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牛津高中英语模块5Unit2 p2938Word文件下载.docx

1、 Cf 参看 miss2 2. C (infml derog 口, 贬) girl or young woman who likes to get her own way 自行其是的年轻女子: Shes a real little madam! 她可真是个我行我素的小姐! C esp sing 尤作单数 woman who is in charge of a brothel 鸨母.arrival / ravl; ravl/ n U act of arriving 到达; 抵达: Cheers greeted the arrival of the Queen. 一片欢呼声欢迎女王莅临. * On

2、 (your) arrival at the hotel please wait for further instructions. (你)抵达旅馆後, 请听候进一步指示. * to await arrival, ie (on a letter, parcel, etc) to be kept until the person to whom it is addressed arrives 待领(写在信件 包裹等上面的字样, 意为等候收件人前来领取). C person or thing that arrives 到达的人或物: Late arrivals must wait in the f

3、oyer. 来晚的人要在门厅等候. * Were expecting a new arrival (ie a new baby) in the family soon. 我们期待着家中不久将添一个新生儿.clean (sth) up (a) remove (dirt, rubbish, etc) from a place to clean it; make (a place) clean by removing dirt, etc 除去(污物 垃圾等)把一地方打扫乾净; 除去污物等使(一地方)乾净: The workmen cleaned up (the mess) before they l

4、eft. 工人们清理(杂物)後就走了. * clean up (a room) after a party 聚会後(把房间)打扫乾净. (b) (infml 口) make or win (a lot of money) 挣得或赢得(很多钱): He cleaned up a small fortune. 他发了一笔小财. clean sth up remove criminals, harmful influences, etc from sth 从某事物中清除罪犯 有害影响等: The mayor is determined to clean up the city. 市长决心清除市内的不

5、良现象. * a campaign to clean up (ie reduce the amount of sex and violence shown on) television 清除电视中不良现象的运动(减少播放色情和暴力的节目).arrest / rest; rst/ v Tn seize (sb) with the authority of the law 依法逮捕, 拘留, 扣留(某人): After the match three youths were arrested. 比赛过後有三个青年被捕. (fml 文) stop or check (a process or mov

6、ement) 阻止或抑制(进展或运动): Attempts are being made to arrest the spread of the disease. 现正设法遏止这种疾病的蔓延. attract (sth) 吸引(某事物): An unusual painting arrested his attention. 一幅异乎寻常的画引起了他的注意. arrest n 1 act of arresting (arrest 1) 逮捕; 拘留: The police made several arrests. 警方逮捕了好几个人. 2 stoppage 停止: The patient d

7、ied after suffering a cardiac arrest, ie when his heart stopped functioning properly. 病人患心搏停止而死亡(心脏停止跳动). 3 (idm 习语) be/place sb/put sb under arrest be/be made a prisoner 被逮捕; 被拘留; 成为囚犯: I am placing you under arrest for attempted burglary. 我按企图盗窃罪逮捕你. * You are under arrest. 你被捕了.arresting adj attr

8、acting attention; striking 引人注意的; 显着的: an arresting smile 引人注目的微笑.illegal / ligl; lil/ adj against the law; not legal 不合法的; 违法的. illegality / lglt; llt/ n U state of being illegal 不合法; 违法. C illegal act 非法行为.illegally / -gl; -l/ adv: an illegally parked car 违章停放的汽车.customs / kstmz; kstmz/ n pl taxes

9、 payable to the Government on goods imported from other countries; import duties 进口税; 关税: pay customs on sth 为某物缴纳进口税. (also the Customs) government department that collects these taxes 海关: The Customs have found heroin hidden in freight. 海关查出了隐藏在货物中的海洛因. * How long does it take to get through custo

10、ms? ie have ones baggage examined by customs officers at a port, airport, etc 海关检查要用多少时间? * attrib 作定语 a customs officer, search, check 海关官员 检查 查验 * customs duty, formalities, etc 海关税 手续等. Cf 参看 excise1.# customs house office, esp at a port, where customs duties are collected (尤指港口的)海关.customs union

11、 agreement between states on what customs duties are to be paid on each others goods 关税联盟(国与国之间就双方货物的徵税问题缔结的协定).feather 1 1 / fe(r); f/ n any of the many light fringed structures that grow from a birds skin and cover its body 羽毛. =illus 见插图. (idm 习语) birds of a feather = bird. (be) a feather in ones

12、 cap an achievement, etc that one can be proud of 可引以自豪的成就等: Winning the gold medal was yet another feather in her cap. 夺得金牌是她又一值得骄傲的成就. light as air/as a feather = light1. ruffle sbs feathers = ruffle. show the white feather = show2. smooth sbs ruffled feathers = smooth2. you could have knocked me

13、down with a feather = knock2. feathery / fer;r/ adj 1 light and soft like feathers 轻而软的; 似羽毛的: feathery snowflakes 羽毛般的雪片. 2 covered or adorned with feathers 长着羽毛的; 饰有羽毛的: a feathery hat 饰有羽毛的帽子.# ,feather bed mattress stuffed with feathers 羽绒褥垫. ,feather-bed v (-dd-) Tn make things easy for (sb), e

14、sp by helping financially; pamper 使(某人)安逸或予以方便(尤指资助); 娇养: They have been so feather-bedded in the past that they cant cope with hardship now. 他们一直娇生惯养, 所以现在过不了苦日子.feather-brained adj (derog 贬) foolish; silly 愚蠢的; 没头脑的.featherweight n 1 boxer weighing between 53.5 and 57 kilograms, next above bantamweight 次轻量级拳击手(体重在53.5至57公斤间, 高於最轻量级). (a) (infml 口) thing or person that is light in weight 重量轻的物或人. (b) (infml derog 口, 贬) thing or person of little merit or importance 微不足道的事物或人

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