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1、即使是应对一个具体的段落而言,段落的结构有一部分也符合这种模式,亦即在一段开始也是列举具体的事例,数据,实验过程讲解等,这时候可以直接跳到段落结尾处去找重点,因为此段落也符合归纳的逻辑思维。用中文的解释即为:总、分、总的文章结构。Eg1:Imagine youre at a party full of strangers。 Yourenervous。 Who are these people? How do you start a conversation?Luckily, youve got a thing that sends out energy at small chips(芯片) i

2、neveryones name tag(标签)。The chips send back name, job, hobbies-whatever。 Making new friends becomes simple。This hasnt quite happened in real life。 But the world is alreadyexperiencing a new age of using RFID technology。学生面对这两段文字将如何快速找出主旨?看文章第一个词Imagine(想象)就应断定是列举实例的开篇方式,主旨不在于实例本身而应是实例后的总结,即第二段文字是重点,

3、通过实例总结出来的一个结论或是一个要讨论的主题。还有第二段文字以否定句开头,以转折句衔接,故而二句都是重点。因为阅读过程中要格外注意三种句型:否定句、疑问句、转折句。那么这篇文章的主旨应为:。 predict the uses ofRFID technology 预测 RFID (刷卡技术)的使用。从字面意思看:此种场景在现实生活中还没有真实发生,但世界即将经历一个新时代的到来。Eg2: At the University of California, my students and I studiedmore than 2,000 years of self-change methods a

4、nd also reviewed thescientific research works on that。 Among all the methods, three shouldbe specially mentioned: theyre useful, simple and easy to learn。Whats more, people who have made successful changes in their livesoften depended on one or more of these methods。To get yourself started in a new

5、direction, try the Three Ms:学生如何确定这两段文字的重点内容?看第一句同样是讲述作者自己的亲身经历与研究领域,没有多大意义;第二句看主句内容 threeshould be specially mentioned:要特别提到三种方法,后一句讲的是三种方法怎么重要,没有多大意思。如果出题人给出此文的写作目的是什么?那么用归纳的思维来判断第二段小文字为重点,应为这是承上启下段落。To get yourself started in a new direction, try the Three Ms:(想让自己重新来过请试试三个 M 方法)那么用出题人自己的语言概况应为:T

6、o encourage people to change their bad habits。其二:也是大多数文章的结构,即与归纳思维反向的演绎思维,也是西方逻辑学上突破性的思维方式,直接推动西方科学知识的进步与突破。即开篇即提出作者自家的观点,而且大多数都是猜测出来的口吻,运用的助动词多为情态动词 can、may、 could、 might;或是其他表示推测的词性如:possible, probable, likely 等及其变形。那么此时这篇文章的中心就在文章的开头处,必须精读此处,切莫略过! Younger adults who get either little sleep or a l

7、ot of it may seea greater increase in their waistlines over time, a study suggests。 Some people think that they have an answer to the problemsof automobiles crowding and pollution in large cities。 Their answer is thebicycle, or bike。Eg3:In modern society there is a lot of disagreement aboutcompetiti

8、on。 Some value it highly, believing that it is good for socialprogress。 Others say that competition is bad。 It sets one person againstanother。 And it leads to unfriendly relationship between people。此三段文字都为观点类句式,如 think,disagreement 等。第二:要了解中学阶段阅读的具体题型。针对考试当中经常出现的题型现归类如下:A:缺少句子成分题型。如缺少主语,宾语,状语成分,这是考试

9、中最长出现的类型题。When we wear a pair of 3D glasses, _。此题提供的内容是时间状语从句,要补充主句的内容,那么学生必须在原文中锁定题干中句子在原文何处出现,定位住原文后要精读此句,找出与原文意思相同的句子,切莫一味找寻与原文一样的答案,因为很少有和原文完全相同的答案,如果真的出现与原文相同的句子,那就是最简单的题型。定位原文 Three-dimensional technology uses two film projectors(投影机)。One projects a left eye image and the other projects a righ

10、t eye image。 3Dglasses allow us to see a different image in each eye。那么答案大致为:our brain will get a different image from each eyeWhy do some people welcome competition according to thepassage? 题干为因果关系题,亦即原因状语的题型,还是一样要从原文找内容,而不是从头脑中找答案,不要记忆原文内容,要定位原文,精读原文,与四个答案相对应,确定标准选项。定位原文:In modernsociety there is

11、a lot of disagreement about competition。 Some value ithighly, believing that it is good for social progress。 Others say thatcompetition is bad。 It sets one person against another。 And it leads tounfriendly relationship between people。 此段文字第一句即为主旨,开篇提出要讨论的主题,即现在社会中人们对竞争的看法。紧接着就是列举一些人的不同观点,证明分歧在哪里。故而出

12、现 some,others 的句式结构,这是明显的列举方式。针对此题定位原文应为横线句:一些人高度重视,认为它有助于社会进步。那么答案为 It pushes society forward。含义相同句式不同,这是正确答案的设置方式,因为要体现出出题人的应为驾驭能力,要体现出解释的作用,理解的特点:即用不同的词或短语解释文中出现的复杂句式,paraphrase the sentence。Not all memories are sweet.Some people spend all their livestrying to forget bad experiences wars and traf

13、fic accidents can leave peoplewith terrible physical and emotional(精神上的)hurts。 Often they appearagain in dreams。Now American researchers think they are close to developing adrug,which will help people forget bad memories.The drug is designed tobe taken immediately after a frightening experience They

14、 hope it mightreduce or possibly erase(清除)the effect of painful memories。2.In November, experts tested a drug on people in the US andFrance.The drug stops the body producing chemicals that fix memories in thebrain。 So far the research has suggested that only the emotional effects ofmemories may be reduced,not that the memories are erased。The research has caused a great deal of argument.Some think it is abad idea,while others support it。Supporters say it could lead to drugs that

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