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1、1 What are you going to do this weekend? _ If the weather is sunny, Im going to Erdos this weekend.AIt doesnt matter. BIt depends. CPardon me. DDont mention it.2In my opinion, teenagers should pay more attention to _ their interest in studies than getting good grades.Adeveloping Bdiscussing Ccollect

2、ing Dmaking In the past, a Chinese student who wanted to study at a university in the UK had to pass a difficult exam. Yes. But now, the University of Birmingham has firstly 3 the tradition.Aallowed Bbroken Cobeyed Dreduced4 Excuse me, waiter! I am leaving. Would you please bring me the _? OK. Here

3、you are.Amoney Bnote Cbill Dlist5 Tom failed in the running competition last week. _ ! He is the best at running in our school.AI agree BDont be silly CYou cant be serious DThats all right6 My Chinese book is nowhere to be found. Where _ it be? Is it under the sofa?Acould Bmust Cwill Dneed7Our monit

4、or always sticks to his own ideas, and _ could change his mind.Aanything Bsomething Cnothing Deverything8How do you like the TV program Downton Abbey?Fantastic! It is a pity that I _ the beginning of it.Amissed Bwas missing Chad missed Dmiss9As an adult, you should _ your own decisions and actions.A

5、be responsible for Bbe thirsty for Cbe thankful to Dbe patient with10Prevent noise pollution, _ we can live in a quiet environment.Aand Bor Cbut Dnor11 Why hasnt Diana come? The invitation letter _ to Dorothy by mistake.Ae-mailed Bhas e-mailed Cis e-mailed Dwas e-mailed12 Erica, have you found the o

6、ldest cinema in your town at last? Not yet, our town has _ changed over these years.Ahardly Bpartly Ccompletely Dnever13 How about five dollars a hat, madam? The price sounds _. Ill take it.Alow Bfair Ccheap Dhigh14My dear team members, please be careful and we cant _ to make any mistakes again.Asta

7、nd Bafford Cstop Drefuse15 It was so surprising to meet him again! We havent seen each other for a long time. Have you exchanged your phone numbers to _ with each other?Aget on well with Bcatch up Ckeep in touch Dcome up二、完型填空 I was a fool at school, and regarded as a special- needs student. I was n

8、ot interested in school and did not care for my 16 .As time went by, I started to lose faith in myself. Did I have to 17 the fact that I was in a special- needs class and I was not as clever as others? But one thing changed me: Chess.I started to play chess with my father after school 18 because I w

9、anted to win. My father was 19 , and he was fond of physics, writing, sports ., almost every field. So, winning in chess 20 my father would be a sign that I might be intelligent.Game after game, I wanted to 21 my father even more. I started to study chess book and play on the computer to sharpen my

10、22 . One weekend, I finally checkmated(将杀)my father, which made me feel excited.Two years later, I became the second board on my school chess team. I could almost compete with our top board who was the best high school player in the state. But before the competition, our top player 23 to come. There

11、 came my 24 to play as a top board against the best players in other states.I was determined to show who I had become: a smart person who was able to win. My opponent(对手)was playing well while I had to keep my king 25 . He spent long trying to 26 my defenses(防御), but he could not find the final push

12、. I returned with more defensive moves, trying to make it as 27 for him as possible. With little time left, he had to make rapid moves. 28 he could make the final decision, he ran out of time. As his clock flag fell, I jumped up out of my seat and kissed the floor out of excitement. It was not very

13、graceful(优雅的), but I could not 29 myself.While holding my winners cup, I was so proud. The feeling of stupidity began to melt away, and I realized that 30 can be a genius(天才)in fact.16Ahabits Bgrades Cplans Dactions17Anotice Bexplain Caccept Dachieve18Aeasily Bsimply Cquickly Dexactly19Ainterested B

14、excited Ctalented Dbored20Aagainst Bwith Cto Dfor21Awin Bbeat Cknock Dshut22Adreams Blessons Cthoughts Dskills23Apromised Bmanaged Chappened Dfailed24Achance Bchange Ccheat Dtraining25Asafe Balone Cproud Dweak26Acut down Bfall down Cbreak down Dlie down27Aconvenient Bdifficult Cquick Deasy28AOnce BUntil CBefore DUnless29Astand Badmire Cspread Dcontrol30Anobody Beveryone Csomeone Dnone三、阅读单选 Four New Cool InventionsMipMip, a playful robot, was developed by a Canadian toy maker named Wowwee. It stands 19 cm tall. You can control it simply with your gestures(手势)

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