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1、She told me that she had held Nate by the window to let him 51 me drive away from the house. She had suggested that they pray for“Daddy to have a safe 52 .”Knowing that our son would be most 53 the small plane ride, she prayed,“Dear Lord, please help Daddy feel 54 on the litile plane.”When the praye

2、r was over, our son Nate 55 his mom,“Dont worry, Mom, I gave Daddy my blanket to keep him safe.”36. A. attracted B. cheered C. impressed D. terrified37. A. set about B. set down C. set in D. set out38. A. plane B. books C. blanket D. prayer39. A. packing B. reading C. writing D. discussing40. A. cur

3、ious B. excited C. worried D. confused41. A. enjoyed B. feared C. prayed D. flew42. A. fine B. happy C. hard-working D. easy43. A. call B. rest C. unpack D. examine44. A. shocked B. satisfied C. amused D. disappointed45. A. thought B. pictured C. talked D. hated46. A. gladly B. sincerely C. hurriedl

4、y D. desperately47. A. food B. school C. bed D. work48. A. asked B. rushed C. ordered D. walked49. A. accidentally B. carelessly C. deliberately D. casually50. A. let B. calmed C. took D. blew5l. A. bless B. think C. watch D. check52. A. speech B. hotel C. job D. trip53. A. afraid of B. tired of C.

5、worrn out D. interested in54. A. wonderful B. excellent C. safe D. great55. A. annoyed B. answered C. pleased D. comforted德州市 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上涂黑。Talking with NotebooksI had been going through a tough time dealing with the problems of growing up and communicating with my m

6、other. Whenever I got angry, we would end up in 36 with each other, unwilling to share our real feelings. Several days ago I ran away from home to 37 the anger and pain bottled up 38 me. I stayed away for many hours, well into the night, before I finally decided to 39 home. Walking through the front

7、 40 , I immediately saw all the 41 and anger on my mothers face. For days after that, we said the 42 . Everything we did was filled with tension, 43 we desperately needed a talk and agreed to have breakfast together in a local caf the next morning. It turned out to be a 44 point of our relationship.

8、On our way to the table I 45 my mother having two notebooks and some pens, “ 46 are they for?” I asked, “Sometimes it is easier to write down our feelings than to 47 about them.” She explained. She then 48 me a notebook and kept one for herself. The “ 49 ” were that she would pick a topic, and we wo

9、uld write down our 50 about it, however long or short. Our first 51 was: “Why I am so angry.” I wrote a half page, and mum 52 up nearly three pages. Tears streamed down her face as she wrote.After finishing writing we 53 our notebooks and read what the other had written. On starting reading mums wor

10、ds, I began to cry and so did she. Amazingly enough, when we finished discussing them, all the anger inside me was 54 .I gained a special gift that day at the restaurant. Mum and I continue to use our notebooks as a 55 of communicating our problems. No matter how we feel, our notebooks are a safe pl

11、ace to express it.36Aconnection Btouch Cterms Dconflicts37Aabsorb Brelease Cdistract Dprevent38Ainside Bwithout Cbeside Dbeyond39Astay Bleave Creturn Dmove40Astreet Bdoor Cwindow Droom41Apain Bshock Cdoubt Dinterest42Amost Bworst Cleast Dbest43Abut Bso Cyet Dor44Astarting Bfalling Cfreezing Dturning45Anoticed Bwatched Cfelt Dsuggested46AWhere BWhat CWhen DWhy47Ahear Btalk Cthink Dcare48Aasked Bleft Chanded Dopened49Alessons Borders Crules Dreasons50Aadvice Bdecision Cworries Dfeeling

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