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1、 hard work)25. wear glasses26. play computer games27. want to do sth.28. after school29. know each other30. the Class1Grade 7 students =the students in Class 1, Grade 731. help sb. do sth.32. Its time for sth. =Its time to do sth.33. in the match34. know sb. well35. dark brown eyes36. on the footbal

2、l field37. live in Beijing38. swimming pool39. play with sb.40. talk to sb.41. at lunchtime42. take sb. for a walk43. after school你叫什么名字?这是(用于介绍人或物)第一天照料,保管与交朋友相互间进行自我介绍乘公共汽车欢迎到来在北京阳光中学早上好!(下午好,晚上好,晚安)12岁住在(公寓里)在方面聪明(在很擅长)在校篮球队在阅读俱乐部称某人为来自,地方人出生于在校学习(在学校里)足球场喜欢做某事听(音乐,老师讲课)看努力工作(对比:艰苦的工作)戴眼镜玩电脑游戏想要做

3、某事放学以后相互了解七年级一班的学生帮助某人做某事是该做某事的时候了。在比赛中非常了解某人深褐色的眼睛在足球场住在北京游泳池和某人一起玩和某人交谈在午餐时间带某人去散步放学后44. walk home = go home on foot45. take the bus46. a picture of ones family47. the best in the world48. a member of (the Reading Club)49. write to sb.50. at the weekend51. go running (shopping)52. watch games53. i

4、n a restaurant54. Write soon!55. a favourite football player56. walk home=go home on foot 57. on the sheet58. Sports News59. the Huanghe Football Team60. score goals61. the World Cup62. look strong (nice, etc.)63. play football forTeam64. listen to music/CDs65. the newest member66. a very good footb

5、all player67. need to do sth.68. borrow sth. from sb.69. How do you say that in English?70. I dont understand.71. Ill start /begin now.72. I am sorry, I dont know.73. at the beginning of74. sound great=sound nice/good75. lots of friends = a lot of/many friends76. at the weekend 77. enjoy doing sth.=

6、like/love doing sth.78. look for sth. on the Internet79. be good at(doing) sth.=do well in(doing) sth.80. write down81. for half an hour82. in the next World Cup 84. go swimming步行回家坐公共汽车一张全家福世界上最好的(阅读俱乐部的)一个成员写信给某人在周末去跑步(购物)看比赛在餐馆请回信一个受欢迎的足球运动员在纸上体育新闻黄河足球队进球世界杯看起来很强壮(很漂亮)效力于足球队听音乐/光盘最新成员一名非常好的足球运动员需

7、要做某事向某人借某物这在英语里怎么说?我不懂。我就要开始了。对不起,我不知道。在的开始听起来很棒许多朋友在因特网上查找擅长于人(做)某事写下半个小时在下一届的世界杯中去游泳Unit Two My day1. wake up2. have fun3. its time for sth. (n.) = its time to do sth.4. its time for sb. to do sth.Its time for me to do my homework.5. What are you going to do?6. after breakfast7. go to sleep/ go to

8、 bed8. have/ eat lunch9. the answer to.10. a member of11. practice with sb. 12. have lessons13. do after-school activities14. write to sb.15. do ones homework16. do morning exercise17. in the playground18. play volleyball19. practise + n./ practise doing sth.I practise English/ practise playing foot

9、ball20. talk to each other21. spend +time +doing sth.I spend about an hour a day doing my homework. spend + money + on sth. (n.)I spend 10 yuan on the book.22. a lot of things to do23. twice a weekonce/ twice/ three times/ four times/24. listen to the radio25. make model planes26. read newspapers27.

10、 say hello to sb.28. sit under the tree29. go home together30. news/ information (不可数名词)31. win the first prize in the football match32. all the time33. be good for sb.34. comic books35. need to do sth.36. on Mondays = every Monday37. have much time to do sth.醒来,叫醒寻找乐趣是干某事的时候了是某人干某事的时候了该是我做家庭作业的时候了。

11、你打算干什么?早饭后上床睡觉吃中饭的答案的一员和某人一起锻炼上课进行课外活动做作业做早操在操场上打排球练习干某事相互交谈花费时间干某事我每天花一个小时做家庭作业。买东西花多少钱我买这本书花了十块钱。有许多事要做一周两次一次/两次/三次/四次/听收音机做飞机模型看报纸向某人问好坐在树下一起回家消息,新闻/信息在足球比赛中获得第一名一直对某人有益连环画书籍每个星期一有许多时间干某事38. chat with sb.39. know how to do sth.40. write back to sb.41. thanks for/ thank you for sth. (n.)/ doing st

12、h.42. like doing/ 43. get some information about44. next Monday45. would like to do sth.I would like to go to Beijing Zoo.46. look forward to + n./ +doing sth.Im looking forward to a great day out.Im looking forward to seeing you.47. learn more about sth.48. go to the school library49. have fun=have a nice/good/great time50. be nice to sb.=be kind/good/friendly to sb.51. would like to do sth.=be ready for sth.

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