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1、拼潜力,人们往往会被自己巨大的潜力惊得目瞪口呆。 高三是寂寞的一年,说寂寞,不寂寞,在知识的海洋遨游,自有其无穷的乐趣。我们要与自己的胆怯与懦弱、虚荣与懒惰作斗争,“与天斗,其乐无穷;与地斗,其乐无穷;与人斗,其乐无穷。”所以我说:“与己斗,其乐无穷!” 寒假来了,其实你们的挑战也来了。如果你能像平时上课一样严格要求自己,你这个假期的收获会非常大。如果这个假期选择了放松,你开学回来后成绩肯定会一落千丈。什么样的结果要靠你自己去选择。英语的学科特点是要天天弄,每天写,日日背,所以大家一样要每天坚持学习英语。英语这个学科在高考中是最容易出高分的科目,而且咱们年级的英语成绩一直在上升。希望大家能坚持

2、住这个假期,努力学好英语,为高考助力。“宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来。”没有付出就没有收获。希望大家能克服困难,最终实现自己的目标。这是你们在高考前可以自由支配的最后一个假期了,希望你们能真正地有所收获,可以改变你的命运。同学们加油。! 高三英语教师 2018.2 英语作业具体内容1. 单词每天一栏,标好日期,红笔改错。核心短语,每天20个,听写在作业本上。开学测验。2. 背诵句子,每天5句,一共50句,听写在作业本上,家长签字,开学测验。3. 背诵不规则动词,开学测验。4. 北大附中期末复习分册,P116页开始,共四套题,认真完成,红笔对答案,并算出总成绩。 开学收练习册。5. 情景样文和

3、应用文自主背诵各三篇,开学检查。6.听力高考没有取得满分的同学,一周至少练习三套听力。 家长评价:寒假作业完成的: 好:_ 一般:_ 差:_ 很差:_ 家长签字:_签字日期:_一历年中考真题阅读完型核心短语771.turn into = change into 把变成2.When it comes to 当提到,当谈到3.knock out 出局4.make a wish 许诺5.the finishing line 终点线6.up and down 上下地,到处, 前前后后, 来来往往e over 走过去8.stay healthy 保持健康 more than 仅仅,只是10.ha

4、ve a lot to do with 与.有很大关系 home to 是所在地,栖息地12.the rest of 其余的13 agree with 同意14 come true 实现15 learn from 听说16 mental illness 精神病17 little by little 逐渐地18 over time 随着时间的流逝19 volunteer group 志愿者小组20 from then on 从那时开始21sbs face lit up. (使)变得容光焕发或振奋22 depend on 依赖,依靠23 North Pole 北极24 put up =

5、set up, build up 建立,设立,搭起25 belong to 属于26 think highly of 高度赞扬27 sacrificial offering 祭品28 in the form of 以的形式29 first aid 急救30 check for a pulse 号脉31heart attack 心脏病32fall into place 依序排列, 依序出现33make ones way through 穿过,走过34 take action 采取行动35 junk food 垃圾食品36 bar codes 条形码37 let down 使失望38 slow d

6、own 慢下来,停下脚步39 lottery ticket 彩票40 book the flight 订机票41 rush through 快速通过, 赶紧做42 advanced degree 高学历43 come up with 提出、想出(看法、观点)44 get crazy about 对着迷、发狂45 make fun of 取笑46 environmentally friendly 环保的47 sign language 手语48 spread out 张开49 question mark 问号50 do harm to 对有害51 heart disease 心脏病52 eati

7、ng habit 饮食习惯53 musical instrument 乐器54 generation gap 代沟55rush hour (上下班)高峰时刻56moderate tempo 舒缓的节拍57 nervous system 神经系统58 intelligence test 智商测试59 argue with 争吵,争辩60 lack of 缺乏61 lead to 导致62 a waste of time 浪费时间63 mobile phone 手机64 antenna tower 中继器,天线塔65 slip away 消失66 Chances are = It is possi

8、ble that 有可能67 make a difference 有影响,有作用68 make a difference between A and B 区别对待和69 put an end to 结束,终止70 digital camera 数码相机11 succeed in doing sth. 成功做某事72 settle down 定居,平静下来, 专心于73 cry over 为痛哭74 aim to 目的是75 in awe 敬畏地76 remind sb. of sth. 提醒某人某事77 give away 泄露(秘密等);赠送二样文经典句子。(52句)1. Last Mond

9、ay, our monitor announced to our class that an English Song Singing Competition would be held in the school auditorium.2. On hearing the news, some classmates signed up for it immediately.3. It was a good chance to show off my talent. 4. Encouraged by her, I decided to have a try.5. I did a really g

10、ood job and won the first prize, which made me so excited. 6. By getting involved in the competition I gained more self-confidence and my English was improved a lot. 7. I am writing to apply for admission to the English Department of your school. 8. It is easy for me to adapt to a new environment. 9

11、. I should be grateful if you can take my application into consideration. 10. It was an extremely unforgettable opportunity. 11. By getting involved in this voluntary activity, I really gain a lot. 12. Not only can I get more self-confidence, but also I earn more about Chinese traditional culture, w

12、hich makes me really happy. 13. It turned out to be a meaningful experience for me. 14. Many good suggestions were put forward. 15. Words always failed us when we need them most to present our gratitude, there is always other better ways. 16. Seeing the video played on the screen, our teacher bust into tears. 17.We would like to invite you to be a judge at an English speech competition. 18 I am writing to invite you to attend our En

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