1/2 thickness.銲道尺寸超过11/2(38 mm)者,均应以图九及图十的38 mm为标准。(5) AWS D1.1-90 V illustrates the application of the requirements given in AWS D1.1-90附录V说明AWS D

15、1.1-90及9.25.2.3规定之应用。1.依A值水平向右求B值,即得可容许之最大间断尺寸。2.依B值垂直向下求C值,即得间断之最小间距尺寸。-開槽銲道尺寸或填角銲道尺寸(mm)C-沿銲道纵向量测气孔或熔合间断之间的最小间隔(mm)(以相邻间断之较大者为准)相邻间断之间距若小于C值,则视为单一间断且其长度为间断总长度加间隔长度。图九 间断产生于拉应力銲道之銲道质量要求(限于气孔及熔合间断的限制)(摘自AWS D1.1-90 Figure 9.7)C-(mm)四、静态结构銲道内有长形间断时,銲道质量要求2. 依B值垂直向下求C值,即得间断之最小间距。图十 间断产生在压应力銲道之銲道质量要求(气孔及熔合型式间断的限制)(摘自AWS D1.1-90 Figure 9.8) C-沿着銲道纵轴方向所量测之气孔或熔合型间断之间的最小间隔(mm)(以相邻间断中较大者

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