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学年高二英语外研版选修六教学案Module 2 Section 4 Word版含答案Word文档格式.docx

1、答案: BAEDCF.Choose the best answer according to the text on P27.1Which of the following doesnt belong to the creatures that existed in the stories?ADwarves. BHobbits.CHumans. DRobots.2Why did Sauron try to find the lost Ring?ABecause it belonged to him.BBecause he wanted to rule the Middle Earth.CBec

2、ause he wanted to destroy it.DBecause he wanted to keep it.3From this passage,we know that the writing thread of these stories was .Ahow to find the RingBhow to destroy the RingCthe great power of SauronDthe kindness of Gandaff4Which of the following is NOT right?AThe Lord of the Rings is considered

3、 to be the best fantasy novel.BAll people dont enjoy reading fantastic stories.CAll the stories in The Lord of the Rings were based on imagination.DSauron and his creatures represented those of evil.5The writer of this passage takes attitude toward the novel The Lord of the Rings.Aobjective Bappreci

4、ativeCnegative Dcritical15 DBBAB.单词拼写1She will never want to seek revenge (复仇) even though she has a gun in her hand.2My grandfather was so stubborn(固执的) that he wouldnt change his mind however hard we tried.3There has been a close bond (纽带,关系) between them ever since she saved him from drowning.4Th

5、ough very young, he shouldered the burden (负担) of his family.5As long as we are united, there is no difficulty we cannot overcome (克服)6Not all athletes attain (达到) this standard of physical fitness.7Foreigners have become targets (目标) for attack by terrorists.8The effect of the medicine on the sick

6、man was magical (不可思议的)9He could not help exclaiming (惊叫) at how much his son had grown.10Please dont make fun of the dwarf (侏儒).拓展词汇1punish v惩罚punishment n惩罚2. gifted adj.有天才的,有天赋的gift n天赋;礼物3adjustment n调整adjust v调整;校正;使适应4distribute vt.(书报的)发行distribution n分发;分布;分配5. power n力量,能力powerful adj.强有力的

7、6possess v拥有possession n拥有7criticism n批评,评论criticize v批评8marry v结婚,娶,嫁married adj.已婚的marriage n婚姻,结婚9appeal n吸引力,魅力;恳求,呼吁 v吸引,引起兴趣;恳求,呼吁appealing adj.吸引人的10accumulate v积累,积聚accumulation n积累,堆积物巧记单词词根词形变化构词点拨punishpunishment动词加ment构成名词giftgifted名词加ed构成形容词.补全短语1put a spell on 用咒符镇住2be associated with

8、与有联系,与联系在一起3appeal to sb. 对某人有吸引力,引起某人的兴趣4much to the pleasure of sb. 令某人感到非常高兴的是 5be restricted to 限于6ahead of 在前面7ought to 应该8look back over ones shoulder 回头看9catch a glimpse of 瞥见10set out 出发,动身1教材原句On seeing her, the king immediately falls in love with her.一见到她,国王就爱上了她。句型点拨on doing sth.“一就”。佳句赏析

9、一听到机场发生的事,安德鲁非常害怕。On hearing what had happened at the airport, Andrew became very frightened.2教材原句It was only in 1997 that she completed the first Harry Potter story .直到1997年她才完成第一部哈利波特小说句型点拨强调句型:It is/was被强调部分that/who .。佳句赏析直到1998年她才开始写作,但三年以后她的第一本书吸引了大量的青少年。It was only in 1998 that she began writi

10、ng, but her first book appealed to a great many teenagers three years later.3教材原句She has thus attained the status of being the first writer to become a billionaire.她因此成为了第一个身价亿万的富翁作家。句型点拨the序数词名词动词不定式。佳句赏析先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐。Be the first to feel concern about state affairs and the last to enjoy yourself

11、.4教材原句A young man was walking through a wood when he saw a ring lying on the ground.一个年轻男子正在穿过一片森林,这时他看见地面上有一枚戒指。句型点拨 doing sth.when .“某人正在做某事这时”。佳句赏析他正在睡觉,这时有人敲门。He was sleeping when there was a knock on the door.5教材原句A moment later she found that she was standing in the middle of a wood at ni

12、ghttime with snow under her feet and snowflakes falling through the air.过了一会儿,她发现自己正站在夜间的森林里,脚下是积雪,雪花在漫天飞舞。句型点拨with的复合结构。佳句赏析她的工作完成了,露西坐下来喝了一杯咖啡,然后又处理了一些邮件。With her work finished, Lucy sat down for a cup of coffee and then dealt with some emails.课 文 对 译Vocabulary and ReadingThe Story of JK. Rowling

13、and Harry PotterThe elder stateswoman of British fantasy literature is JK. Rowling, the gifted creator of Harry Potter. Joanne Rowlings roots are in the southwest of England, where she grew up. But the idea for Harry Potter came to her while she was on a delayed train between Manchester and London. She wrote down her ideas on the back of an envelope. She then went to teach English in Portugal, where she continued to add flesh to the bones of the first Harry Potter story. But her name is forever associated with Edinburgh in S

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