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1、Competitive Electricity Markets (6 hours)竞争性的电力市场(6课时)Paradigm (3 hours)范例(3课时)Main content主要内容What is a market? 什么是市场?Structure of market 市场结构Chapter 1 Introduction to Market 第一章 市场介绍1.1 What is a Market? Economics focuses on optimization and equilibrium.经济学侧重于优化与平衡 Macroeconomics addresses the gen

2、eral economy and asks whether macroeconomic indicators, such as inflation, unemployment, and the cost of capital, are in equilibrium.宏观经济地址一般的经济和询问宏观经济指标,如通货膨胀,失业和资本成本,是否处于平衡状态。 Microeconomics addresses the optimizing behavior of consumers and producers and asks whether the observed equilibrium pric

3、es and quantities in each market are economically efficient. 微观满足消费者和生产者的优化的行为,并询问是否所观察到的均衡价格和数量,在每一个市场都是经济高效。Competitive versus Noncompetitive Markets竞争性与非竞争性市场Buying and selling electricity involves at least three productive activities: generation, transmission, and distribution, including wholesa

4、le and retail distribution. These activities can be bundled in a single market in which producers generate, transmit, and distribute electricity to consumers, or these activities can be unbundled. 购买和出售电力,涉及生产活动至少有三个:包括发电,输电,配电,批发和零售分销。这些活动可以捆绑在一个单一的市场,生产者产生,传输,并分发到消费者的电力,或这些活动可以分解开来。The Market Mech

5、anism市场机制A hypothetical auctioneer (1)announces a range of prices to both buyers and sellers, asking market participants to reveal the quantity they are willing to buy or sell at each price and (2) determines a price that equates the quantity demanded by buyers with the quantity supplied by sellers.

6、 一个假想的拍卖(1)宣布买卖双方的价格范围,要求市场参与者透露他们愿意在每一价格购买或出售(2)确定的价格,相当于数量的数量要求与买家由卖方提供的数量。Elasticity弹性 Because the quantity demanded (Qd) and the quantity supplied (Qs) both change with changes in price, all market participants are better off knowing how these quantities change if price changes. The responsivene

7、ss of quantity to changes in price is price elasticity. 由于需求量(QD)和供给量(QS)价格变动都改变,所有市场参与者更好地了解如何将这些数量的变化,如果价格变动。数量价格变动的反应是价格弹性。 The responsiveness of changes in Qd to price is the demand elasticity (Ed ) and the responsiveness of changes in Qs to price is the supply elasticity (Es ) . 在QD的价格变化的响应是需求弹

8、性(ED)和在QS的变化对价格的反应是供给弹性(ES)1.2 Structure of Market市场结构 Perfect Competition Market完全竞争市场 Monopoly Market垄断市场 Monopolistic Competition Market垄断竞争市场 Oligopoly Market寡头垄断市场Monopoly Market垄断市场 1. Concentration ratio of market is 100 percent. 市场集中率是100。 2. There is no substitute in market. 有没有替代品在市场。 3. B

9、arriers to entry are very high. 进入壁垒非常高。Monopolistic Competition Market (Imperfect Market) 垄断竞争市场(市场不完善)1. Concentration ratio of market is a kind of low. 市场集中比率是一种低。2. Products are most homogeneous or are most different. 产品最齐,最不同的。3. Barriers to entry and exit are a little bit low. 进入和退出壁垒是有点低。Olig

10、opoly Market寡头垄断市场1. Concentration ratio of market is very high. 浓度市场的比例是非常高的。2. Product differentiation is very high or products are almost the same. 产品差别化是非常高或产品几乎是一样的。3. Barriers to entry and exit are a little high. 进入和退出壁垒高了一点。Exercise练习1. There is a popular linear representation of demand funct

11、ions.If a=45 and b=0.04 in Equation, then determine Ed for Qd =400,600,and 800. Does demand elasticity become more elastic or more inelastic as quantity increases?1有一种流行的线性表示需求函数。如果a =45和b= 0.04公式,然后确定QD =400,600和 800。需求弹性变得更有弹性,更缺乏弹性或数量增加吗?Chapter 2 Electricity Regulation and Deregulation Chapter 第

12、二章电力监管和放松管制1. The electricity industry: restructuring and deregulation电力行业:结构调整和放松管制2. From monopolies to markets从垄断市场 3. Why restructuring and deregulation now? 为什么现在的结构调整和放松管制?4. Regulation is still required 管制是仍然需要5. What lessons can be learned from international experience?从国际经验中可以学到什么教训?2.1 The

13、 electricity industry: restructuring and deregulation电力行业的结构调整和放松管制 Under restructuring and deregulation, vertically integrated utilities, in which producers generate, transmit, and distribute electricity, have been legally or functionally unbundled. Competition has been introduced in wholesale gene

14、ration and retailing of electricity. Wholesale electricity markets are organized with several generation companies that compete to sell their electricity in a centralized pool and/or through bilateral contracts with buyers. 在结构调整和放松管制,垂直整合公用事业,生产者产生,传输和分配电力,法律或功能分解开来。批发发电和电力零售竞争已经出台。电力批发市场举办了几个发电公司竞

15、争,在一个集中的游泳池和/或通过与买家的双边合同出售其电力。Transmission and distribution are still considered natural monopolies that require regulation. To achieve effective competition, regulation is still needed to ensure open, nondiscriminatory access to the transmission grid for all market participants.输电和配电仍然被认为是自然垄断的行业,需要加以规范。为了实现有效竞争,监管仍然需要确保开放,非歧视性的访问,为所有市场参与者的输电网。2.2 from monopolies to markets 从垄断市场 Traditionally, a single utility,

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