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1、living standards, poor farmers in less than complete elimination of 4600 Yuan, 8949, 19008. Five waters rule: the County invested 2.169 billion yuan, similar counties line the citys first complete the 42 km of sewage pipe network construction, completion rate ranked first in the city, won the provin

2、cial rural sewage treatment work better; key pollution sources such as electroplating, papermaking, chemical industry management through verification and acceptance of the municipal government, the County removed Black and odorous River, River waste, beginning of river ecological restoration effects

3、. Three modified a split aspects: County total demolition illegal area up 2.759 million square meters, completed City issued annual task of 153%, split against area ranking city second; completed three modified area 4.846 million square meters, completed City issued annual task of 403%, ranking city

4、 third, which village in the a target completed total city ranking first; County Government was named city level three modified a split work advanced. These achievements are hard won and should be appreciated. However, we are fully aware, the new period, and work in the countryside and the environme

5、nt facing higher standards and requirements, provincial party Committee offered to high level build a comprehensive well-off society goal requires no filth, dirty environment illegal buildings, into a well-off; municipal party Committee also proposes to build into the well-off benchmark goals of the

6、 city. Compared with the superior claim, South Gate of XX beautiful goal, my County San Nong and environment there are a number of weaknesses and gaps, highlighted in the following five aspects: first, agriculture remained low pattern. Low is reflected in the quality and low; short, value added of t

7、he industry chain is low; 123 fusion yield low employee age, low quality. Small is reflected in smaller, specialized cooperatives throughout the County there were 3,396, but on the scale of too little. San is reflected in production, management, services, decentralized, centralized, standardized, br

8、and, information and organizational level is not high. Second, the countryside is still in dirty phase. Dirty is dirty of rural sanitation situation has not changed. Chaos is a village in rural housing construction planning, construction of disorder, no drawings, no construction, no vetting four no

9、phenomenon, heap lying there. Bad is the weak rural base, village governance is poor. Thirdly, farmers continued to be persistent look. Old is aging, rural labor force accounted for 70% over the age of 50. Big is that the reform measures ground resistance, such as the transactions of property rights

10、, land replacement; public service supply gap, rural education, health care, pensions and other services can not meet the demand still difficult for poverty alleviation, with emphasis on poverty alleviation and 191. Hard is a peasants, peasants. Four water effects still lacks 时 间: 2015 年 04 月 25 日 目

11、 录1 绪论-12 课程设计的目标-23 课程设计的意义-24 需求分析-35 概要设计-41. 分配内存-4 2. 获取并记录缓存的物理空间-5 3. 处理采集数据-7 4. 关闭视频设备-86 相关技术说明-8 1. 视频采集应用程序流程-8 2.设定属性及采集方式-87详细设计-10 1.监控前端-10 2.监控终端-128 总结-16绪论当今,随着工厂的建设、管理向着信息化、智能化方向发展,在厂区安装闭路监控系统就成了许多生产企业必不可少的管理措施之一,在企业内部安装一整套局域网上的网络视频监控系统,可以很清楚方便地了解本企业的生产工作情况。另外,在某些工业生产现场,需要对流水线上的产


13、此同时,硬盘录像系统的数字化和传输网络化等先进技术可以实现与防盗报警等系统联网联动,及时准确地反馈现场信息,为报警事件提供充分可靠的依据。我们选用的研华视频监控系统就是一个典型的数字式的录像系统,存储量大,回放和检索都非常地方便。第一章 课程设计的目标 1.了解闭路电视监控系统的设计目标、原则、依据及基本设计方案。 2.熟悉数字视频监控系统的硬件组成及接线和布线。熟悉数字视频监控系统的软件系统。 3.熟悉图像的采集、传输以及后继的处理等步骤的硬件支持部分。 4.掌握所有实验器材的性能及其具体的使用规则,完成具体设备的连接,组成一个四通道的实时数字视频采集监控系统。第二章 课程设计的意义随着计算机网络技术、视频压缩技术以及嵌入式技术在近些年来的迅速发展,网络视频监控系统进入快速发展期,市场上出现了很多网络视频监控产品,以满足人们对安全的各种要求。采用嵌入式Web技

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