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1、6.We now have the i and the ability to solve these huge problems on poverty. 【答案】information 7.His lecture was too hard and far from my c . 【答案】comprehension 8.When you are in the lab,you should follow your teachers i . 【答案】instructions 9.Only with effective m can we improve our English study. 【答案】m

2、ethods 10.The woman gave the policeman a d of her stolen car. 【答案】description .完成句子 1.你的邮票是我的邮票的三倍多。 You have I. 【答案】three times as many stamps as 2.镇上有些所谓的娱乐,但与城里的截然不同. The town offers entertainments of a kind,but what youll find in the city. 【答案】nothing like 3.你介意我坐这个座位吗?Would you this seat?【答案】mi

3、nd me taking 4.窗子遭破坏的那幢房子现在已经修好了。The house the were damaged has now been repaired. 【答案】windows of which 5.His explanation was (远非)satisfactory. 【答案】far from .单项填空 1.The universities weve been looking forward to Oxford ,Harvard and so on. A.included B.including C.include D.includes 【解析】”weve been loo

4、king forward to”是定语从句修饰 universities 。looking forward to的宾语不是后面的挖空处,而是先行词universities。挖空处是全句的谓语动词用一般现在时,include与复数主语the universities保持 一致 。【答案】C 2.He has been working too much,and is not at all well. ,he needs a holiday. A.In a word B.On the other hand C.After all D.In other words 【解析】句意是:”他工作过度,身体也

5、不大好,也就是说,他需要休假。”in a word用来总结上述情况;on the other hand表示相反的情况;after all表示”毕竟”;in other words”换句话说”。【答案】D 3.How was Roberts cooking?Oh,pretty good.I was quite . A.admired B.interested C.impressed D.inspired ”罗伯特做饭怎么样?”“太好了,给我的印象很深。”。I was quite admired表示”我受到别人的崇拜”;I was quite interested”我非常感兴趣”;I was qu

6、ite impressed”我印象非常深刻”;I was quite inspired”我受到非常大的鼓舞”。4. at failing in the math exam,John wouldnt like to talk about it to his parents. A.Disappointed B.To be disappointed C.Disappointing D.Having disappointed 【解析】根据句意可知,此题是非谓语动词作状语。主语是John,与disappoint是被动关系,用过去分词。句意:John由于数学没考好,感到很失望,不愿与父母谈及此事。【答案】

7、A 5.When he left college,he got a job as reporter in a newspaper office. A./;a B./;the C.a;the D.the;当他大学毕业后,他在一家报社找到了一份记者的工作。此句中的college是指”上大学”,所以应把它作为抽象名词;第二个空是可数名词,前面要用不定 冠词 。6.(预测)Only experienced reporters have been selected to go to London to the 30th Olympic Games. A.interview B.cover C.memor

8、ize D.contribute 只有有经验的记者才被选中去伦敦采访第30届奥运会。interview”面试;采访”,后跟人称宾语;cover”采访;报道”,后面跟要采访的内容作宾语。memorize”记忆”;contribute”贡献;捐助”。【答案】B 7.(2011安徽百校论坛第三次联考,32)Statistics show that men have as women do for every mile they drive. A.serious accidents as twice many B.twice as many serious accidents C.twice seri

9、ous accidents as many D.serious accidents as many twice 【解析】此句要用倍数的表达方式,即:twice as many+ adj.+ 复数名词+as.句式。8.(2011浙江宁波八校联考,8)It is generally agreed that the earths climate will warm up over the next 50 to 100 years it has warmed in the 20 000 years since Ice Age. long as much as soon a

10、s well as 普遍认为,地球的气候在未来50到100年内温度增长的程度与自从冰河时代以来20 000年内增长的温度一样大。此处要用much作程度状语,用结构表示”像一样”。9.I dont think he could have passed the College Entrance Examination since he loves anything but study, ? I B.has he C.couldnt he D.hasnt he 【解析】I dont think .后面的反意疑问句要与宾语从句的主语和谓语保持一致,我们把A项排除。coul

11、d have passed表示猜测,所以反意疑问句不要与could一致要用havent/hasnt/didnt/have/has/did.?。这是一个否定前移句式,宾语从句视为否定句,故用B项 has he 。10.(2011贵州遵义市第二次联考,20) We give dogs time,space and love we can spare. .Dogs are always our loyal friends. A.Neither dogs do B.Neither do dogs C.So dogs do D.So do dogs ”我们把我们能够付出的时间、空间和关爱给予我们的狗狗”

12、。”狗也一样,它们总是我们忠实的朋友”。前面一句表示肯定情况,故排除A项和B项。So dogs do表示”狗的确这样”。So do dogs”狗也一样”。 提升能力达标.单项填空 1.(2011安徽省级示范高中联考,25)The government officials met the workers and engineers working on the stadium ,most were migrant workers.A.of which B.of who C.of whom D.of them 政府官员接见了建造体育馆的工人和工程师们,他们大多数是农民工。首先,根据most前面的逗

13、号判断,后面这部分不是独立的分句,排除D项。根据句意可知,这一部分修饰前面的the workers and engineers,是定语从句,要用关系代词whom。2. After looking at many new cars,I found which I would accept just as suitable. B.this C.that 我看了许多新型汽车,找到了我认为正好合适的一辆。此处要用泛指替代词one替代a car以免重复。3.(2011安徽巢湖第二次教学质量检测,26) How did he leave without your ? He isnt a person of that kind. A.knowledge B.notice C.information D.acknowledgement 他怎么没有让你知道就走了呢?他不是那样的人。此处要用kn

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