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1、洗一次澡需要大量的水,而且肥皂是奢侈品。You might have one bath per family per month.可能每个家庭每个月只能洗一次澡。The man of the house would be first, followed by his wife, and then the kids in descending order of age.首先当然是这个家庭的男人,其次是他的妻子,接着小孩子按照长幼顺序洗澡。The joke is by the end, you might lose the baby in the water because it was so f

2、ilthy.笑点在最后,小宝宝放进水里可能就看不见了,因为水真的太脏了。My grandmother, born in 1893, used to say that the dresses were beautifulhand stitched, delicate lace, pin tucking and all. 我的祖母,出生于1893年,过去常说那些手缝的、带有精致花边以及细褶的裙子是很美的。Her family was quite well off, so she got new dresses (3 or 4) every year. 她的家族相当富有,她每年都能得到3到4件新礼服

3、。However, people only bathed once a week, at most, and the clothes would be ironed but rarely washed, as they were too delicate. 但是,人们一周最多洗一次澡;而且衣服也只是熨一下,很少洗,因为他们太过精致。The ironing just sealed the BO smells into the fabric. 熨衣服只是将体臭封到衣服里。If you got mud on your clothes, you waited until it dried, then

4、brushed off as much as possible. 如果你的衣服沾到泥巴,你会等它干掉,然后尽量把它刷掉。She said she and her sisters always dressed well, but stank.她还常说她和她的姐妹虽然穿得光鲜靓丽,但却臭气熏天。When Europeans first visited Japan in the 16th century, the Japanese couldnt believe the stench. 当欧洲人在16世纪首次访问日本的时候,日本人没办法相信他们居然这么臭In one famous incident,

5、 a Japanese lord had a European delegation forcibly stripped and bathed before he met with them and had their clothes burned.有一件相当著名的事件,一位日本官员在与欧洲使团见面之前强制剥光他们的衣服让他们洗澡,并将衣服烧掉摧毁。睡觉时做到这些可预防皱纹Sleep on your back平躺着睡Sleeping on your stomach or on of your sides means there is constant pressure on your face

6、. Over time, this action will produce unwanted sleep lines. You can remedy this by sleeping on your back, says Dr. Jaliman, this way you will not apply any pressure to your face. For many people though, this might be uncomfortable, and you cant control your involuntary sleep movement leading you to

7、a side or stomach position. But, you can practice and can get used to it over time.趴着睡或侧着睡意味着不断给脸施压。随着时间的推移,这一举动将带来多余的睡眠纹。而平躺着睡就能解决这个问题,加里曼博士说道,这样的睡姿不会对脸部施加压力。然而,对于很多人来说,平躺着睡可能不舒服,而且你无法控制无意识的睡眠活动(侧着睡或趴着睡)。但是,你可以不断练习,慢慢地将其养成习惯。Not a back-sleeper? Get a special pillow做不到平躺着睡?买个特殊的枕头吧Dr. Jaliman recomm

8、ends the NIGHT Pillow ($150; ) for sleep. It has many benefits including minimizing wrinkles, supporting clean skin, and assisting with hydrating your skin cells, which helps prevent the formation of fine lines, she says.加里曼博士建议购买夜间枕头(NIGHT Pillow,亚马逊网售价150美元)。这个枕头有许多好处,包括减少皱纹、帮助清洁肌肤、使皮肤细胞保湿,有助于预防细纹

9、的形成,她说道。Upgrade your pillowcase升级枕套If you just cant get comfortable sleeping on your back, you can still prevent those pillowcase-induced wrinkles by upgrading from cotton to silk or satin. With a silk pillowcase, your skin slides on the pillow, says Dr. Jaliman. In other words, there is less tracti

10、on and your face wont crunch against it like it does on a cotton pillow.如果你觉得躺着睡不舒服,那你还可以通过将棉枕套升级为丝绸或绸缎枕套来预防枕套引起的皱纹。睡在丝绸枕套上,你的皮肤就可以在枕头上随意翻滚,加里曼博士说道。换言之,因为牵引力较小,所以睡在丝绸枕套上时你的脸不会像睡在棉质枕套上时那样皱巴巴的。Try a retinol尝试视黄醇Retinol may be the most powerful tool in your anti-aging arsenal. The vitamin A derivative

11、teaches your skin to act young again by stimulating the collagen that prevents fine lines. Dermatologists consistently recommend using the strongest cream your skin can tolerate (which may require a prescription), but there are plenty of over-the-counter options, such as Neutrogena Ageless Intensive

12、s Deep Wrinkle Moisturizer ($15; ).视黄醇也许是抗衰老武器库中最强大的工具。这一维生素A衍生物通过刺激预防细纹的胶原蛋白,使肌肤保持活跃。皮肤病学家一直建议人们使用肌肤可以承受的效果最强的面霜(可能需要处方),但还有很多非处方面霜可供选择,比如露得清深层抗皱晚霜(亚马逊网售价15美元)。Wear night cream涂抹晚霜Night creams are heavy, ultra-moisturizing lotions that you probably couldnt get away with wearing during the day (glow

13、ing is one thing, greasy is another). Choose one that contains hyaluronic acid, which helps plump and firm the skin. Healths editors love Garniers Ultra-Lift Miracle Sleeping Cream ($14;晚霜是一种质地厚重而又超级保湿的乳液,可能不适合白天涂抹(油油的泛着光)。选择含有透明质酸的晚霜,有助于肌肤饱满、紧致。健康杂志的编辑喜欢用卡尼尔的紧致神奇睡眠面霜(亚马逊网售价14美元)。Get a full nights r

14、est睡个好觉It might sound obvious, but getting the right amount of sleep is necessary. It is important to sleep 7 to 8 hours a night to rejuvenate the skin, says Dr. Jaliman. Thats why its called beauty sleep!听起来可能显而易见,但获得适量睡眠是很必要的。每晚睡7至8小时能让肌肤焕发活力,所以我们将其称为美容觉!这是养育聪明宝宝的秘诀Recently, a study revealed that parents should really limit the amount of screen time that their children have to just two hours a day, especially since an increasing body of research suggests that all that eye strain is causing a disturbing rise in nearsightedness in both kids and adults. Now, a new study published

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