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1、1、here did Lisa g last ee?A、Xian B、Shenang 、Dalian2、hat des Ann lie t drin ever da? A、il B、Tea 、range uie3、hats Thas gd at?A、Plaing ser B、Plaing baseball 、Plaing basetball4、hih radi statin is the st useful fr drivers? A、880 F B、1001 F 、968 F、h des Li Dan lie tal shs? A、Beause the are enable B、Beause

2、 the are exiting 、Beause the are eduatinal第二节:听下面几段对话。每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、三个选项中选出最佳答案。听下面一段对话,回答第6至第7小题 。6、hat des hn ant t ath n TV tnight? A、A tal shB、A gae sh、Bth A and B7、hat d the deide t ath at last? A、A sprts sh B、A tal sh 、A gae sh听下面一段对话,回答第8至第9小题。8、H ften des Li ing eat fruit and vegetabl

3、es?A、Ever da B、Tie a ee 、Three ties a da9、hat des Li ing lie ver uh?A、Fruit B、Vegetables 、eat听下面一段对话,回答第10至第12小题。10 h is Lu Salls best friend?A Beause she is friendl t Sall B Beause she ls lie Sall ver uh Beause she lies ding the sae things as Sall des11 h is better at sprts? A Sall B Lu e dnt n12 h

4、 is funnier and sarter?A Sall B Lu e dnt n听下面一段对话,回答第13至第1小题。13、hats evin ding? A、Ding his her B、Plaing puter gaes 、athing TV14、hat des the girl ant t bu? A、a pair f glasses B、A bag 、A ath1、hen is evins thers birthda? A、une 11th B、u ne 12th 、une 13th第三节:听短,选择最佳答案。短读两遍。(每题1分, 共分)。16、here des Davids u

5、nle live? A、In England B、In hina 、In Aeria17、h did T g ith? A、His parents B、His unle 、His usin18、hat did T d in Hng ng? A、et lts f stars B、T lts f phts 、Bught sething speial fr his friends19、H did Sall g t England? A、B bat B、B plane 、B train20、h are in Aeria? A、Lisas parents B、Lisas grandparents 、Li

6、sas friends二、单项填空(共1小题,每小题1分,满分1分)从A、B、D四个选项中选择能填入空白处的正确答案,并将其字母代号填入答题卷相应空格内。21、-ar eats less than befre beause she ants t bee thinner -But I thin the best a t be thinner is _ exerise A、ithB、thrugh、arund D、abut 22、-ll studies harder than her best friend -ell, ar and her best friend are _tall A、eithe

7、r B、all 、eah D、bth 23、- Des David lie t exerise? -es He an d an sprts, _ ser, basetball and tennis A、beause f B、suh as 、as fr D、as ell24、- favrite TV _ is A Bite f hina (舌尖上的中国) -I lie it, t ther ften s deliius fd after athing it A、guideB、nes、sreen D、prgra2、-h dnt u lie t ath artns? -I thin I a nt a

8、 hild and the are _ A、eaningless B、interesting 、eduatinal D、faus26、-an u hear e?-Srr, I ant an u spea a little _?A、trul B、ludl 、quietl D、frtabl27、-h is ur best friend? -Lu She is friendl and trul _ e A、are abut B、bring ut 、l fr D、dress up 28、-hat d u ant t d hen u are in Aerian? -I expet _ English e

9、ll A、learn B、t learn 、learning D、learned29、-hat d u thin f 970 A? -I thin 970A is prett bad It has _ usi A、better B 、the best 、the rst D、rse30、-h d u e ba s earl, ar? h didnt u ath the vie? -Beause I _ tiet n the a A、gave B、bught 、lst D、hse31、-Did u read the b? -N I dnt ant t read it, beause there i

10、s _ in it A、sething interesting B、nthing interesting 、interesting sething D、interesting nthing 32、-ar _ t be ver happ tda -es Its his birthda tda A、hears B、feels 、sees D、sunds33、-Srr , T I t ur b ba he esterda -Thats all right urs ls _ ine A、ppular ith B、the sae as 、different fr D、siilar as34、-This

11、is Lus English b Please help e _ - A、give her it B、give it t her 、give it fr her D、give her t it 3、-H as the fd in the restaurant? -_ A、I ate a lt B、It tasted reall gd! 、I lied it D、It is 三、完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)从A、B、D四个选项中选择能填入空白处的正确答案,将其字母代号填入答题卷相应空格内。Bill and eff ere gd friends, 36_ the ere in d

12、ifferent lasses an peple said the ere lie brthers Seties the ere friendl t eah ther, seties the ere nt 37_, ne da the ent ut fr a al 38_ At nn the ere ver 39_ S the 40_ t have lunh in a restaurant The aiter(服务员) ae up t the and ased, “an I help u? Here is the 41_” “es, let e have a l Please bring us

13、 t apples first,” said Bill hen the aiter put the t apples n the table, eff t the bigger ne at ne (立刻) Bill gt angr(生气的) “u are iplite(没礼貌的) h didnt u tae the 42_ ne?” Bill said“But I as right,” eff 43_ and said “If I let u tae first, hih ne ill u 44_?” “f urse Ill tae the saller ne,” said Bill “es,

14、” eff said, “ If u tae the saller ne, the bigger ne ill be ine The 4_ is the sae Dnt u thin s?” “h,” Bill uldnt anser At last, he said nthing D u thin eff is right?36、A、thughB、and 、if D、beause 37、A、Hever B、Fr exaple 、At least D、In fat38、A、aa B、tgether 、behind D、alng39、A、full B、enugh 、hungr D、pr40、A、deided B、expeted 、happened D、aited

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