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1、Dont worry about it ,I别担心,我这就帮你去拿。Sorry Allen ,I forgot to turn off the TV and there is on one in my apartment ,So I真抱歉,艾伦。我忘记关电视了,而且我的房间里没有人。我得马上回去处理。Sorry,I forgot to take the drivers license .I对不起,我忘了带驾驶证,我就回去拿。Oh,I didnt take the medicine ,Ill get right on it ,You go first.哎呀,我没有吃药,我得去吃药,你先走吧m i

2、mpressed .我印象很深/使人牢记What do you think of Shenzhen?你对深圳的印象怎样?m impressed by how many modern buildings there are in Shenzhen.我对深圳有这么多现代化建筑印象很深。I saw a lady at the gate of your company , I impressed by her beauty. She is a babe.在你公司门口我看到一位女孩,我对她印象很深,她真是一个漂亮宝贝。Oh , I know who you mean . She is a newcome

3、r.我知道你在说谁,她是一个新来的。m impressed by her manners.我对她的举止印象很深。Impress 的其他用法:His words are strongly impressed in my mind.他的话给我的印象很深。Time has left its impression on her.岁月在她身上留下了印迹。Let me pay my share .让我付自己的那份钱(AA制)The check is on me.我来买单吧。No, its on me.我来买吧。Lets pay separately. You pay your share, and I p

4、ay mine.那让我们分开来付吧,你付你的一份,我付我的。s go to see the new movie the Heater of the Sun.我们去看新电影吧,“阳光灿烂的日子”。I heard the tickets are expensive .听说票价很贵。t worry about it . Let me pay my share.别担心,我来付自己的一份。Paying separately is your countrys custom?分开付钱是你们的习惯吗?Yes , Id like to pay my share.是的,我很乐意付我的一份。How muck is

5、the total 总共多少钱I buy five tickets from Hong Kong to Singapore, how much is the total? 我买5张从香港去新加坡的票,总共多少钱?Its 8000$.8000元。Considering its five tickets, could you give me a discount? 我一共买了5张,能否给我一个折扣?I am sorry.恐怕不行。d like to have dinner first, then play table tennis, and finally play chess, how much

6、 is the total?我想先吃饭,再打乒乓球,最后玩一下棋,总共多少钱?Wait a second. Its 28$.稍等一下。一共28元。d like to make a tour Thailand for five days, how much is the total?我想到泰国旅游5天,总共多少钱?One air conditioner, one telephone and three chairs, how much is the total?一台空调,一个电话和三把椅子,总共多少钱?be dying to/be dying for 极想/迫切想Mary,Im dying to

7、 see you every moment of the day.玛丽,我时时刻刻都盼着见到你。I feel the same. 我也是。Will you marry me?你能嫁给我吗?I dont know what to say.我不知道该怎么说。What you feel after todays window shopping?今天逛街后的感觉怎么样?Same as you, Im hungry and thirsty. Lets go to for some fast food. 同你一样,我又饿又渴,我们到麦当劳去吃快餐吧。Good idea, Im dying for a co

8、la.我想喝点口乐。I heard a lot about Hong Kong,Im dying to see it.我了解很多关于香港的事,我真想去看一看。(I dictate these dialogue from the tape. If there has some mistakes, please inform me . Thanks.s up in the air 尚未确定Up in the air 是习惯说法,指计划、问题等悬而未决、尚未确定。The date of the wedding is still up in the air.婚礼的日期尚未确定。When are you

9、 going to Australia?你什么时候去澳洲?s up in the air.尚未确定。Have you bought the new house?你买了新房吗?No,we have many choices but we cant decide which is best.So, it还没呢,我们有太多的选择,以致无法肯定哪一套最合适,所以还没有定下来。When will you start to learn English?你什么时候开始学英语?Now Im as busy as a bee. So it现在我特别忙,所以无法确定。Pick up the pace 加快脚步pa

10、ce 的意思是步态、步伐、速度。Pick up the pace, 意思是加快脚步、加快速度。在英语中,表示催促的词组,除了pick up the pace. 还有Hurry up! Come on!等。Were late for the banquet.Pick up your pace!我们赴宴迟了,快走吧!You go first. Ill follow after I change my clothes.你先走,换好衣服后我会跟上你。Happy Valley Theme Park is going to close. Could you pick up your pace so we

11、can try to see the whole park?欢乐谷就要关门了,快走吧,我们争取到每个地方去看看。OK, I agree.好吧。The sports lesson will start soon. Pick up your pace, your sports teacher is hot-tempered.体育课就要开始了,快点吧,你们的体育教师可是个爆脾气。The enemy is coming soon. Pick up your pace!敌人就要到了,加快脚步前进!Pick up your pace. It will start raining soon.快点走,开要下雨

12、了。We may be out of stock 可能脱销了out of stock 这个短评的意思是卖完、无现货。你在购物的时候,常有这样的情况,当你千挑万选,选中了一件商品,但商店很可能已无货,售货员就可能脱口而出:We may be out of stock.out of sth 是一个较为固定的组合,在口语中表示缺乏、没有,如out of danger 脱离危险,out of control 失去控制,out of sugar 糖用完了 out of work 失业了Scene 1A:I want to buy the current best-seller book, Secret.我想买那本时下最畅销的秘密。B:m sorry. We may be out of stock.对不起,可能已经售完了。Scene 2A: Do you need any help?我能帮忙吗?B: Yes, do you have these shoes in size 6?有6码的鞋码? Im not sure. We may be out of stock.我不能确定,恐怕已经脱销了。Sentences1.This book is out of stock.这本书脱销了。2.Shes out of wo

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