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1、 this subject has been a long time. Baidu, a lot can be found scattered about the fart knowledge. This blog posted before, I found a bit of science online and found that in 2008 Professor Sun Xuejun posted an article on science online fart biological blog. Content is very rich, and made a fart biolo

2、gy major research those issues. Can be described as fat, of the firmware has. I this blog, has some superfluous suspected of. 胃肠道内的气体随着胃肠的蠕动向下运动,最后从肛门排出,俗称放屁。中国有句俗语:“屁乃人生之气,岂有不放之理”。每个人都免不了放屁,但除了让闻者恶心、放者尴尬外,几乎没人把它当回事儿。据研究,这股味即使冲淡1亿倍,人的鼻子仍能闻得到,这就是为什么一人放屁,满堂都臭的原因。正因为如此,在汉语言文字中,“屁”字总是跟其他字组合在一起,构成许多鲜活的汉语

3、词汇,但是大都是一些贬义的词。比如:“放屁!”,这就是把别人的嘴贬低为“腚眼”了。“狗屁不通!”,这是在骂别人,其实,这句话本身就不通,试问既然狗的“腚眼”“不通”了,狗屁是怎么能从“腚眼”里放出来的呢?“你懂个屁!”,其实,讲此话的人未必真正懂得屁。“屁大的事”,比喻事情微不足道,其实关于“屁”,学问多着呢,学问大着呢,学问深着呢。With the gas within the gastrointestinal tract gastrointestinal motility downward movement, the last discharge from the anus, common

4、ly known as farting. Chinese saying goes: fart is the life of the gas, anything hold truth. Everyone inevitably fart, but in addition to heard by nausea, put those awkward, but few people take it seriously children. According to the research, which shares the taste even though 100 million times more

5、 dilute, the human nose can still smell, which is why a person fart, full house all smelly reasons. Because of this, in the Chinese language, the fart word is always combined with other words to form a number of fresh Chinese words, but mostly some of the derogatory word. For example:fart!, Which is

6、 to belittle someone elses mouth is Ding eye of the. Unreasonable shit!, Which is condemning others, in fact, this statement itself is not through, how since the dogs Ding eyes, unreasonable, and how the shit from the put out?You know ass!, In fact, speak words of people who do not really know how t

7、o fart. Fart big thing, something trivial analogy, in fact, on the , living to knowledge, learning do a great deal, learning deep lot, actually.目前,世界上真正懂屁,深知“屁理”的只有为数不多的胃肠病专家和生理学专家。然而,对于大众来说,知道一点屁的ABC常识还是很有必要的,了解这些知识以后你就不会那样再鄙视“屁”了,那样不公正地对待“屁”了。其实,人类许多最最基本的认知里,一些原理性的知识里,许多普世性的哲理“格言”、“名言”里,大都藏着隐藏着许多的

8、科学秘密,比如:“世上只有妈妈好”、“先有鸡还是先有蛋”,等等。如何用最新的科学知识解释它,诠释他,这都是大学问、大科学,这些都是最有可能产生原创性研究成果的领域。因而,我们对放屁这等司空见惯的生理现象绝对不能等闲视之。其实,“屁科学”是一个多学科交叉的古老而又新鲜的研究领域。把“屁”科学研究透彻了,一样可以出成果,并且最有可能在nature、science发文章,可以出大部头的学术专著,一样可以造福于人类的,呵呵。Currently, the worlds truly understand fart, know that fart reasonable only a few experts

9、in gastroenterology and physiology experts. However, for public, common sense to know that the ABC fart or necessary to understand that knowledge and then later you will not despise as , and so unfairly treated, was. In fact, many of the most basic of human cognition, a number of principles of knowl

10、edge, many universal philosophy of mottofamous, the most hidden secrets of many hidden, such as:There is only a good mother first, the chicken or the egg , and so on. How to use the latest scientific knowledge to explain it, his interpretation, this is major problem, big science, these are most like

11、ly to produce original research results of the field. Thus, we fart this and other common physiological phenomenon must not be taken lightly. In fact, the is a multi-disciplinary field of study old and new. The thorough scientific research, as can the results, and most likely in the naturescience ma

12、de article, can the voluminous academic monographs, as can the benefit of mankind,可以预测一下,未来的屁科学可能在以下几个方向上将会有新进展、新突破、或者大的科学发现,国内有兴趣的相关科研部门抓紧跟踪研究,建议国家一些基金对该研究方向进行资助:Can predict the future may be in the following directions will be a new development, breakthrough, or a major scientific discovery, the d

13、omestic interest related departments to step up research and follow-up study, the study suggested that the state some funds direction of funding:1、屁在肠道内生成的机理研究。研究大肠内有哪些细菌可以产生这种气体,孙学军教授预言可以建立一门肠道微生物组学;1, generated in the intestine fart mechanism. Studying the intestinal bacteria which can produce thi

14、s gas, Professor Sun Xuejun predictions can create a gut microbial genomics;2、屁的生理学研究。该方向与生物医学有关,目前已经对屁成分中的硫化氢的生理作用进行了研究,研究成果发表在08年月日出版的美国science杂志上;2, fart physiological studies. The direction and biomedical related components fart now on the physiological role of hydrogen sulfide has been studied,

15、 research results published in the October 24, 2008 issue of the American magazine;3、屁在肠道运动过程,以及放屁时的流体力学、动力学研究。该方向与物理学有关,比如创立“屁定理”、“屁公式”、 “屁方程”、“屁模型”啥的,但愿出几个著名的“屁物理学家”,呵呵;3, fart bowel movement in the process, and fart when the fluid mechanics, dynamics. The direction of the physics-related, such as the creation of fart theoremfart formulafart equationfart model getting better, hopefully a few famous fart physicist, Oh;4、屁的化学

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