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本文(三维设计届高三英语二轮 三轮总复习重点突破专题一第十二讲 交际用语专题训练 人教版Word格式文档下载.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

三维设计届高三英语二轮 三轮总复习重点突破专题一第十二讲 交际用语专题训练 人教版Word格式文档下载.docx

1、答案:C2(2010陕西高考)Whats the noise? It sounds as if it comes from upstairs._. It must be the windowcleaner working next door.AIm not sure BI hope notCId rather not DI dont think so由下句“It must be the windowcleaner working next door”可知不赞成对方观点,故I dont think so符合句意。D3(2010江西高考)Do you enjoy your present job?

2、_.I just do it for a living.AOf course BNot reallyCNot likely DNot a little考查情景交际。由空格后面的一句可知,B项符合语境。not really不是真的。B4(2010河南示范性高中五校4月联考)Excuse me, sir, is the swimming pool open all day?_.Only from 600 pm to 1000 pm.AThats right BYes,of courseCSorry,Im not sure DSorry,Im afraid notSorry,Im afraid no

3、t语气委婉,表示否定,意为“对不起,恐怕不是这样”,符合语境。5(2011江西五校联考)May I take your order now?_OK, Ill come back in a few minutes.ANo,we need more time.BCould you bring us the bill?CYes,here it is.Thank you.DSure,wed love to.考查情景对话。服务员想即刻拿到顾客的点菜单,顾客只有在还需时间想想点什么菜的时候,服务才会说过几分钟再来取。故A项符合题意。B项是要结账的时候说的话;C项是把点菜单交给了服务员,那么服务员就不必过几

4、分钟再回来取。A6(2010重庆第二次调研)Hes very hardworking._,but I still dont think hes the right man for the job.AIts a good idea BNo problemCThats true DIm sorry从but一词的转折含义可知,but前的内容是同意对方的看法。故用Thats true作答。7(2010重庆第二次调研)Would you like to go to the concert with me tonight?_I prefer something more interesting.AWhy

5、not? BGood idea.CDont mention it. DNo,thanks.从答语“I prefer something more interesting.”可知,“我”不会和对方一起去听音乐会。故表示委婉拒绝选D项。8(2010唐山二模)Tom,you are smoking again?_?Its none of your business.ASo what BWhat forCWhy not DHow come根据答语的后一句可知,说话人对此不屑一顾,所以选A项,“那又怎么样?”后三项分别表示“为什么”“为什么不呢”“怎么会”,都与所给语境不符。9(2010成都第二次诊断)

6、 Hi,Maria!I got the first place in the exam._!Everyone knows you cheated and you just copied Tonys paper.ACongratulations BCome onCGood luck DCheer up根据答语的后一句可知,答话人认为对方虽然在考试中得了第一名,但是名不副实。故选B项,此处come on意为“得了吧”,表示知道某人所说的话不正确,符合语境。10(2010成都第二次诊断)How is everything,Jason?ANot at all BOh,my pleasurem all

7、right,thanks DNot too bad“How is everything?”询问的是“一切还好吗?”所以选择D项,意思是“不太糟糕”。A项表示“一点也不,不客气”,显然不符合语意;B项表示“不客气”,用于回答别人的谢意,不符合语意;C项表示人的状况,而不是事,所以不正确。11(2010陕西质量检测)Wont you go to the football tonight?_.I might stay at home watching it live on TV instead.d rather not BIm not sureCI guess so DId love to根据答语中

8、的might stay可知,B项符合语境。句意“今晚你不去看足球比赛吗?”“不确定啊。可能会待在家里看电视直播。”12(2010南京第三次模拟)Could you fetch me my glasses from the kitchen?s a pleasure BAt your serviceCIt doesnt matter DThats my pleasure本题考查交际用语。s a pleasure.,Thats my pleasure.都是用来回应别人的感谢,It doesnt matter.用于回应别人的道歉,At your service.表示“愿意为你服务”,符合题意。13(2

9、011烟台四校联考)Learning a foreign language isnt easy.It takes time._ Rome wasnt built in a day.Theres no short cut.s up to you. BI couldnt agree more.CHow are you doing? DOh,come on!“学一门外语不容易,需要花费时间。”“很对。罗马不是一天建成的,学外语是没有捷径的。”很显然后者同意前者的观点,故用I couldnt agree more“我再同意不过了,我非常赞成”。s up to you.“你说了算,你来决定”;How a

10、re you doing?“你好吗?”,表示问候;Oh,come on!“快点!试试吧!”,表示鼓励。14(2011苏锡常镇四市教学调查)Remember to pick up your little sister on your way home._.You can depend on me.ADont mention it BNo wayCGot it DMy pleasureGot it.是Ive got it.的省略,意思是“我知道了”。Dont mention it.意思是“不用谢,没关系”;No way.意思是“没门”;My pleasure.意思是“别客气”。15(2011日照市

11、调研考试)Will you be able to get me a ticket to the concert?_.I wont let you down.AThink nothing of it BNever mindCNo problem DNo wayThink nothing of it.意为“不用客气,别放在心上”;Never mind.“没关系,不要紧”;No problem.“没问题”;No way.“决不,不可能”。由语境可知选C项。.单项填空1(2011石家庄毕业班教学质检)Im so cold.I think Ive caught a high fever.AOh,it m

12、ust be H1N1. BNever mind.CYoud better see a doctor. DThats all right.由常理可知,说话者认为自己“发高烧”了,答话者建议“你最好看一下医生”,符合语境。2(2011南昌模拟)Im going to America tomorrow.Im going there too.AWhat a coincidence BGood luckCCongratulations DGood idea由后句“我也要去那里”可知选what a coincidence“真巧啊!3(2011南昌模拟)Do you think its going to rain over the weekend?_.Were planning to go on a picnic.AI think so BI believe notCI dont think so DI hope not考查交际英语。根据接下来的句子判断,所填部分应该是说话者的主观愿望,所以用I hope not。保定调研)Sorry,I

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