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1、赠予 18、_vt.陈列,展览 19、_遗憾,抱歉;后悔,惋惜 20、_批准,通过;赞成 答案:1.attend 2.earn 3.respect 4.achieve 5.grade 6.literature 7.average 8.challenging 9.extra 10.prepare 11.drop 12.miss 13.experience 14.introduce 15.former 16.culture 17.donate 18.display 19.regret 20.approve二、【重点短语】1、_注意 2、_(书的)封底 3、_一代又一代4

2、、_平均 5、_过去常常做 6、_逐字地 7、_首先 8、_介绍给 9、_和约会 10、_培养对的兴趣11、_捐赠给 12、_忘记去做 13、_作决定 14、_把和相比 15、_轮流做 16、_告知17、_对负责 18、_由组成 19、_提出 20、_签名来源:学科网 attention to 2.back cover 3.from generation to generation 4.on average5.used to do sth. 6.word byfor word 7.first of all 8.introduceto 9.make an appointment wit

3、h 10.develop an interest in 11.donateto 12.forget to do 13.make a decision pare with 15.take turns to do 16.informof responsible for 18.consist of e up with 20.sign up三、【词汇联想】1、achieve vt. _ (n.) 6. preparation n. _ (v.)2、German n. _ (pl.) 7. require vt. _ (n.)3、immediately adv. _ (adj.) 8. sc

4、ary adj. _ (v.) 4、develop vt. _ (n.) 9. nature n. _ (adj.)5、inform vt. _ (n.) 10. please v. _ (n.)1.achievement 2.Germans 3.immediate 4.development 5.information6.prepare 7.requirement 8.scare 9.natural 10.pleasure四、【重点句型】1_(被洪水围困)is an experience.2I think _(保护环境的最佳方法)is to plant more trees.3Think i

5、t over and youll find it is _(不象你想象的那样难).4Making an appointment with tomorrow _ (听起来)a romantic idea.5. The most important thing _(我们应该注意的)is the first thing I have said.6The boy spent most of his spare time _ (在网上冲浪).7.The man _(正在和我爸爸握手的)is our headmaster.8._(你本应该把作业完成的)before turning on the TV se

6、t, but Im sorry you didnt.1.Being caught in a flood 2.the best way to protect the invironment3.not as difficult as you thought 4.sounds like5.we should pay attention to 6.suffering the Internet五、【语法精讲】关系代词在定语从中的应用关系代词在定语从句中所作的成分和指代指人指物人和物作主语who/that/aswhich/that/asthat作宾语who(m)/that/as作定语whose whose

7、that 和 which的区别:(一) which 可引导非限制性定语从句,that则不能(二) which 之前可以有介词,that 之前则不能有介词(三) that和 which都指物时,在4中情况下,只能用that 而不能用which (1) 当先行词是all,everything,nothing,something,anything,much,little,few等不定代词时。(2) 当先行词被序数词修饰时(3) 当先行词被最高级修饰时(4) 当先行词被 the very, the only, the just等修饰时。(5) 当先行词既指人又指物时(6) 在定语从句中担当表语时, 只

8、能用that.要点名师透析【重点单词】1attend vt.&vi.出席,参加;上(学、教堂);看护,陪伴,服侍,随行(从);照料,处理be attended by 由陪同,由照料attend the meeting 出席会议attend church 做礼拜attend (on/upon) sb 服侍某人attend to 处理、料理(生意或个人事务);(在商店或饭店)为(顾客)服务【词语辨析】attend, take part in, join, join in与participate in表“参加”的区别(1)attend指出席或参加会议、音乐会、婚礼、宴会等,也可指听课、听报告等。(2

9、)take part in多指带着责任心参加大型活动,并在其中起一定的作用,如体育、比赛、游戏、战斗等。(3)join指加入团体、组织,并成为其中一员,如参赛、入团、入党、加入某人行列。join sb in (doing) sth 意为“和某人一起做某事”。(4)join in和participate in 强调正在进行的活动,如比赛、娱乐、谈话等。如:Every four years, many athletes from different countries take part in the Olympic Games.每四年一次,许多来自不同国家的运动员参加奥林匹克运动会。Would

10、you like to join in our discussion(join us in the discussion)?你愿意参加我们的讨论吗?He has never attended my lectures. 他从未听过我的课。【活学活用】(1)你生病时哪个医生为你看病?Which doctor you when you were ill?(答案: attended)(2)我明天不能和你一起,因为我有一个重要的会议要参加。I cant go with you tomorrow, for I have an important meeting to .来源:学*科*网Z*X*X*K at

11、tend)(3)演说伴随着热烈的掌声。The speech by wild applause. was attended)(4)校长现在很忙,此时他不能接待你们。The headmaster is very busy now. He cant right now. attend to you)(5)我也许会迟到,我有一两件事要处理。I may be lateI have got one or two things to . attend to)2. experience vt.经历,体验 n. C 经历(过的事);U经验experienced adj. 有经验的be experienced in/at 在方面有经验by/from experience 凭经验;从经验中learn lots of experience from 从处学到很多经验【注意事项】experience作名词“经验”讲时不可数,作名词“经历”讲时可数。an unforgettable experience一次难忘的经历 (1)What _ our journey was!Aexciting experienceBan exciting experienceCexcited experienceDan excited experience(2)You must try some of her h

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