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英语 高中英语过去完成时试题有答案和解析及解析Word文件下载.docx

1、根据句意可以判断,故选B。考点:考查时态辨析2The girl, when _ why she _ in the exam, just lowered her head and kept silent.Aquestioned; was cheatedBbeing questioned; was cheatingCquestioned; had cheatedDbeing questioned; has cheated【答案】C考查非谓语动词。当被问到为什么在考试中作弊中,小女孩子低头不语。When引导的是是时间状语从句,与girl 之间是被动关系,所以用done形式,作弊没有被动语态,故选C项

2、。3Sally was excited to meet Susan at the party last nightThey _ each other since they graduated from Oxford University in 2010Ahavent seen Bhadnt seenCdidnt see Ddont seesince,自从。以后。上句的表语是感到激动(“was excited”),这个状态发生在昨晚(“last night”),也就是过去。因此他们还没彼此见面(“They hadnt seen each other”),这个动作发生在昨晚以前,也就是过去的过去。

3、用过去完成时4Father _ for London on business upon my arrival, so I didnt see him.Ahas left Bleft Chad left Dwas leaving分析句子,由于后半句用的是一般过去式,故根据意思可知前半句的事是发生在后半句之前,故用过去完成时,故选C。父亲在我回来之前已经去出差了,所以我没有见到他。5By the time Jack returned home from England, his son. from college.Agraduated Bhas graduatedChad been Dhad gr

4、aduated【答案】D考查动词时态,By the time 截止到过去某时间为止做了某事,用过去完成时态。 A是一般过去时;B是现在完成时;C是过去完成进行时。根据句子意思“截止到Jack从英国返家,他的儿子已经大学毕业了。6Mr. Chapman retired at 70 after he nearly 40 years with the Gas CompanyAhad spent Bhas spent Cspends Dwould spend【答案】A本题考查时态。根据语境Mr. Chapman退休已经发生在过去,所以动作spend度过,是过去的过去,故用过去完成时。选A。7 We d

5、idnt find Smith attending the lecture. No one _ him about _ a lecture the following day.Atold ;there to be Bhad told ; there to be Ctold; there was Dhad told ; there being考查时态。根据句意可知没有人告诉他是在我们没有发现Smith之前发生,故用过去完成时;about为介词,故there be句型为there being,选D。8 The boy _ loudly because he _ his way in the jun

6、gle and thought he couldnt go back home.Ahad cried; lost Bhas cried; has lostCcried; had lost Dcried;考查动词时态。因为在从中中迷路认为不能回家所以小男孩大声地哭起来。迷路这个动作发生在大哭之前,故用过去完成时,故选C项。9As soon as I got to the airport, I realized I _ my ID card at home.Ahad left Bhas leftCwould leave Dwill leave一到机场,我就意识到我将身份证忘在家里了。根据语境可知,

7、leave my ID card at home是发生在realized之前,用过去完成时。故选A。【知识归纳】过去完成时态表示过去的过去。When I got there, the train had left.当我到达那里的时候,火车已经离开。考查时态10Arriving at the party hurriedly, we were disappointed to find that the band playing.Astopped Bwill stopChad stopped Dhas stopped解析:匆忙地到达晚会,我们很失望地发现乐队已经停止演奏了。题干中的were disa

8、ppointed的状态发生在过去,stop这个动作发生在其之前,故应用过去完成时。所以选C。11The young man insisted he _nothing wrong and that the police_himAdid: released Bhad done; releaseChad done; must release Dshould do; should release考查insist的用法。翻译成“坚持说”不用虚拟, 翻译成“坚持认为”用虚拟(should+动词原形并且should可省。)“这个年轻人坚持说他没做错什么, 坚持认为警察应该放了他。”12They became

9、 friends again that day. Until then they _to each other for nearly two years.Adidnt speak Bhadnt spokenChavent spoken Dhavent been speaking考查时态:他们在那天又成为了好朋友,直到那时他们已经近两年没有说话了。从They became friends again that day.可知他们两年没有说话是到那天为止发,属于过去的过去的动作,用过去完成时,选B。13They asked me to have a drink with them. I said t

10、hat it was at least ten years since I _ a good drinkAhad enjoyed Bwas enjoyingCenjoyed Dhad been enjoying在“It+be+since从句”这一结构中,可用一般现在时或现在完成时,since从句用一般过去时。他们喊我和他们去喝一杯。我说,离我上次好好的喝上一杯已经有10年了。故A正确。14-What do you think of the American singer Lady Gagas performance?-Too crazy, but if I _to her concerts h

11、eld yesterday, I would have enjoyed it.Awould go BwentChad gone Dshould go考查虚拟语气。-你觉得美国歌手Lady Gaga的表演怎么样?-太疯狂了,但是我如果昨天去看她的演唱会的话,我一定会非常享受当时的音乐氛围。根据句意可知,“我”并没有去看演唱会,答语是对过去的事情进行虚拟,if从句用had done,主句用would have done,故选C。考查虚拟语气15Mary went to the box office at lunch time, but all the tickets _ out.Awould se

12、ll Bhad sold Chave sold Dwas selling【分析】【详解】玛丽在午饭时候去售票处了,但是所有的票都卖光了。根据前句可知,玛丽去买票是过去发生的事情,所以票卖完应该是过去的过去,用过去完成时,故选B。16_ could be judged from her eyes that she was terribly sorry for what she _.AAs; had done BThat; did CAs; did DIt; had done本题句意“从她的眼神可以判断,她为她所做的感到非常抱歉”。此句中的that引导的从句是真正的主语,而it作形式主语。她感到抱

13、歉是过去时,而所做的在抱歉之前已发生,故用过去完成时。17 Chinese scientists _ on Tuesday that they _ a low-cost welding robot, which can help improve welding efficiency for small factories.Aannounces; had invented Bannounced; have inventedCannounced; had invented Dannounces;第一空根据时间状语on Tuesday可知用一般过去时;第二空动词invent所发生的动作在announce之前,故用过去完成时。 句意:中国科学家在周二宣布,他们已经发明了低成本的焊接机器人,可以帮助提高小工厂焊接效率。故C正确。18 Although most adopted persons want the right to k

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