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1、3. Everything taken into _(考虑), he has done a good job enough.4. When you learn English, you have to choose which accent to a : American or British.5. This sort of work is a little bit boring, moreover ,you have to work from d to d .6. Nothing in this world is p (永恒的), except the earth, the sun and

2、the moon.7. Aunt Susan is a born _(乐观的) person who can always make people around her laugh.8. As is known to all, it is not right to judge a person by his _(外表).9. After losing his job, John just w (闲逛) about in the streets every day.10. The _(起源) of this music is as interesting as the music itself.

3、11. Cao cao is famous for his _(抱负).12. Life in some western areas sometimes can be very _(艰难的).13. The quality of these products is absolutely _(保障).14. Li Ning _(实现) his goal finally which he had set himself .15. Beatles never lose its a (吸引力) with the passing time .第二节:翻译1. 多亏了雷锋,那个老妪才没有掉下来。_ _ L

4、ei feng, the old lady failed to fall off . 2. 英式英语和美式英语在很多方面是不同的。British and American English are different _ _ _.3. 这场大雨导致了今天的交通堵塞。The heavy rain _ _ todays congestion .4. 从理论上讲,他的观点还是值得考虑一下的。_ _, his view is worthy of consideration.5. 去年的那场车祸对她的人生观产生了深远的影响。The accident last year _ _ _ _ on her out

5、look of life.6. 我平均每天花两小时读英语小说。I spend two hours reading English novels everyday _ _.7. 我们不应该理所当然的认为父母对我们的爱就是无条件的。We are not supposed to _ _ _ _ that love from parents is _.8. 让我们大为惊讶的是,爸爸在圣诞前夜回来了。_ _ _,dad got back on Christmas Eve.9. 我也想像三毛一样过着简单而又舒服的生活。I want to _ a _ but _ life like Echo.10. 面具的

6、使用受到法律的限制,最早可追溯到14世纪。Masks use was limited by laws, the first of which _ _ _ the fourteenth century.Module 12 Useful expressions and phrases1. havein common 2. make a difference3. prefer to do 4. get around5. queue up/stand in line 6. be similar to7. make remarks 8. after all9. have difficultyindoin

7、g sth. 10. lead to11. get on well with 12. make fuss of/over13. in favour of 14. vote for15. refer toas 16. thanks to17. graduate from 18. reference book(s)19. offer to do 20. in bad condition21. in particular 22. on average23. in theory 24. in practice25. respect/ obey/ follow the rules 26. direct

8、the traffic27. be qualified to do 28. give sb. a tip29. pass by 30. takefor granted31. have an effect on 32. from dawn to/till dusk33. take notice of 34. apply for35. have a day off 36. be expected to do37. in response to 38. be related to39. combinewith 40. suffer from41. in demand 42. be likely to

9、 doModule 34 Useful expressions and phrases1. be determined to do sth3. come to an end5. dress up7. persuade sb to do sth9. make ones way 11. consist of13. in secret15. have connection with17. run away19. play a trick on21. make up23. be/feel in the mood25. set in 27. make ones fortune29. set off31.

10、 lead/ live a life33. pour down35. board a sinking ship37. by the light of origins of carnival2. originate from4. be in a panic6. pretend to de sth8. take over10. the former.the latter12. think much of14. put into prison16. date back to18. go wild20. more or less22. wash down24. walk off26. by force

11、28. make fun of 30. up to two years32. for weeks on end34. in ones blood36. to ones astonishmentModule 56 Useful expressions and phrases1. on the increase2. rise to ones feet3. be up to sb. to do sth4. six out of seven gold medals5. as well as6. make a list of7. achieve/ realize/ fulfill ones sporti

12、ng ambitions8. retire from the sport9. turn the wrong way10. pick sb. up11. run a marathon12. thanks to13. according to14. may/might as well do sth.15. at high altitudes16. at a time17. come into fashion18. take an active part in doing 19. be concerned about20. keep an eye on sth./ sb. 21. go for so

13、mebody22. tend to do sth.23. stand for24. have an effect on sth.25. set up an office26. feed on 27. get tough with28. cut down trees29. look in a mirror30. be made into31. on the spot32. sell at/for语法非谓语动词高考链接1. I send you 100 dollars today, the rest _ in a year. (湖南卷)A. follows B. followed C. to follow D. being followed 2. _from other continents for millions of years, Australia has many plants and animals not found in any other country in the world. (湖北卷)A. Being separated B. Having separatedC. Having been separated D. To be separated3. The repairs cost a lot, but its money well_

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