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1、答案是C。l. Why does the man probably callthe woman?A. Tosellhisproduct. B. To apply for a job. C. To bookan airline ticket. 2. Whatstherelationshipbetweenspeakers?A. Good friends. B. Fellowworkers. C. Salesman and customer. 3. Whatdoesmanwanttodo?A. Buy boattickets. B. Visit theislands. C. Becomeaguide

2、. 4. Whereconversationtakeplace?A. At home. B. Inconcerthall. C. Ina KTV. 5. Whatdoes thegirlmost for Christmas?A. A radio. B. A toy car. C. Littledolls. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第6、7两个小题。6. Wh

3、at is the man doing?AReadingstories. B. Waitingforfriend. C. Observingpeoplespace. 7. Whatiscouplegoingdoaccordingman?A. Havebrunch. B. Get theirhairdone. C. Saygoodbyeeachother. 听下面一段对话,回答第8、9两个小题。8. Why is the man calling?A. To checkon an order. B. Todiscuss awebsite. C. Tochangedeliverytime. 9. W

4、hatdayis ittoday?A. Monday. B. Thursday. C. Friday听下面一段对话,回答第l0至第l2三个小题。l0. Howdid the woman bookmovietickets?A. Onphone. B. Atticketoffice. C. ThroughInternet. 11. Wherewillspeakersgofirst?A. The cinema. B. Therestaurant. C. Thebookstore. l2. When wasappointmentoriginallyscheduled?A. At11:30. B. At

5、12:00. C. At 2:00. 听下面一段对话,回答第l3至第l6四个小题。l3. Howlong did thewomanstudy physics?A. Forsixmonths. B. Forthreeyears. C. Forfouryears. 14. Whereworknow?the BBC. B. Atrailwaystation. C. Atlocalweathercenter. 15. Whatbringsforecastersmoreaccurateinformation?A. Moderntechnology. B. Richexperience. C. Weath

6、ertrainingcourse. l6. Whatdoes the woman thinkof her job?A. Easy. B. Boring. C. Time-consuming听下面一段独白,回答第l7至第20l7. What was the speaker afraid of?A. Water. B. Dolphins. C. Strangers. l8. WhatRealDreamsA. Itdevelopsskills. B. Itarrangessightseeingtrips. C. It helpspeoplerealizetheirdreams. l9. Whatdi

7、dspeakerin thesea?A. Shefedtwodolphins. B. SheswamwithC. Sheplayedherfriend20. Whatstalkmainlyabout?A. Dolphinswisdom. B. Anamazingexperience. C. An introductionDreams. 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C 和D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。ANovember isnt the only time when people c

8、ome together to raise money for good causes. Here are three other major charity events from around the world. Race for Life, UKWhat started off as a race of 680 women in a London park in l994 to raise money for a cancer charity has now turned into a massive nationwide event, with thousands of women

9、up and down the UK taking part every year. Known for dressing head to toe in pink, participants raise money for breast cancer research by being sponsored to take part in marathons, which are organized all year round. Since it began, more than 8 million women have taken part, raising over 547million

10、for Cancer Research UK. 40-HourFamine (饥饿) , AustraliaNormally taking place in mid-August, this program encourages young Australians to give something up for 40 hours in order to raise awareness of less fortunate youths around the world. Participants raise money which is donated to good causes world

11、wide, by giving something up for the weekend, including the use of technology (TVs, computers, smartphones and so on), or even food. Since it began in l975, World Vision Australia, the events organizer, has raised over A$200 million.AIDS /LifeCycle, USEach year, thousands of people ride the 545-mile

12、 route from San Francisco to Los Angeles in order to raise money and awareness for HIV (AIDS-related causes. Cyclists make the trip over seven days, stopping each night at designated camps to shower, eat and relax. The mainly male riders are known for their colorful riding sportswear, with some dres

13、sing as nuns (修女),cowboys or even in bikinis. The event has raised around $l00 million since itbegan in 200l. 2l. In what way is “Race for life” special?A. The participants are all women. B. Its a yearly marathon held in LondonC. All the athletes are cancer patients. D. It attracts about 8 million people every year. 22. What do the cyclists mainly do in the AIDS /LifeCycle trip?A. Advertise for a brand sports suit. B. Research into the causes of AIDS. C. Talk with local cowboys in camps. D. Cycle in the daytime and rest at night. 23. What do the three even

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