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新目标八年级下册 unit78Word文档格式.docx

1、分发 13.rather than宁愿而不是,胜于14.native speaker说本族语的人15.make progress取得进步16.hear of听说17.take an interest in/be interested in对感兴趣18.make friends with和交友 19.notat all根本不 交际用语:1. Would you mind turning down the music? No, not at all. Ill do it right away.2. Could you please take out the trash? Sorry, Ill do

2、 it right away.3. What should I get my mom? Why dont you get her a camera? Thats too expensive. / That s not interesting enough.4. How/What about some tennis balls. Thats too cheap /personal.5. Whats the best present you have ever received? A bike. 课本考点解析:1. Would you mind turning down the music?No,

3、not at all.(1) mind vt.“介意,在乎,反对。”后通常跟名词、动名词或代词。 Do you mind my smoking?我抽烟你介意吗? Would you mind closing the window?把窗子关上,好吗? 注意:mind的考点在于考查其作为动词时后面的动词一定要变为动名词形式。(2) turn down (音量)放小,(光线)调暗 turn up (音量)放大,(光线)调亮 turn on 打开(开关、按钮) turn off 关(开关、按钮)(3) not at all“一点儿也不”,用在否定句中,加强语气,表示程度。 I dont like fi

4、sh.我不喜欢鱼。 I dont like fish at all.我一点也不(根本不)喜欢鱼。(语气更重)还可以用于口语交际中作否定回答。 Im sorry.对不起。 Not at all.别客气(我一点都不介意)。 Would you mind putting away your clothes?把你的衣服收起来,你介意吗? Not at all.一点也不。 (4) Would you mind doing ?做你介意吗? 这是英语中委婉请求的表达方式。语气委婉,客气、礼貌,易于对方接受。 其结构是Would you mind doing其他?意同Could you please do s

5、th.? 下面一组句子就是按语气的生硬到委婉排列的。以move your bike为例。注意动词move的形式。 Move your bike! Please move your bike! Could you move your bike? CouldWould you like to move your bike? CouldWould you please move your bike? Would you mind moving your bike? Would you mind not wearing those old jeans?请不要,你介意吗?(请你不要好吗?)否定句式。其结

6、构为Would you mindnot动名词其他?2. You have to help me make dinner. have to“不得不”,其意义及用法相当于情态动词must,两者都是在后面加动词原形。must没有人称和数的变化,have to则要随主语的人称和数进行变化,第三人称单数用has to,过去时用had to。 have to表示客观条件限制,不一定是主观愿望。意为“不得不”。 Its raining hard outside,we have to stay at home. 外面正下大雨,我们只好呆在家里。 must表示义务,必须;表示推测,肯定,准是。 You must

7、 finish your homework today. 你今天必须完成你的作业。 help sb.(to) do sth.“帮助某人做某事”,如表示“在方面帮助”则应说helpwith: He usually helps me do my homework.他经常帮助我做我的作业。 Can you help me with my homework.你能帮助我做我的作业吗?3. The pen you bought didnt work.你买的钢笔坏了。 sth. doesntdidnt work某物出故障了(坏了) 原句可以改写为There is something wrong with t

8、he pen you bought. 如:Tom的自行车坏了。可译为: Toms bike is broken.Toms bike doesnt work. There is something wrong with Toms bike.4. I get annoyed when someone talks to me while Im reading .(1) get annoyed = get/become angry “变得气恼,使生气”,annoy在此作形容词用。I got annoyed when he came back late last night.当他昨天晚上进来的时候我很生

9、气。I was annoyed by his bad manners.他的无礼使我恼怒。(2) talk to “跟说,对说”,类似的表达还有:talk with“和谈话” talk about“谈论人或物”(talk with/to sb. about sth.) Im talking to you about the latest news. 我跟你讲有关最近的新闻。 Who are you talking with? 你在和谁谈话呢?(3) 辨析:when与while 两个单词都有“当时候”的意义,都可以引导时间状语从句。1 when通常表示某一动作发生的具体时间,后面多跟瞬间动词。 M

10、y mother was cooking when I got home. 当我到家的时候,妈妈正在做饭。 Remember to turn off the lights when you leave the room. 当你离开房间的时候,记着把灯关上。 while表示动作发生的一段时间,其意义为“在做期间”“在做的过程中”,所修饰的动作多用 延续动词。 Toms father was reading a newspaper while he was doing his homework. 汤姆做作业的时候,他爸爸在读报。 I met some of my good friends whil

11、e I stayed in my hometown. 我待在老家的时候碰到了我的几个好朋友。5. Perhaps in the future I should try not to be so polite. try作动词,意为“努力做,设法做” try to do sth.试着做某事;尽量做某事。否定式为 try not to do sth.We should try to stay with our family on holidays. 我们应该尽量在假期和我们的家人呆在一起。Im trying not to get annoyed. 我尽量不要生气。 try作动词还有“尝试,试用”之意

12、。try doing sth.“尝试做某事,试着做某事” She tried finishing her homework without help.她尝试在没有帮助的情况下完成作业。 Weve tried this medicine, but it doesnt work.我们已经尝试过这种药物,但是没有奏效。 常见的与try的搭配词组有 try on试穿 have a try试一试try out尝试,试验 try ones best to do sth.尽某人最大努力去做某事6. What should I get my mom for her birthday? get“得到,买” ge

13、t sb. sth = get sth for sb.为某人买某物 类似表达:buy/ make/ cook sth. for sb. Ill get/ buy/ take it.我买下了。 Can you please get some food for me?你可以给我带些食物吗? What kind of pet do you want to get?你想要那种类型的宠物。 get还有如下含义和用法: “得到,获得” Please tell me how I can get the job.你可以告诉我怎样才可以得到这份工作吗? “收到,赚” I got a letter from my

14、 pen pal yesterday.我昨天从我笔友那边收到了封信。 “到达,抵达”,和介词to连用。What time does she usually get to school?她经常什么时候去学校? “带来,拿来” Please get me a cup of tea.请帮我带杯茶。 “使做”get sb. to do sth.“使某人做某事”He always gets us to do a lot of things.他经常让我做很多的事情。“使成为(某种状态),成为” Spring is coming. The weather gets warmer and warmer.春天来了,天气变得越来越暖和了。 其他动词,如give, pass , bring , show等常在间接宾语前用介词to. Would you please pass the sa

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