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高考一轮复习 unit 3学案 新人教版必修7Word格式文档下载.docx

1、7There is a _ (狭窄的) path through the woods,but it is too lonely.narrow8The poor workers _ (拖) the heavy stones in teams with ropes over their shoulders.dragged9She gave the class a _ (生动的) description of the beautiful seaside.vivid10The _ (每年的) death rate in the United states is increasing.annual.完成

2、句子1Everything is _ _ in his house.他房子里的东西都颠倒了。upside down2I want you to _ _ _ the situation before it affects you.在它对你产生影响之前我想让你意识到目前的局势。be aware of3The girl _ _ _ _ at the sight of the snake.一看到这条蛇,这个女孩就被吓死了。was scared to death4Can you _ _ _ when I lost my job?当我失业时,你能帮我摆脱困境吗?help me out5_ _ _,a bi

3、g storm happened in our hometown.在此期间,一场大暴雨在我的家乡爆发了。In the meantime.单项选择1Are you _ the climate is quite different this year?Yes,extreme weather happens now and then.Aknown that Baware thatCknowing that Daware of that解析:句意:你意识到今年的气候有些异常吗?be aware that知道,意识到。由于宾语是从句,故应选B项。B2(2012芜湖模拟)Owing to bad weat

4、her,the police had to _ the search for the missing boy.Aresign BabandonCconduct Drelease由于坏天气,警察不得不放弃对失踪男孩的搜寻。abandon“放弃”;resign“辞职,辞去”;conduct“组织,实施”;release“释放”。3Police have appealed for _ to come forward.Aevidences BwitnessesCcitizens Dexplanations句意为:警方呼吁目击者挺身而出予以协助。witness在这里用作名词,意为“目击者”。eviden

5、ce“证据”;citizen“公民,居民”;explanation“解释”。4(2012太原模拟)With no one to _ in such a frightening situation,she felt very helpless. Aturn to Bturn onCturn off Dturn over在这么令人恐怖的局势下无人求助,她感到很无助。turn to sb.for help向某人求助;turn on“打开”;turn off“关闭”;turn over“翻转”。A5After retirement,Mr smith _ painting,which he had al

6、ways loved but had not had time for.Atook up Bgot upCheld up Dlooked up退休后,史密斯先生开始画画,在过去他很喜欢画画,但就是没有时间;take up“开始;从事”;get up“起床;起来”;hold up“阻塞”;look up“向上看;查阅”。6(2011连云港模拟)_ the weather,the athletic meeting will be held on time.AIn contrast with BIn relation toCOn behalf of DRegardless of不管坏天气的影响,运动

7、会将如期举行。regardless of“不管;尽管”;in contrast with“与对比”;in relation to“与有关”;on behalf of“代表”。D7You buy the fruits;_ Ill cook breakfast.Aon the other hand Bthe same timeCin the meantime Dat all timein the meantime“同时,在期间”。你去买水果,同时我来做早餐。at all time意为“总是,随时”,不符合句意;on the other hand“另一方面”。C8The frequent attac

8、ks on the schoolyard _ the local police to take immediate action to fight against the criminals.Acalled on BchargedCurged Dimpressed频繁发生的校园袭击案件促使当地警方立即采取行动,打击罪犯。urge“催促,极力主张,驱策”,urge do sth.“敦促某人干某事”,符合题意。charge“收费,控诉”;impress“使印象深刻,使铭记”。9At first Mr.John was _ of planes,but two years later,_

9、to other countries on business is his main business.Ascared;flying Bfrightening;flightCfrightened;flight Dscaring;flying起初,约翰先生害怕飞机,但两年过后,坐飞机出国做生意是他的主要业务。be scared of“害怕”,第二空是动名词作主语。10(2012南通质检)Many Palestinians were forced to _ where they lived when the air attack began.Aleave from Bhide fromCrun f

10、rom Dflee from考查短语辨析。flee from意为“从逃走”。空袭一开始,很多巴勒斯坦人就被迫离开了自己的家园。leave from“从离开”;hide from“隐瞒”;run from“从跑开”。A项有一定的干扰性,但不与from连用。11(2012苏州模拟)The hotel is not big enough and it hasnt a(n) _ for 500 Japanese youths.Acollection BabilityCaccommodation Dreceptionaccommodation“住所,住宿”;collection“收集”;ability“

11、能力”;reception“接待”。12A beautiful sunrise is a(n) _ sight. Aawkward BhandsomeCabsolute Dawesome这四个词中只有awesome含有“令人惊叹的”之意。太阳出来时的美丽景色真是令人叹为观止。handsome“英俊的”;awkward“令人尴尬的,使人难堪的”;absolute“完全的,全部的,绝对的”。13The new apartment built a few months ago is large enough to _ over two hundred people.Asupply BprovideC

12、hunt Daccommodate几个月前建起的新公寓楼可容纳200多人居住。supply和provide均表示“提供”。hunt“打猎”。14(2012烟台模拟)You should _ the likely result before you decide to do something.Apick out Breflect onCmake use of Dtest out在你决定做某些事情之前,你应当认真考虑一下它可能出现的后果。pick out“挑出来”;reflect on“仔细思考”;make use of“利用”;test out“试验”。15(2012广州模拟)He had a _ escape from the fire when his car burst into flames.Ahardly BalmostCnarrow Dnearly当汽车燃烧时,他勉强从大火中逃了出来。narrow为形容词;“勉强的;窄的”;narrow escape意为“九死一生”。答案

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