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1、3. 4.B) 下面你将听到十组对话,每组对话都有一个问题。根据对话内容,从每组所给的A、 B、C三个选项中找出能回答所提问题的最佳选项。 5. What does the pizza look like? A. Lovely B. Delicious C. Good6. Who is entering a competition? A. Tony B. Lingling C. Someone 7. What has Tony just made? A. a model plane B. a model car C. a model spaceship8. Whats wrong with t

2、he boy? A. His leg hurts. B. His hand hurts. C. He has a stomach ache and his head hurts.9. What are they going to watch? A. A cartoon B. A film C. A News report10. What is Tony reading now? A. A book about Tintin B. A book about Superman C. A book about Batman11. Why does Tom look strong? A. Becaus

3、e he does a lot of exercise.B. Because he eats a lot of food.C. Because he has a lot of fruit and drinks.12. Has the boy been to the US? A. Yes, he has. B. No, he hasnt. C. Yes, he wants to go again.13. How long has the boy been ill? A. Thirty days . B. Three days. C. Four days. 14. What does the gi

4、rl think of Superman? A. Honest and brave B. Brave and kind C. Brave and handsomeC) 听下面长对话或独白。每段长对话或独白后都有几个问题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。 听下面一段材料,回答第15至第17题。 15. What are they talking about? A. Teacher and his student B. Shop man and his customer C. Policeman and the bad man16. Why does the policeman ru

5、n after the man?A. He does something wrong.B. He is looking for something important.C. He wants to ask him for help.17. Does the policeman catch the bad man? A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesnt. C. We dont know. 15. C 16. A 17. B 听下面一段材料,回答第18至第20题。 18. Where did they go yesterday? A. To the beach B.

6、To the cinema C. To the supermarket19. Who was the first to arrive there? A. Tim B. Linda C. John20. What was the time when Tim hurried in? A. Seven oclock B. Six oclock C. Seven and a half 18 B 19. C 20.A二、单项填空(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 从下列每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21. Tony has already entered l

7、ots of Chinese speaking _, but hasnt won any prizes. A. competition s B. environments C. messages D. condition22. The earth is _ planet and it goes around _ sun. None of the other planets has _ environment like that of the earth A. the, an, a B. an, a ,the C. a, the, an D. the, an, an23. Edison _ ma

8、ny useful things and they are helpful to us in everyday life. A. has invented B. has discover C. has found D. has invited24. Our teacher has decided to start a girls football training for the next School Girls Football match, and many of the girls in our class would like to_ A. write about B. make u

9、p C. feel awful D. take part 25. When I got to work, I always felt very _ and I was not happy at all. A. lovely B. sleepy C. pretty D. ugly 26. We have learned 500 new words _ the beginning of this term. A. since B. in C. on D. for 27. Chinese spaceships have _ been to the moon, but Chinese astronau

10、ts havent_. A. ever, already B. already, just C. already, yet D. yet, since 28. I spend a lot of time _ classical music with my friends at school, but I also like dance music. A. to play B. playing C. played D. plays29. Sometimes, I _ nervous when I speak Chinese, but Ill be fine in a few days. A. s

11、ound B. taste C. look D. feel30. Have the scientists discovered life on Mars? No, they _. A . have yet B. havent yet C. havent already D. have just yet31. When I was young, I _ green vegetables. I like fruits very much. A. dont like B. didnt like C. am not like D. havent liked 32. _ I feel ill. Ive

12、got a stomach ache and my head hurts. A. How can I help you? B. Thats the problem. C. Sure, no problem. D. What are you up to?33. Can you help me? Sure, _. A. at school B. all over C. space travel D. no, problem 34. How long have you been like this? Since Friday. I_ for about three days! A. was ill

13、B. am ill C. have been ill D. will be35. I would like to take _, but I have not found a favourite sport. A. many exercise B. more exercise C. a few exercise D. a little exercise36. I cant help_ when I watched Tom and Jerry. They are humorous cartoons! A. laughing B. to laugh C. laughs D. laughed37. What _ Tintin do? He works for a newspaper and he has lots of exciting experience. A. do B. did C. has D. does38. We have finished our homework, its time _ a cartoon. Good id

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